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Geospatial applications on Rails

Geospatial applications on Rails

Sergey Nartimov

June 01, 2013

More Decks by Sergey Nartimov

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  1. About • Rails, Rubinius, Elixir contributor • Software engineer at

    Brainspec Sergey Nartimov Brainspec https://github.com/lest twitter: @just_lest
  2. # config/database.yml adapter: postgis # When postgresql >= 9.1 and

    postgis >= 2.0 postgis_extension: true # When postgresql < 9.1 or postgis < 2.0 # e.g. for postgresql 9.1 and postgis 1.5 on ubuntu script_dir: "/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5" schema_search_path: public,postgis
  3. create_table :locations do |t| t.point :coords, geographic: true end create_table

    :locations do |t| t.string :text t.point :coords, srid: 3785 end add_index :locations, :coords, spatial: true
  4. point = Location::GEOFACTORY.point(27, 53) radius = 50_000 # 50 km

    Location.where('st_dwithin(coords, ?, ?)', point, radius) .order('st_distance(coords, ?)', point)
  5. point = Location::GEOFACTORY.point(27, 53) radius = 50_000 # 50 km

    Location.where { st_dwithin(coords, point, radius) } .order { st_distance(coords, point) }
  6. class Location < ActiveRecord::Base GEOFACTORY = RGeo::Geographic.simple_mercator_factory set_rgeo_factory_for_column :coords, GEOFACTORY.projection_factory

    end point = Location::GEOFACTORY.point(27, 53) radius = 50_000 / Math.cos(lat * Math::PI / 180.0) Location.where { st_dwithin(coords, point, radius) } .order { st_distance(coords, point) }
  7. sw = Location::GEOFACTORY.point(48.389537, 54.306922) ne = Location::GEOFACTORY.point(48.399643, 54.311216) bbox =

    RGeo::Cartesian::BoundingBox.create_from_points(sw, ne) Location.where('coords && ?', bbox)
  8. class CreateTimeZonePolygons < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :time_zone_polygons do |t|

    t.string :tzid t.geometry :geometry, geographic: true t.timestamps end add_index :time_zone_polygons, :geometry, spatial: true end end
  9. RGeo::Shapefile::Reader.open('tz_world.shp') do |file| file.each do |record| polygon = TimeZonePolygon.new polygon.tzid

    = record.attributes['TZID'] polygon.geometry = record.geometry polygon.save! end end