from >60 projects from the SRA, out of which 3,214 (72.5%) samples have expression data available from recount2 (Collado-Torres et al. 2017c). recount-brain supports powerful search and filter capabilities by tissue phenotype, including spanning 3,600 neurological controls with 2,900 from SRP025982 (SEQC/MAQC-III Consortium 2014); 15 neurological diseases and information on brain tumor subtype, grade, and stage; 3 levels of detailed anatomic tissue site information; 5 developmental stages (Fetus, Infant, Child, Adolescent, Adult); demographic data (age, sex, race); and technical sequencing information (RIN, PMI, sequencing layout, library source, etc.). • 62 SRA studies • 4,431 rows by 48 columns Ashkaun Razmara, in prep.