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Building Better Experiences with Responsive JavaScript

Building Better Experiences with Responsive JavaScript

Responsive design has thus far focused on using media queries to alter the way our site looks using CSS. The next step is to look at how we can progressively enhance our site based on the the features of the device. This is going beyond what CSS can offer and moving into the realms of responsive javascript. There are already new browser API’s are arriving to enables this, with the matchMedia API we can target specific functionality based on whether a media query matches.

Similarly we can add extra functionality and loads additional assets based upon features like geolocation and the camera. This is not building separate sites, its just changing the functionality of a single site based on the users device to optimise their experience.
The aim of this talk is to help you learn about what you can do with responsive javascript. You will learn about how you can target specific functionality to different types of devices which enable you to optimise your user experience.

Jonathan Fielding

June 19, 2014

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  1. About me • Full stack developer • Been building responsively

 over 3 years • Creator of SimpleStateManager
  2. Why change functionality • Devices come in all shapes 

    and sizes • Input methods vary between 
 devices • Device functionality ranges
  3. Two ways to change functionality • Based on viewport size

    • Based on the features the 
 device supports
  4. Methodology • Add event to window.onresize • Use conditional statements

    to detect current width of browser • Add debounce to resize event to 
 prevent it firing excessively
  5. The code //debounce missing to keep example short $(window).on('resize', function(){

    if ($('body').width() < 768) { console.log('mobile'); } });
  6. Could get messy • Lots of code simply placed in

    an on resize event could potentially be messy • Need to ensure there is a clear logical separation between different targeted viewport sizes
  7. How to achieve the 
 logical separation if ($('body').width() <

    768) { isMobile(); } ! if ($('body').width() >= 768) { isDesktop(); }
  8. Methodology • Prepare a MediaQueryList by using a media query

    with window.matchMedia • Add listener to MediaQueryList • When listener fires check if its a match or unmatch
  9. What is SSM? • Responsive State Manager for JS •

    Uses Resize Event • Uses concept of states • Expandable with plugins
  10. Setting up SSM Two methods to setup SSM • Download

    from Github • bower install SimpleStateManager
  11. The API • addState - Add Responsive states • removeState

    - Remove Responsive states • ready - tell SSM the states are added and you are ready
  12. Methodology • Prepare a state in the onEnter • Clean

    up a state in the onLeave • Define a onResize event per state (optional)
  13. Extending SSM SSM Plugins allow you to: • Extend the

    available state options • Wrap jQuery Plugins to add responsive functionality
  14. Plugin Methodology • Add a custom config option • Use

    it like any other config option in your states
  15. Add a config option ssm.addConfigOption({name:"maxHeight", test: function(){ if(typeof this.state.maxHeight ===

    "number" && this.state.maxHeight <= window.innerHeight){ return true; } else{ return false; } }});
  16. Summary • Create responsive states with predefined rules of when

    it should be active • Add onEnter, onLeave and onResize events to a state • Use config options to add new tests
  17. What is enquire.js • Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript •

    Uses matchMedia API • Manages registering and unregistering
  18. The API • register - registers a media query attaching

    it to a handler • unregister - unregisters a media query
  19. Methodology • Register a media query with a handler •

    Handler will fire when media query matches • Unregister unneeded handlers
  20. Summary In summary Enquire.js allows you to • Create listeners

    for media queries • Attach match and unmatch methods to your listeners
  21. SSM vs Enquire.js SimpleStateManager Enquire.js method onresize matchMedia browser support

    IE7+, FF, O, C, S IE10+, FF, O, C, S API events Enter, Leave, Resize Enter, Leave Plugin Library yes no
  22. In Summary • Looked at two API’s we can use

    for responsive JavaScript • Looked at SimpleStateManager and enquire.js as an option to simplify writing responsive JavaScript
  23. x

  24. Methodology • Detect the features that a browser supports •

    Progressively enhance your site based on the features it supports
  25. Use in conjunction with SSM • Create a SSM config

    option using Modernizr for the test
  26. Add a config option ssm.addConfigOption({name:"touch", test: function(){ if(typeof this.state.touch ===

    "boolean" && this.state.touch === Modernizr.touch){ return true; } else{ return false; } }});
  27. Using the config option ssm.addState({ touch: true, maxWidth: 767, onEnter:

    function(){ console.log(‘is mobile device that supports touch events’); } }).ready();
  28. • Learn how to make your sites responsive • Chapter

    on Responsive JavaScript • http://bitly.com/NXusZn • 35% off eBook discount code: B3GW3B • 4 eBooks to give away today
  29. Further Resources MDN - Testing Media Queries - mzl.la/18r5yGi MDN

    – MediaQueryList - mzl.la/1bxbbZJ MDN – Window.matchMedia - mzl.la/19qc3Yk SimpleStateManager – simplestatemanager.com Enquire.js - wicky.nillia.ms/enquire.js/ MatchMedia Polyfill - github.com/paulirish/matchMedia.js/ Jonathan Fielding’s Blog - jonathanfielding.com ! Demo code from this talk at ! https://github.com/jonathan-fielding/ ResponsiveJavaScriptTalkExamples