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The Tangled Web We're Weaving: The Future of WordPress Accessibility

The Tangled Web We're Weaving: The Future of WordPress Accessibility

WordPress now powers over one third of all websites on the internet. The decisions that the WordPress community makes ripple out and make an impact on the ways people use the web, how web developers and designers do their work, and influence future technologies and development. That’s a lot of power in our hands – are we using it wisely? We have a responsibility to lead by example.

Let's explore the influence the WP community is having on accessibility and inclusive design, the things we’re neglecting, the impact that our decisions are having on people across the globe, and what we could be doing better.

Natalie MacLees

October 06, 2019

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    N ATA L I E M a c L E E S ! @nataliemac digita11y Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash
  2. One in four adults in the U.S. has a disability

    that impacts 
 major life activities
  3. On a long enough timeline, accessibility becomes important to everyone.

    JOHN BROWNLEE Why Accessibility Is the Future of Tech
  4. We think that the current interface could be a ton

    more streamlined, but we’ve compromised a lot of the alternative approaches we’ve wanted to take based on accessibility feedback and trying to have a single interface that serves all types of users MATT MULLENWEG
  5. I would rather release it for the users who will

    find it usable (which should include many-but-not-all users of assistive technologies), and accept not everyone can use Gutenberg on Day One. MATTHEW MCPHERSON
  6. ...all of us who build the web collectively decided that

    we could ignore some people's needs so that the work could be done faster. WINSTON HEARN
  7. The web industry has collectively exercised its power to state

    that disabled people do not belong here. WINSTON HEARN
  8. ...a key thing we have to fix is the [accessibility]

    team working in a less adversarial way with all the other contributors to WordPress... MATT MULLENWEG
  9. …you need to fix the problem in the process not

    the product… JONATHAN HASSELL
  10. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Why Accessibility Is The Future of Tech, John

    Brownlee, https://modus.medium.com/ why-accessibility-is-the-future-of-tech-a3f535cc4f0e • WebAIM Million https://webaim.org/projects/million • Perpetuating Harm, Winston Hearn, https://www.winstonhearn.com/wrote/2019/ perpetuating-harm/ • WordPress and ATAG compliance, Joe Dolson, https://www.slideshare.net/ joedolson/wordpress-and-atag-compliance • Including your missing 20% by embedding web and mobile accessibility, Johnathan Hassell, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26099137-including- your-missing-20-by-embedding-web-and-mobile-accessibility • To Whom Does The Burden Fall, Anne Gibson, https://medium.com/the- interconnected/to-whom-does-the-burden-fall-7349f9cc11fd
  11. BIBLIOGRAPHY • https://make.wordpress.org/core/2018/10/18/regarding-accessibility-in-gutenberg/ #comment-34198 • https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/10318#issuecomment-429106511 • We are actively

    destroying the web, Chris Ferdinandi, https://gomakethings.com/ we-are-actively-destroying-the-web/ • A Model For WordPress Accessibility, Adrian Roselli, http://adrianroselli.com/ 2019/05/a-model-for-wordpress-accessibility.html • Fighting Uphill, Eric Bailey, https://ericwbailey.design/writing/2019-03-05-fighting- uphill.html • The Web We Broke, Ethan Marcotte, https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/the-web-we- broke/ • Accessibility is a civil right, Marcy Sutton, https://marcysutton.com/accessibility-is-a- civil-right