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Social Media and Digital Engagement for Senior Leaders

Eric Stoller
October 06, 2017

Social Media and Digital Engagement for Senior Leaders

Presentation for Meltwater on using social media as the new PR - creating internal C-suite buy-in around digital engagement.

Communication professionals have become experts at crafting stories that spark interest amongst their external audience; however the importance of storytelling to internal functions is sometimes overlooked.

We understand the prominent role social media plays in our comms mix, but the c-suite often need a little more convincing.

The truth is all employees, including senior leaders, are central brand distributing channels. This responsibility therefore no longer solely lies within the comms team remit. Letting go of complete brand control is scary when perceived risks outweigh the benefits - but the introduction of new media has put us in the position where we no longer have the option to decline. It’s time to embrace social media as an extension of PR.

You’ll learn:

The importance of senior leaders engaging online

How to talk about social media in the c-suite’s language
-Connecting social media and PR objectives with wider business objectives
-The KPIs to measure that most convincingly prove the worth of social

Using social media in a PR context
- Multiple ways business leaders can utilize social media to reach audiences

Social media strategy best practice (when, what, where to post)

More info at: http://ericstoller.com/work

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EricStoller

Read my blog at Inside Higher Ed: https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/student-affairs-and-technology

Eric Stoller

October 06, 2017

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