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RequireJS A JavaScript Module Loader Greg Franko 1/30/2014

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About The Speaker Greg Franko JavaScript Engineer at AddThis Open Source Developer Author Speaker

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Why Do People Use RequireJS?

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Performance Asynchronous and Dynamic Loading

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Maintainability Decoupled Code into Modules

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Workflow No Build Step Required

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What Projects/Companies Use RequireJS?

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jQuery Used in Development, Removed In Production

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SoundCloud RequireJS in Development, AlmondJS In Production

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PayPal Used In Both Development and Production

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BBC News Used In Both Development and Production

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AddThis RequireJS in Development, AMDCleanJS In Production

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Are You Using RequireJS? It's Okay If You Aren't

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RequireJS Basics Let's Learn

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Most Projects Start Like This: JavaScript files are included as HTML script tags

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This Is Fine... If you don't have many dependencies If you don't care about page load performance If you don't like decoupled code

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This Is Better: Only Require.js is included as an HTML script tag data-main - Tells Require.js to load init.js first

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Huh? init.js is getting loaded, but none of my other JavaScript files are RequireJS is the worst

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Everything Will Be Okay! You haven't told RequireJS that init.js depends on jQuery, jQueryUI, Lodash, and Backbone

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How Do I Tell RequireJS About My File Dependencies? By writing init.js in a format that Requirejs understands

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What Format? AMD Asynchronous Module Definition

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init.js AMD Example init.js Depends on jQuery, jQueryUI, Lodash, and Backbone fine(['jquery', 'jqueryui', 'lodash', 'backbone'], function($, null, _, Backbone) /* This function gets called after jquery.js, jqueryui.js, lodash.js, and backbone.js are loaded */ ;

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Awesome, It Works! RequireJS Is The Best Please Tell Me More About AMD

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AMD Module Format Used By RequireJS Exposes Two Global Methods: define() require()

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define(id?, dependencies?, factory) Communicates a File's Dependencies and Return Value Can return any type of value (e.g object, function, string) and defaults to undefined if no return value is specified. The module id and dependencies arguments are optional // example.js // Does not depend on any files and returns a string define(function() { return 'No dependencies, returns a string'; });

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If define Is Confusing You... Let's See How It Would Look In Plain JavaScript var example = function() { return 'No dependencies, returns a string'; }();

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define(id?, dependencies?, factory) Let's Look At A Slightly More Complicated Example // getUser.js // Depends on a file (users.js), and returns a getUser function define(['./users'], function(users) { return function getUser(username) { return users[username]; }; });

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If define Is Still Confusing... Let's See How It Would Look In Plain JavaScript var getUser = function(users) { return function getUser(username) { return users[username]; }; }(usersCollection);

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Is That It? Nope, There Are Many Ways To Define an AMD Module Check Out More Module Definitions

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require(Array, Function) Loads One Or More AMD Modules // Loads the example.js module from our first define() example require(['./example.js'], function(exampleText) { // Prints: 'example.js return value: No dependencies, returns a string' console.log('example.js return value: ', exampleText); }) That's All There Is To The require() Method

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Should I Use define or require? You Should Use Both Use define to wrap logic that you would like to re-use somewhere else in your application Use require when you just want a dependency to be loaded onto the page.

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Now What? Now That You Understand How To Create And Load AMD Modules... Let Me Answer Your Question With A Question Have You Ever Used JavaScript Code That You Didn't Write?

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Third Party Libraries Cannot Assume AMD Is Being Used Can Still Provide Conditional Support

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How Would A Third Party Library Provide AMD Support? By Conditionally Wrapping Itself in a define method // If an AMD compatible loader is on the page if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { define([], function() { return exampleLib; }); }

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Third Party Examples

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jQuery Provides AMD Support via a Named AMD module // jQuery Source if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { define( "jquery", [], function() { return jQuery; }); }

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Lodash Provides AMD Support via an Anonymous AMD module // Lodash Source if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) root._ = _; define(function() { return _; }); }

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Backbone Does Not Provide AMD Support yet // Backbone Source var Backbone; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { Backbone = exports; } else { Backbone = root.Backbone = {}; }

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How Do You Use Scripts That Are Not AMD Compatible? Use the RequireJS Shim Configuration

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Shim Configuration Useful for libraries that export a global variable requirejs.config({ shim: { 'backbone': { deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'], exports: 'Backbone' } } });

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Is This Black Magic? No, RequireJS just creates a define wrapper for all shimmed libraries define("backbone", ["underscore","jquery"], (function (global) { return function () { var ret, fn; return ret || global.Backbone; }; }(this)));

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Shim Configuration Also Useful for Declaring Dependencies require.config({ shim: { 'jquery.ui.widget': ['jquery'], 'jquery.selectBoxIt': ['jquery.ui.widget'] } });

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Hold Up Can You Explain The require.config() Method?

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RequireJS Config RequireJS allows you to set application-level configuration options The configuration options should be set before you define/require any modules

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Popular Config Options baseurl The beginning file path that is used for all of the file lookups paths Allows you to map module IDs to alias names (easier to type 'jquery' than '../../jquery') shim Allows you to make third-party libraries AMD compatible

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Let's Review Define() allows you to create AMD modules Require() allows you to load one or more AMD modules onto the page RequireJS configuration options provide flexibility and convenience Last but not least...

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Building with The RequireJS Optimizer

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The RequireJS Optimizer Node.js Command-Line Build Tool Concatenates Your AMD Project Into One File A Ton Of Options Can Be Used with Grunt or Gulp

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Example Build Profile { baseUrl: "public/js/", paths: { "desktop": "app/config/Init" }, optimize: "uglify", mainConfigFile: "public/js/app/config/Init.js", include: ["desktop"], out: "public/js/app/config/Init.min.js" }

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Common Optimizer Questions I thought RequireJS Didn't Require A Build Step? It doesn't, the optimizer is optional. Why Would I use the RequireJS Optimizer? If you want to build your project into one file Do I Still Need RequireJS After I Build? If you need to load any additional network resources with RequireJS, then yes. Otherwise, you may use Almond.js or AMDClean.js.

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Almond.js A Minimal (~400 line) RequireJS Replacement After Optimized Builds Does Not Allow Loading Network Resources Does Not Transform Source Code Example Build With Almond.js

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AMDClean.js An AMD Build Tool That Converts AMD Code To Standard JavaScript Allows You To Use AMD In Development Without Having To Include an AMD Library In Production Does Not Allow Loading Network Resources Transforms Source Code Example Build With AMDClean.js

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For A Complete Example, Check Out: Backbone-Require-Boilerplate

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Additional Topics That May Interest You Browserify vs RequireJS Using CommonJS syntax with RequireJS ES6 Modules and The Future

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Thanks! Twitter: GregFranko Github: gfranko