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How do framework and buildtool handle webpack? 2019/03/23 Rails Developer Meetup 2019 @banyan / Kohei Hasegawa

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About me ● @banyan / Kohei Hasegawa ● Work at Quipper since 2013. ● Mainly working on frontend (React, TypeScript, PWA) and haven’t written Rails much these days :P

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Released new site this month!

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Key takeaways ● Use webpacker if you don’t know webpack well.

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Agenda 1. About Webpack 2. How do framework and buildtool handle webpack? 3. Diversity of Rails application 4. Can we improve webpacker? 5. Summary

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What is webpack?

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webpack is a module bundler to build assets and styles and scripts and images.

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What is webpacker?

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Webpacker is an abstraction layer between Rails and webpack

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Webpacker will be the default in Rails 6

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What does webpacker do? ● webpack can be used immediately after rails new. ● Provide javascript_pack_tag helper and others to link JavaScript assets ● Quick start of React, Vue, Angular, Elm and Stimulus and others

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There are also criticisms towards webpacker ● The config api is extra cost to learn if one knows webpack very well. ● Update to webpack 4 is slow. ○ It has finally been released recently though. ● Better to discard webpacker when rails app is initialized. ○ Is this only in Japan context?

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Then, how do framework and buildtool handle webpack?

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create-react-app ● A build tool to create React application ● Basically, not customizable ● Provide eject feature ● Some tools such as enables us to overwrite config. It’s community based.

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webpacker ● Customizable ● Does not provide eject feature

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vue cli 3 ● A build tool to create Vue.js application ● Customizable ○ Using ● Does not provide eject feature ○ More importantly, we want to encourage people to stay away from ejecting so that they get upgrade capabilities in the future. This is important from both a bug fix and security perspective. ■

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Phoenix 1.4 ● An application framework for Elixir ● Changed build tool from Brunch to webpack ● Eject as default ○ webpack config files would be copied after initialization

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So what’s the best way to handle webpack? ● There is no best way neither framework nor build tool ○ Everything is trade-off ● It depends on how much user knows webpack and also the type of applications

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The role of Rails has been changed ● Rails takes care everything from view to API from 10 years ago. ● There is a case that rails is used only for API nowadays, the major frontend battlefield has been moved away from Rails. ○ For frontend, SPA is getting more popular.

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The difference those how familiar with webpack ● The one who knows webpack very well ● The one who don’t know webpack at all

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The difference between the type of the application ● Rails handles all, from view to api ● SPA on rails ● Separate SPA and use Rails as api server ● Back-office purpose ● etc...

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While the role of Rails is expanding, the current position of webpacker is not that bad

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Are you really in trouble with webpacker? 本当に webpacker で困っていますか?

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What I’m insisting is current situation is okay and I have done nothing so far. このままだとただの現状肯定おじさん

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However, can we improve webpacker a bit better? ● What if webpacker has eject feature? ○ As an escape route when webpack config can’t be easily configured if webpacker has hard code. ○ For those who are familiar with webpack don’t need webpacker layer. ○ We can start with webpacker until we reach the problems. ● Alright, I think I can easily add eject feature... ○ Tried:

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What do we need to do for ejecting? ● Generate webpack config ○ Take over the settings of loader ■ e.g. Using babel-loader ● Prepare helper methods ○ Extracting view helper is additional step. So use webpacker’s one for now.

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Sent PR and realised the problem. ● Difficult to be merged.

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It looks like this method is able to generate...

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When the class is evaluated using JSON.stringify, the result is empty. $ node > class Foo {} undefined > JSON.stringify({ a: 1 }) '{"a":1}' > JSON.stringify({ a: new Foo() }) '{"a":{}}'

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"plugins": [{ "keys": [ "Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render", "CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH", … ] }, { "options": { "filename": "[name]-[contenthash:8].css", "chunkFilename": "[name]-[contenthash:8].chunk.css" } }, {}, ... ]

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The reason why webpacker:eject is difficult to implement. ● Generate config dynamically is difficult with the current implementation of webpacker. ○ Parse source code seems over engineered. ○ Double maintenance for templates of eject codes and webpacker’s codes. ○ This problems is how to compose object. ● So I had to take approach to write template and read the current settings of rails application. Then generate config.

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Ideas to improve ● There might be advantages if we use webpack-merge to compose webpack config. ○ The code of webpacker itself can be readable. ○ Learning-cost might be less since webpack-merge is used in the frontend community ○ Eject can be easily implemented since it just needs to be copied. ● If we change API, it will require migration too. ● Another problem is I don’t have enough passion to do that.

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Implemented as generator for now ● ● The target user is to eject minimally

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Interestingly enough, I’ve convinced one thing.

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After created, I realised I won’t use. ● There are many changes in architecture like serverless and microservice. ● As I already work with SPA since 2013 and use rails just as api server. ● I don’t see the future that I use Rails which handles everything inside as 10 years ago ○ as I did to turn off turbolinks when turbolinks was just released.

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Summary ● No best way on how frameworks and buildtools should handle webpack. ● While the role of Rails is expanding, the current position of webpacker is not that bad. ● Unless you really need to do, you don’t need to discard webpacker

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Thank you!!