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What's my app *really* doing in production?

What's my app *really* doing in production?

Presentation by Daniel Azuma at RailsConf 2017. Covers instrumentation and monitoring of live Ruby/Rails applications.

Daniel Azuma

April 27, 2017

More Decks by Daniel Azuma

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Code samples are: Copyright 2017 Google Inc. Licensed under the

    Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this code except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Lawyercat says:
  2. ?

  3. Rails’s cache code Your app code ActiveSupport::Notifications. subscribe "cache_read.active_support" \

    do |name, st, fin, id, data| Rails.logger.info \ "cache #{data[:hit] ? 'HIT' : 'MISS'}" end ActiveSupport::Notifications. instrument "cache_read.active_support" \ do actually_read_the_cache end
  4. Rails’s cache code Your app code ActiveSupport::Notifications. subscribe "cache_read.active_support" \

    do |name, st, fin, id, data| Rails.logger.info \ "cache #{data[:hit] ? 'HIT' : 'MISS'}" end ActiveSupport::Notifications. instrument "cache_read.active_support" \ do actually_read_the_cache end # Log cache HIT cache MISS cache HIT cache HIT ...
  5. write_fragment.action_controller read_fragment.action_controller expire_fragment.action_controller exist_fragment?.action_controller write_page.action_controller expire_page.action_controller start_processing.action_controller process_action.action_controller send_file.action_controller send_data.action_controller

    redirect_to.action_controller halted_callback.action_controller render_template.action_view render_partial.action_view render_collection.action_view sql.active_record instantiation.active_record receive.action_mailer deliver.action_mailer cache_read.active_support cache_generate.active_support cache_fetch_hit.active_support cache_write.active_support cache_delete.active_support cache_exist?.active_support enqueue_at.active_job enqueue.active_job perform_start.active_job perform.active_job load_config_initializer.railties deprecation.rails Rails already instruments:
  6. • Measure cache hit rate • Isolate actions of interest

    How do you know if your cache is working?
  7. module MyApp::CacheInstrumentation ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe \ "start_processing.action_controller" \ do |name, st, fin,

    id, data| should_i_measure = data[:controller] == "MyController" && data[:action] == "interesting_action" end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe \ "cache_read.active_support" \ do |name, st, fin, id, data| Rails.logger.info "cache #{data[:hit] ? 'HIT' : 'MISS'}" end end
  8. module MyApp::CacheInstrumentation thread_mattr_accessor :should_i_measure ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe \ "start_processing.action_controller" \ do |name,

    st, fin, id, data| self.should_i_measure = data[:controller] == "MyController" && data[:action] == "interesting_action" end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe \ "cache_read.active_support" \ do |name, st, fin, id, data| Rails.logger.info "cache #{data[:hit] ? 'HIT' : 'MISS'}" \ if self.should_i_measure end end Thread 1 should_i_measure Thread 2 should_i_measure Thread 3 should_i_measure “Per-thread” Globals
  9. • Measure cache hit rate • Isolate actions of interest

    How do you know if your cache is working?
  10. • Measure cache hit rate • Isolate actions of interest

    • Correlate with latency measurements How do you know if your cache is working?
  11. module MyApp::CacheInstrumentation thread_mattr_accessor :should_i_measure ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "start_processing.action_controller" do |name, st, fin,

    id, data| self.should_i_measure = data[:controller] == "MyController" && data[:action] == "interesting_action" end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe \ "cache_read.active_support" do |name, st, fin, id, data| Rails.logger.info "cache #{data[:hit] ? 'HIT' : 'MISS'}" \ if self.should_i_measure end end
  12. module MyApp::CacheInstrumentation thread_mattr_accessor :should_i_measure ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "start_processing.action_controller" do |name, st, fin,

    id, data| self.should_i_measure = data[:controller] == "MyController" && data[:action] == "interesting_action" end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe \ "cache_read.active_support" do |name, st, fin, id, data| Rails.logger.info "cache #{data[:hit] ? 'HIT' : 'MISS'}" \ if self.should_i_measure end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "process_action.action_controller" do |*args| event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new *args Rails.logger.info "request took #{event.duration} ms" \ if self.should_i_measure end end
  13. module MyApp::CacheInstrumentation thread_mattr_accessor :should_i_measure thread_mattr_accessor :hit_or_miss ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "start_processing.action_controller" do |name,

    st, fin, id, data| self.should_i_measure = data[:controller] == "MyController" && data[:action] == "interesting_action" end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe \ "cache_read.active_support" do |name, st, fin, id, data| self.hit_or_miss = data[:hit] ? "HIT" : "MISS" \ if self.should_i_measure end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "process_action.action_controller" do |*args| event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new *args Rails.logger.info "cache #{self.hit_or_miss} (#{event.duration} ms)" \ if self.should_i_measure end end
  14. # Log cache MISS (179 ms) cache MISS (182 ms)

    cache MISS (172 ms) cache HIT (132 ms) cache MISS (168 ms) cache MISS (180 ms) cache MISS (173 ms) cache MISS (178 ms) cache MISS (171 ms) cache MISS (186 ms) cache HIT (129 ms) cache MISS (176 ms) cache MISS (171 ms) ...
  15. # Log cache MISS (179 ms) cache MISS (182 ms)

    cache MISS (172 ms) cache HIT (132 ms) cache MISS (168 ms) cache MISS (180 ms) cache MISS (173 ms) cache MISS (178 ms) cache MISS (171 ms) cache MISS (186 ms) cache HIT (129 ms) cache MISS (176 ms) cache MISS (171 ms) ...
  16. # Log cache MISS (179 ms) cache MISS (182 ms)

    cache MISS (172 ms) cache HIT (132 ms) cache MISS (168 ms) cache MISS (180 ms) cache MISS (173 ms) cache MISS (178 ms) cache MISS (171 ms) cache MISS (186 ms) cache HIT (129 ms) cache MISS (176 ms) cache MISS (171 ms) ... “Actionable” Data
  17. module MyApp::MyController around_filter :measure_time def measure_time start = Time.now yield

    ensure secs = Time.now - start logger.info "It took #{secs} seconds" end end ActionController filters Use it when: You just have to measure something simple about the request as a whole
  18. Rack Middleware class MyApp::MyMiddleware def initialize app; @app = app;

    end def call env start = Time.now @app.call env ensure secs = Time.now - start puts "It took #{secs} seconds" end end Use it when: You’re using something besides Rails, or want to measure middleware
  19. trace = TracePoint.new :call do |tp| if tp.method_id == :my_method

    Rails.logger.info "my_method called" end end trace.enable do do_stuff end TracePoint Use it when: You want to measure something at the language level (like method calls)
  20. • Isolate cases of interest • Re-evaluate existing instrumentation •

    Sample your data • Use TracePoint sparingly Tips for reducing latency
  21. • Isolate cases of interest • Re-evaluate existing instrumentation •

    Sample your data • Use TracePoint sparingly • Report asynchronously Tips for reducing latency