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inFront: in front of the events in a frontend world

inFront: in front of the events in a frontend world

Talk (in Russian) for Yet another Conference 2014, October 30th, Moscow


Conferences, events, formats of getting knowledge, interesting developers' communities, frontend magazines, podcasts and everything you can look at, listen to and show yourself off.

Video (Russian) https://events.yandex.ru/lib/talks/2474/

Yelena Jetpyspayeva

October 30, 2014

More Decks by Yelena Jetpyspayeva

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  8. Найдите свое! ʫlanyrd.com + подписаться на спикера! ʫeventbrite.com + продать

    билеты! ʫsmashingmagazine.com — web dev & web design ʫawwwards.com/events — web design 20
  9. Найдите свое! ʫlanyrd.com + подписаться на спикера! ʫeventbrite.com + продать

    билеты! ʫsmashingmagazine.com — web dev & web design ʫawwwards.com/events — web design ʫit-sobytie.ru и tech.yandex.ru 20
  10. 30

  11. ! Вдохновение для работы легко найти в коде других людей,

    профессионалов, у которых есть чему учиться 32 Андрей Саломатин, MoscowJS
  12. The beauty of web development is that no one really

    knows *everything* about it 33 Mathias Bynens, Opera Software
  13. Believe in what people try to do, and believe them

    when they tell you that the way they chose makes most sense to them 34 Chaals, Yandex
  14. Не молчать, делиться идеями. Заниматься опенсорсными проектами. Учить английский, без

    него вы быстро упрётесь в потолок возможностей профессии 35 Вадим Макеев, Opera Software
  15. The best way of keeping inspired is to do things

    that you're curious about 36 Jan Jongboom, Firefox OS Contributor at Telenor Digital
  16. Never stop learning, share what you know and encourage your

    colleagues to do the same 37 David Watson, TalkWebDesign, University of Greenwich
  17. ! I think of all the people whose lives are

    improved by the Web. Mine was, so I want to "pay that back", if you'll forgive the hippy sentiment 38 Bruce Lawson, Opera Software
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