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Continuous Deployment - A Practical Roadmap

Continuous Deployment - A Practical Roadmap

Embarking on the journey of Continuous Deployment (CD), where every developer commit results in an automated production deployment can seem daunting, leaving you uncertain about where to start. Nayan aims to bridge this gap by offering a clear, actionable roadmap to harness the power of CD for more efficient and effective software delivery.

The talk starts by explaining what CD is and why it's important in modern software development, focusing on key parts of the CD process, such as automated testing, monitoring, and feature flags, to show how they help make deployments smooth and secure.

The heart of this presentation is a detailed walkthrough of how to start with CD, specifically designed to address the uncertainty about the initial steps. Nayan will share personal anecdotes and lessons learned from the trenches to illuminate common hurdles and the strategies to overcome them.

Nayan Hajratwala

May 14, 2024

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