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Functional testing with capybara

Functional testing with capybara

Functional testing with capybara, shown by examples from the metaflop project.


August 22, 2012

More Decks by koffeinfrei

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  1. dsl

  2. interacting with forms fill_in('Username', :with => 'user') choose('A Radio Button')

    check('A Checkbox') attach_file('Image', '/path/to/image.jpg') select('Option', :from => 'Select Box')
  3. querying (rspec matchers) page.should have_selector('table tr') page.should have_selector( :xpath, '//table/tr')

    page.should have_xpath('//table/tr') page.should have_css('table tr.foo') page.should have_content('foo')
  4. Capybara.default_driver = :selenium # sinatra Capybara.app = App # remote

    app Capybara.app_host = 'http://www.google.com'
  5. per spec Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium # ... describe 'requires js',

    :js => true do it 'will use the default js driver' it 'will switch to one specific driver', :driver => :webkit end
  6. metaflop web based platform for metafonts and related type projects

    modulator experimental font generation export as otf, webfont
  7. spec sample 1 context 'when i change the unit width'

    do it 'should show the loading indicator' do fill_in 'param-unit-width', :with => 2 page.should have_selector( '.preview-loading-text') end end
  8. spec sample 2 context 'when i enable anatomy' do it

    'shows the anatomy image' do within '#menu' do click_link 'on' end page.should have_selector '#info-panel' end end
  9. spec sample 3 context 'when i click the "webfont" link'

    do it 'should call the font generator url' do click_link('webfont') current_url.should include 'modulator/export/font/web' end end
  10. selenium slow, startup slow, random errors no http response no

    .trigger() (e.g. mouse over) installation