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MIX IT - Lean Startup, l'entrepreneuriat agile

April 26, 2012

MIX IT - Lean Startup, l'entrepreneuriat agile


April 26, 2012


  1. Le Customer Development Découverte Client Validation Client Création Client Dév.

    de la Startup Pivot Iden%fier(le(problème, Imaginer(et(valider(le(produit(minimal Valider(les(hypothèses( marché Générer(de(la(demande Passer(à(la(vitesse( supérieure Réadapter(le(MVP(à(par%r(des( données(marché
  2. What are the most important costs inherent in our business

    model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive? ATeT]dTBcaTP\b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? 2WP]]T[b 2dbc^\TaAT[PcX^]bWX_b 2dbc^\TaBTV\T]cb RWP]]T[_WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb  7^fS^fTaPXbTPfPaT]TbbPQ^dc^daR^\_P]hzb_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. !4eP[dPcX^]  7^fS^fTWT[_Rdbc^\TabTeP[dPcT^da^aVP]XiPcX^]zbEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]. "?daRWPbT  7^fS^fTP[[^fRdbc^\Tabc^_daRWPbTb_TRX R_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. #3T[XeTah  7^fS^fTST[XeTaPEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]c^Rdbc^\Tab. $0UcTabP[Tb  7^fS^fT_a^eXST_^bc_daRWPbTRdbc^\Tabd__^ac. <Pbb<PaZTc =XRWT<PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cXbXSTS?[PcU^a\ TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS?Tab^]P[0bbXbcP]RT BT[UBTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTSBTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^RaTPcX^] For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? EP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]b :Th0RcXeXcXTb :Th?Pac]Tab :ThATb^daRTb 2^bcBcadRcdaT What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying? What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams? Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform? What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]VcWT9^Q3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]SBcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bcATSdRcX^] AXbZATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RTDbPQX[Xch RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\=Tcf^aZ ch_Tb^UaTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[QaP]S_PcT]cbR^_haXVWcbSPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[ \^cXePcX^]bU^a_Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^]P]STR^]^\h ATSdRcX^]^UaXbZP]Sd]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^]^U_PacXRd[PaaTb^daRTbP]SPRcXeXcXTb Xbh^daQdbX]Tbb\^aT) 2^bc3aXeT][TP]TbcR^bcbcadRcdaT[^f_aXRTeP[dT_a^_^bXcX^]\PgX\d\Pdc^\PcX^]TgcT]bXeT^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT3aXeT]U^RdbTS^]eP[dTRaTPcX^]_aT\Xd\eP[dT_a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[TRWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS2^bcbbP[PaXTbaT]cbdcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[TR^bcb 4R^]^\XTb^UbRP[T 4R^]^\XTb^UbR^_T fffQdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^]R^\ CWT1dbX]Tbb<^ST[2P]ePb >]) 8cTaPcX^]) 3TbXV]TSQh) 3TbXV]TSU^a) Day Month Year No. ch_Tb) 0bbTcbP[T DbPVTUTT BdQbRaX_cX^]5TTb ;T]SX]VAT]cX]V;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVTUTTb 0SeTacXbX]V gTS_aXRX]V ;Xbc?aXRT ?a^SdRcUTPcdaTST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\TabTV\T]cST_T]ST]c E^[d\TST_T]ST]c Sh]P\XR_aXRX]V =TV^cXPcX^]QPaVPX]X]V HXT[S<P]PVT\T]c ATP[cX\T<PaZTc This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http:/ /creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Ou comme ça...
  3. ? ATeT]dTBcaTP\b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want

    to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? 2WP]]T[b 2dbc^\TaAT[PcX^]bWX_b 2dbc^\TaBTV\T]cb RWP]]T[_WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb  7^fS^fTaPXbTPfPaT]TbbPQ^dc^daR^\_P]hzb_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. !4eP[dPcX^]  7^fS^fTWT[_Rdbc^\TabTeP[dPcT^da^aVP]XiPcX^]zbEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]. "?daRWPbT  7^fS^fTP[[^fRdbc^\Tabc^_daRWPbTb_TRX R_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. #3T[XeTah  7^fS^fTST[XeTaPEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]c^Rdbc^\Tab. $0UcTabP[Tb  7^fS^fT_a^eXST_^bc_daRWPbTRdbc^\Tabd__^ac. <Pbb<PaZTc =XRWT<PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cXbXSTS?[PcU^a\ TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS?Tab^]P[0bbXbcP]RT BT[UBTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTSBTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^RaTPcX^] For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? EP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]b :Th0RcXeXcXTb :ThATb^daRTb What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying? What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams? What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]VcWT9^Q3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]SBcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bcATSdRcX^] AXbZATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RTDbPQX[Xch RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\=Tcf^aZ ch_Tb^UaTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[QaP]S_PcT]cbR^_haXVWcbSPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[ RX]V ch_Tb) 0bbTcbP[T DbPVTUTT BdQbRaX_cX^]5TTb ;T]SX]VAT]cX]V;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVTUTTb gTS_aXRX]V ;Xbc?aXRT ?a^SdRcUTPcdaTST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\TabTV\T]cST_T]ST]c E^[d\TST_T]ST]c Sh]P\XR_aXRX]V =TV^cXPcX^]QPaVPX]X]V HXT[S<P]PVT\T]c ATP[cX\T<PaZTc Fournir un framework pour développer des applications mobiles multiplateformes respectant le design de chaque plateforme Développeurs solo Editeurs de logiciels Entreprise SSII EXEMPLE Projets open source Et définir sa stratégie de validation
  4. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Temps passé (mois) Plus(le(temps(de(«déconnexion»(avec( le(marché(est(long,(plus(l’ampleur(du( pivot(risque(d’être(élevée Ampleur(du(pivot
  5. Eliminer(les(stocks(de(décisions(non( validées Proposition de valeur Roadmap Version 1 Fonctionnalité 1

    Fonctionnalté 2 Fonctionnalité 3 Freemium Premium ... Cibles Cible 1 Cible 2 Prix Channels
  6. Eliminer(les(stocks(de(décisions(non( validées Proposition de valeur Roadmap Version 1 Fonctionnalité 1

    Fonctionnalté 2 Fonctionnalité 3 Freemium Premium ... Cibles Cible 1 Cible 2 Prix Channels Si(au(bout(d’1(an,(vos(clients( n’adhérent(pas(à(la(proposi%on( de(valeur...
  7. Eliminer(les(stocks(de(décisions(non( validées Proposition de valeur Roadmap Version 1 Fonctionnalité 1

    Fonctionnalté 2 Fonctionnalité 3 Freemium Premium ... Cibles Cible 1 Cible 2 Prix Channels X Si(au(bout(d’1(an,(vos(clients( n’adhérent(pas(à(la(proposi%on( de(valeur... X X X X X X X X X X X
  8. Eliminer(les(stocks(de(décisions(non( validées Proposition de valeur Roadmap Version 1 Fonctionnalité 1

    Fonctionnalté 2 Fonctionnalité 3 Freemium Premium ... Cibles Cible 1 Cible 2 Prix Channels Si(au(bout(d’1(an,(personne( n’est(prêt(à(payer...
  9. Eliminer(les(stocks(de(décisions(non( validées Proposition de valeur Roadmap Version 1 Fonctionnalité 1

    Fonctionnalté 2 Fonctionnalité 3 Freemium Premium ... Cibles Cible 1 Cible 2 Prix Channels Si(au(bout(d’1(an,(personne( n’est(prêt(à(payer... X X X X X X
  10. Objec%f(du(Minimum(Viable(Product «The MVP is that version of the product that

    enables a full turn of the Build-Measure-Learn loop with a minimum amount of effort and the least amount of development time. [...] However, in some ways, creating a MVP requires extra work: we must be able to measure its impact.» Eric Ries - The Lean Startup
  11. La(polémique(au(sujet(du(MVP A vous de définir : - le contenu de

    votre MVP, - et son niveau de qualité Chaque étape peut nécessiter un MVP différent (une simple vidéo, une alpha...)
  12. Faits Sur 10 entretiens, nous avons obtenu 2 lettres d’intention

    1500 personnes ont demandé à être informées de la dispo du produit J’ai obtenu une trentaine de rendez-vous pour présenter le produit Avec(notre(intégra%on( facebook,(tout(le(monde(va( vouloir(u%liser(le(produit C’est(très(important(d’avoir(de(la(vidéo( sur(la(home(! Opinions C’est(génial(!
  13. Engagement et cohérence ou comment des décisions et des concepts

    s’ancrent en nous. +(les(biais(cogni%fs Le biais de confirmation Voir ce que l’on veut... Effet de dotation La survalorisation de nos idées.
  14. Tester(vos(hypothèse Tests marché pour vérifier (quali) ou valider (quanti) l’utilité

    Quali : interview face-à-face, focus group,... Quanti : questionnaires en ligne, stats web,... ou Tests utilisateur pour vérifier ou valider l’utilisabilité, l’attractivié
  15. ? ATeT]dTBcaTP\b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want

    to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? 2WP]]T[b 2dbc^\TaAT[PcX^]bWX_b 2dbc^\TaBTV\T]cb RWP]]T[_WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb  7^fS^fTaPXbTPfPaT]TbbPQ^dc^daR^\_P]hzb_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. !4eP[dPcX^]  7^fS^fTWT[_Rdbc^\TabTeP[dPcT^da^aVP]XiPcX^]zbEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]. "?daRWPbT  7^fS^fTP[[^fRdbc^\Tabc^_daRWPbTb_TRX R_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. #3T[XeTah  7^fS^fTST[XeTaPEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]c^Rdbc^\Tab. $0UcTabP[Tb  7^fS^fT_a^eXST_^bc_daRWPbTRdbc^\Tabd__^ac. <Pbb<PaZTc =XRWT<PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cXbXSTS?[PcU^a\ TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS?Tab^]P[0bbXbcP]RT BT[UBTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTSBTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^RaTPcX^] For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? EP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]b :Th0RcXeXcXTb :ThATb^daRTb What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying? What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams? What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]VcWT9^Q3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]SBcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bcATSdRcX^] AXbZATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RTDbPQX[Xch RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\=Tcf^aZ ch_Tb^UaTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[QaP]S_PcT]cbR^_haXVWcbSPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[ RX]V ch_Tb) 0bbTcbP[T DbPVTUTT BdQbRaX_cX^]5TTb ;T]SX]VAT]cX]V;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVTUTTb gTS_aXRX]V ;Xbc?aXRT ?a^SdRcUTPcdaTST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\TabTV\T]cST_T]ST]c E^[d\TST_T]ST]c Sh]P\XR_aXRX]V =TV^cXPcX^]QPaVPX]X]V HXT[S<P]PVT\T]c ATP[cX\T<PaZTc Fournir un framework pour développer des applications mobiles multiplateformes respectant le design de chaque plateforme Développeurs solo Editeurs de logiciels Entreprise SSII EXEMPLE Projets open source Fournir un framework pour développer des applications mobiles multiplateformes respectant le design de chaque plateforme PR Salons Réseaux sociaux Adobe Développeurs solo Abonnement Annuel Open Source / Gratuit
  16. Le(Lean(Startup(:(avant(tout,(du(bon(sens Il n’y a pas de silver bullet Valider vos

    hypothèses avant de construire le produit Ne perdez pas votre temps et celui des autres Tester, apprenez, testez...