IT Consultant • experienced in F/OSS community and development • teaching; techniques and methodologies, English • G-Star, Dutch Ministry of Defence, Nomovok • Fedora Project (FAmSCo), MIPS, Mozilla, 气 HW • Scrum, OOAD & Domain Driven Design, etc. • The Open Source Way • uses any language: C, JS, Python, English, Dutch, etc ;-) • likes electronics! 吉拉德 , 开源软件专家 & IT 咨询顾问 ,
virtualized. Unavailable (needed) hardware is emulated. Runs unmodified OS. para-virtualization Virtualization method where parts of the OS talks to an API. Runs only modified OS.
kernel of the operating system is used for multiple isolated user-space instances. In addition to isolation mechanisms, the kernel can provide resource management features to limit the impact of one container's activities on the other containers.