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Designing with Cognitive Science in Mind

Cesare Rocchi
November 24, 2014

Designing with Cognitive Science in Mind

What's faster for humans: searching by color or shape? Why do we notice small icons in the corner of screens? Why it is hard to manage interruptions in our daily jobs? We design digital products and we sell pixels. Yet, we should remember they are meant for humans. In this presentation I am gonna address how well known mechanisms of cognition (like pattern recognition, peripheral attention and working memory) impact the way we perceive user interfaces. Getting to know these mechanisms will help you improve the way you design products.

Cesare Rocchi

November 24, 2014

More Decks by Cesare Rocchi

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  4. “In a survey of more than 100 clothing stores that

    display merchandise in shop windows, the degree to which the shop windows were filled with mannequins, clothes, price tags, and signage was inversely related to the average price of the clothing and brand prestige of the store.” Universal Principles of Design