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Collaboration as Health Indicator

September 02, 2022

Collaboration as Health Indicator

Open source communities are people. Participants, contributors, and users are some of the roles that we already know and we have acknowledged some of them in the existing CHAOSS [Community Health Analytics for Open Source Software] work. CHAOSS is the leading OSS community with the mission of learning and sharing insights about OSS health. The very existence of public profiles developing software with whom you can interact, make decisions together, and discuss next steps is important up to the point that the alternative is to have close governance communities with low interaction and lack of initiative. Some OSS foundations and OSS projects are indeed stating the importance of these other artifacts as key to a good open governance policy (as for instance the Four Opens by the Open Infra Foundation) and having those discussions in a transparent, public, and open way is part of their culture. How can this be translated into action? Collaboration. And how can we measure collaboration? This talk aims at providing an initial set of existing use cases where collaboration is used as a healthy community metric, an initial list of them related to the collaboration concept, and some existing software you can use to visualize them.


September 02, 2022

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  1. Software Development Analytics Collaboration as Health Indicator OSS Summit Latin

    America 2022 Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar Miguel Ángel Fernández
  2. Analytics Specialist & Consultant @ Bitergia CEO @ Bitergia Governing

    Board @ CHAOSS VP @ InnerSource Commons Foundation
  3. Collaboration (from Latin com- "with" + laborare "to labor", "to

    work") is the process of two or more people, entities or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Wikipedia dixit
  4. Dots are developers Squares are repositories Edge exists if a

    developer has contributed to a repository
  5. Projects are interconnected Organizations and developers engage at different levels

    OSS projects without contributors are dead OSS projects without collaboration are dead What is a healthy collaboration?
  6. How to measure collaboration from a network? Which properties of

    the network can help us to measure collaboration? Which metrics should we consider?
  7. Applying Graph theory: Network properties Adjacency Two nodes are adjacent

    if there is an edge between them. Two edges are adjacent if they share one of their ends. Degree The degree of a node is the number of connections that it has to other nodes in the network. Connectivity A node is reachable from another node if there is a path between them. A graph is connected if there is a path for every pair of nodes in the graph.
  8. Applying Graph theory: Centrality metrics Betweenness centrality A way of

    detecting the amount of influence a node has over the flow of information in a graph. It is often used to find nodes that serve as a bridge from one part of a graph to another.
  9. Analyzing a real network (I) Contributors Projects Degree The amount

    of connections from a Contributor node indicates they collaborate in many projects. Connectivity A highly-connected network indicates a more collaborative community. Adjacency Contributor nodes sharing edges to Project nodes indicate collaboration among these people.
  10. Analyzing a real network (II) Contributors Projects Betweenness Centrality Finding

    the contributors connected to a greater number of projects help us find the people acting as bridges in the community.
  11. Metrics Software Implementation agnostic community development metrics OSS Tools to

    Analyze (OSS) Software Development Projects Certain Intersection
  12. Metrics Implementation agnostic community development metrics Work in Progress @

    Metrics Models Working Group Join #wg-metrics-models @ CHAOSS Slack
  13. Software OSS Tools to Analyze (OSS) Software Development Projects https://chaoss.github.io/grimoirelab/

    Raw data Identities DB Enriched data Incremental datasets Historical data Focus on data, not on mining processes OSS metrics lake Metrics ready for consumption 30+ Data sources
  14. From Art to Science: The Evolution of Community Development. Diane

    Mueller and Daniel Izquierdo. IEEE Software Volume: 36, Issue: 6, Nov.-Dec. 2019 https://www.cncf.io/blog/2020/08/04/a-guide-to-untan gling-the-cncf-cross-community-relationships/ “Scaling management skills by 10x thanks to data insights” Discover developer interrelations, onboard newcomers faster, and align project expectations and releases. Bitergia in Action: Red Hat and CNCF
  15. https://report.mozilla.community/ “[...] holistic view of our contributor ecosystem’s network structure,

    health and impact [...]” “[...] we’re able to visually describe these distinct contributor communities as well as how they are interconnected [...]” Bitergia in Action: Mozilla Rebel Alliance