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Management 101

Lara Hogan
May 10, 2019

Management 101

Lara Hogan

May 10, 2019


  1. We see managers… • Estimate work on behalf of the

    team • Proactively identify and remove roadblocks • Ensure their team sets OKRs • Help engineers level up by giving them new responsibilities and challenges
  2. We might not see managers... • Have difficult conversations •

    Understand team dynamics, strengths and weaknesses • Understand team members’ career goals and help them to succeed • Create/maintain an open and inclusive team culture
  3. 1. Common skills managers need 2. Deep dive into 2

    of those skills 3. How to get the support you need
  4. Helping teammates grow 1 2 Sculpting team culture 3 Representing/

    shaping organization overall 4 Owning/ executing/leading product area
  5. Helping teammates grow 1 2 Sculpting team culture 3 4

    Representing/ shaping organization overall Owning/ executing/leading product area
  6. The best open questions start with “what” • What’s important

    about this? • What’s hard about this? • What does success look like?
  7. • Can I reflect back what I’m hearing you say?

    • Here’s what I know to be true about you. • Let’s reflect on where you were this time last year.
  8. Equality/Fairness: everyone is treated equally, decisions are fair Predictability: certainty

    about resources, timing, direction, and changes Significance: status, visibility, recognition
  9. "The great leaders are like the best conductors. They reach

    beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players." —Blaine Lee, science fiction author
  10. 1 2 3 4 Helping teammates grow Sculpting team culture

    Representing/ shaping organization overall Owning/ executing/leading product area
  11. Be on the lookout for people who: • will push

    you out of your comfort zone • have different levels of experience than you (both more experience, and less experience) • have experience in a different industry • are good at the things that you’re terrible at
  12. Lean on your Manager Voltron: • Teach you new skills

    • Give you feedback • Give you gut-checks • Coach you • Set and measure your career goals
  13. Next steps: 1. Match teammates to opportunities 2. Experiment with

    coaching 3. Build your Voltron/crew of support