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Refactoring (Ruby edition)

Refactoring (Ruby edition)


May 31, 2018

More Decks by 高見龍

Other Decks in Programming


  1. a.k.a Eddie 愛現! 喜歡冷門的玩具 Ruby/Rails/iOS app 開發者、講師 Ruby 技術推廣、教育、諮詢 台灣、日本等國內外

    Ruby 技術研討會講者 目前於五倍紅寶石擔任紅寶石鑑定商職務 部落格:https://kaochenlong.com 高見龍 photo by Eddie @eddiekao
  2. • 什麼是重構? • 動手作! (50 mins) • 何時該進行重構? • 何時不該進行重構?

    • 程式碼的壞味道 • 常見重構手法介紹 • Ruby 風味之程式整理手法
  3. base_price = @quantity * @item_price if base_price > 1000 base_price

    * 0.95 else base_price * 0.98 end 使⽤用前
  4. if base_price > 1000 base_price * 0.95 else base_price *

    0.98 end def base_price @quantity * @item_price end 使⽤用後
  5. is_mac_os = platform.upcase.index("MAC") is_ie_browser = browser.upcase.index("IE") was_resized = resize >

    0 if (is_mac_os && is_ie_browser && initialized? && was_resized) # do something end 使⽤用後
  6. temp = 2 * (@height + @width) puts temp temp

    = @height * @width puts temp 使⽤用前
  7. perimeter = 2 * (@height + @width) puts perimeter area

    = @height * @width puts area 使⽤用後
  8. 以方法物件取代方法 Replace Method with Method Object • 有時候方法太複雜,無法用 Extract Method

    或 Replace Temp with Query 手法處理… • 新增一個類別,把方法包進去
  9. class Account def gamma(input_val, quantity, year_to_date) important_value1 = (input_val *

    quantity) + delta important_value2 = (input_val * year_to_date) + 100 if (year_to_date - important_value1) > 100 important_value2 -= 20 end important_value3 = important_value2 * 7 # and so on. important_value3 - 2 * important_value1 end end 使⽤用前
  10. class Person attr_reader :first_name, :last_name def initialize first_name, last_name @first_name

    = first_name @last_name = last_name end end class Male < Person def full_name first_name + " " + last_name end def gender "M" end end 使⽤用前 class Female < Person def full_name first_name + " " + last_name end def gender "F" end end
  11. class Person attr_reader :first_name, :last_name def initialize first_name, last_name @first_name

    = first_name @last_name = last_name end def full_name first_name + " " + last_name end end class MalePerson < Person def gender "M" end end 使⽤用後 class FemalePerson < Person def gender "F" end end