Steve Citron-Pousty, Red Hat
You have seen the stuff that FourSquare has done with spatial and you want some of that hotness for your app. But, where to start? Have no fear - by the end of this session you will have all the pieces necessary to write your own location based app. The OpenShift platform already has MongoDB plus the spatial bits installed, so there is no need to find a VPS or convince your IT dude to install stuff. What's OpenShift? It's Red Hat's free auto-scaling Platform as a Service. This session will start with a quick intro on firing up an OpenShift instance with MongoDB. Then we will load some data into MongoDB, show you how to handle spatial data, do some command line spatial operations, and finally plugin in some code to build a simple "Find the National Park Application". When you go home you will be able to amaze your friends and supervisors with some spatial magic goodness you can control.
Steve is a PaaS Dust Spreader (aka Developer Evangelist) with OpenShift. He goes around and shows off all the great work the OpenShift engineers do. He can teach you about PaaS with MongoDB, and also Java, PostgreSQL, mobile JavaScript, some Android, a little bit of iPhone, and even some Python. He has 11 years of Java programming expertise ranging from data processing and statistical analysis to ORM and web applications. He began doing geospatial work 19 years ago and has done geospatial programming work on multiple platforms using JavaScript, .NET, and Java. Before OpenShift, Steve was a developer evangelist for LinkedIn and deCarta. Steve holds a B.A. from Vassar College, an M.S. from University of Georgia and a Ph. D. in Ecology from University of Connecticut. He likes building interesting applications and helping developers create great solutions.