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Lessons in Mentorship

Lessons in Mentorship

A presentation on technical mentoring skills given at Ruby on Ales 2015

Eric Hodel

March 06, 2015

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  1. “Programs must be written for people to read, and only

    incidentally for machines to execute” —SICP
  2. There are two kinds of knowledge: the kind that's “obvious”,

    and the kind we haven't acquired yet. https://twitter.com/ReinH/status/488225181723525120
  3. “This weekend I was reminded how complex
 (and in some

    cases, convoluted) typical test setup is for Rails applications.” Justin Searls http://blog.testdouble.com/posts/2015-02-16-arcane-knowledge.html
  4. “One engineering mindset that has gotten in my way is

    the thought that I will never
 ‘catch up on’
 what other people already know.” Emily Claire Reese http://blog.eclairereese.com/post/110897066911/playing-catch-up
  5. I will say, since then Eric has taken a lot

    more care in packing a lunch for me, and pinning my mittens to my coat so I don't lose them.” Elizabeth Uselton