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Inside API.Leipzig

Inside API.Leipzig

Benjamin Knofe

April 17, 2012

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Inside API.Leipzig 17. April 2012 - Leipzig on Rails -

    sublab Ben(jamin Knofe) @videosynthesis http://www.videosynthesis.net/
  2. * seit Dezember 2011 * 30 > 10 > 5

    Beteiligte * 145 angemeldete Nutzer * 8309 requests/33 aktive Nutzer im März
  3. * 1 Server (HE VServer L) * nginx 1.1.13 +

    passenger 3.0.11 * mySQL 5.0.51a * 3 Apps + Frontpage * MIT / CC-BY
  4. curl -i -X GET http://www.apileipzig.de/api/v1/calendar/events HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Content-Type: text/javascript;charset=utf-8

    Content-Length: 40 Connection: keep-alive Status: 403 X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 3.0.11 X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Server: nginx/1.1.13 + Phusion Passenger 3.0.11 (mod_rails/mod_rack) {"error":"No permission(s) to do this."}
  5. curl -i -X GET http://www.apileipzig.de/api/v1/calendar/events -d 'api_key=psewqGJMryqsrzrcALa' HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    { "data": [ { "venue_id":10, "id":1, "updated_at":"2011-07-04T10:44:47+02:00", … }, … ] }
  6. curl -X GET http://www.apileipzig.de/api/v1/calendar/hosts/24 -d 'api_key=psewqGJMryqsrzrcALa' { "id":24, "first_name":"Leipzig", "last_name":"on

    Rails", "mobile":null, "created_at":"2012-04-17T14:28:33+02:00", "updated_at":"2012-04-17T14:28:33+02:00", "url":null, "phone":null }
  7. curl -X POST http://www.apileipzig.de/api/v1/calendar/events -d 'api_key=psewqGJMryqsrzrcALa' -d 'category_id=2' -d 'venue_id=30'

    -d 'host_id=24' -d 'name=Leipzig on Rails Treffen im April' -d 'description=Immer mit spannenden Vorträgen. Kostenfrei.' -d 'date_from=2012-04-17' -d 'time_from=19:30:00' { "success": { "id":33, "message":"Event was saved with id = 33." } }