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Ruby Internals V3

Ruby Internals V3

How Ruby code gets executed by MRI

Mario Alberto Chávez

September 08, 2017

More Decks by Mario Alberto Chávez

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  1. michelada.io on_int 10 . on_ident “times” on_kw “do” | on_ident

    “i” | on_ident “puts” on_ident “i” on_kw “end”
  2. michelada.io require ‘ripper’ require ‘pp’ code = <<STR 

    do |i| puts i end
 pp Ripper.lex(code)
  3. michelada.io [[[1, 0], :on_int, "10"], [[1, 2], :on_period, "."], [[1,

    3], :on_ident, "times"], [[1, 8], :on_sp, " "], [[1, 9], :on_kw, "do"], [[1, 11], :on_sp, " "], [[1, 12], :on_op, "|"], [[1, 13], :on_ident, "i"], [[1, 14], :on_op, "|"], [[1, 15], :on_ignored_nl, "\n"], [[2, 0], :on_ident, "puts"], [[2, 4], :on_sp, " "], [[2, 5], :on_ident, "i"], [[2, 6], :on_nl, "\n"], [[3, 0], :on_kw, "end"], [[3, 3], :on_nl, "\n"]]
  4. michelada.io 10.times do|i| puts i end var ref command args

 block indetifier “puts” indetifier “i”
  5. michelada.io expr : command_call | expr keyword_and expr { $$

    = logop(idAND, $1, $3); } | expr keyword_or expr { $$ = logop(idOR, $1, $3); }
  6. michelada.io [:program, [[:method_add_block, [:call, [:@int, "10", [1, 0]], :".", [:@ident,

    "times", [1, 3]]], [:do_block, [:block_var, [:params, [[:@ident, "i", [1, 13]]], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], false], [[:command, [:@ident, "puts", [2, 2]], [:args_add_block, [[:var_ref, [:@ident, "i", [2, 7]]]], false]]]]]]]
  7. michelada.io # | @ NODE_FCALL (line: 1) # | +-

    nd_mid: :puts # | +- nd_args: # | @ NODE_ARRAY (line: 1) # | +- nd_alen: 1 # | +- nd_head: # | | @ NODE_CALL (line: 1) # | | +- nd_mid: :+ # | | +- nd_recv: # | | | @ NODE_LIT (line: 1) # | | | +- nd_lit: 2 # | | +- nd_args: # | | @ NODE_ARRAY (line: 1) # | | +- nd_alen: 1 # | | +- nd_head: # | | | @ NODE_LIT (line: 1) # | | | +- nd_lit: 2 # | | +- nd_next: # | | (null node)
  8. michelada.io puts 2 + 2 NODE_FCALL method_id: “puts” NODE_CALL method_id:

  9. michelada.io code = <<STR Puts 2 + 2 STR pp

    RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile( code).disasm
  10. michelada.io 0000 trace 1 ( 1) 0002 putself 0003 putobject

    2 0005 putobject 2 0007 opt_plus <callinfo!mid:+, argc:1, ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache> 0010 opt_send_without_block <callinfo!mid:puts, argc:1, FCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache> 0013 leave
  11. michelada.io puts 2 + 2 NODE_FCALL method_id: “puts” NODE_CALL method_id:

    “+” NODE_LITERAL “2” NODE_LITERAL “2” INSTRUCCIONES YARV putself putobject 2 putobject 2 send :+, 1 send :puts, 1 opt_plus
  12. michelada.io puts 2 + 2 rb_control_frame_t Instrucciones YARV
 putself putobject

    2 putobject 2 opt_plus send :puts, 1 stack interno de YARV 
 self rb_control_frame_t PC SP self type SP PC rb_control_frame_t 2 2 4
  13. michelada.io opt_plus (CALL_INFO ci, CALL_CACHE cc) (VALUE recv, VALUE obj)

    (VALUE val) { val = vm_opt_plus(recv, obj); if (val == Qundef) { /* other */ PUSH(recv); PUSH(obj); CALL_SIMPLE_METHOD(recv); } }