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OBS AppImage openSUSE Conference May 27, 2017 Simon Peter AppImage Adrian Schröter Open Build Service Portable cross-distro application bundles for the Linux desktop

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"As a developer, I want to reach users with minimal effort"

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.exe .dmg ?

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Approach #1 OBS

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„Let‘s take the distribution approach and scale it“

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A system to build distributions in a controlled way Allow application authors to package applications for all major distributions CENTRAL IDEA

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Source (from User) Base Binaries (from OBS) OBS checks sources and binares. And may build the source. Published Binaries

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Authors can get newer applications to mature distributions Application authors can leverage already-packaged dependencies Optimized for base distribution Optional submission to become part of official distribution SOLVES...

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Still cannot link to a file for Linux Still needs to understand RPM spec files, debian packaging Still need to install applications before using them Still need a package manager, mess around with repositories Still need root rights to install BUT...

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Approach #2 AppImage

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„Let‘s take the un-distro approch, like Windows and macOS“

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.exe .dmg .AppImage

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Distribution = base system Applications directly from original authors (upstreams) Like Windows and macOS CENTRAL IDEA

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EXECUTABLE EXECUTABLE SQUASHFS IMAGE SQUASHFS IMAGE AppImage • Binary • Mounts the image with FUSE when executed

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EXECUTABLE EXECUTABLE SQUASHFS IMAGE SQUASHFS IMAGE AppImage • Bundle app and everything that is not part of all target systems: icons, i18n, Qt 5, KF5,… • Built on host that as old as the oldest target systems

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MORE • Binary delta updates using AppImageUpdate – only download what has changed • Sandboxing using, e.g., Firejail • Optional appimaged daemon for desktop integration (menus, icons, MIME types, updates,...)

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Works for all common Linux distributions Run the latest applications on mature (e.g., enterprise) OSes One app = one file Super simple for users: just download one AppImage file, make it executable, and run No unpacking or installation necessary SOLVES...

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No root needed No system libraries changed Works out of the box, no installation of runtimes needed Works on Live ISOs, university lab computers,... Can use the same AppImages when dual-booting multiple distributions SOLVES...

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„This is just very cool.“

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Krita OFFICIAL APPIMAGES Microsoft PowerShell KDevelop Scribus OpenShot digiKam JetBrains Toolbox MuseScore Kdenlive Subsurface ImagePlay Drawpile ...hundreds more Avidemux

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BUT... FOSDEM 2017

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Author needs a trusted, reliable, auditable build system Author needs to track security updates of dependencies Author needs to ensure licensing compliance BUT...

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No content

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OBS AppImage

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OBS: trusted, reliable, auditable build system that tracks security updates of dependencies, ensures licensing compliance, and hosts build products AppImage: simple bundle format that allows upstream application authors to reach Linux users easily An ideal match! OBS APPIMAGE

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Packaging workshop this afternoon: let‘s take your application and package it as an AppImage on OBS Not signed up? Don‘t worry: „Hello world“ at Instructions on OBS APPIMAGE

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"As a tester, I want to run multiple builds without messing up my system.“

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"As a user, I want to download an application from the original author and run it, now!“

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mkdir ­p leafpad/leafpad.AppDir && cd leafpad # Get existing binary wget ­c „http://.../leafpad_0.8.17­2_amd64.deb“ # Turn into an AppDir cd leafpad.AppDir dpkg ­x ../leafpad_*.deb . cp ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/leafpad.svg . cp ./usr/share/applications/leafpad.desktop . wget ­c https://.../AppRun chmod a+x AppRun cd .. # Package as an AppImage wget ­c https://.../appimagetool.AppImage chmod a+x ppimagetool.AppImage ./appimagetool.AppImageleafpad.AppDir/ HELLO WORLD,…

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…MORE LIKE THIS # Build on an „old enough“ build system (for which recent compilers and build tools exist, e.g., CentOS 6.x) # Make sure it is relocatable (no hardcoded „/usr“); otherwise patch it # Turn into an AppDir ... chmod a+x AppRun # Bundle any libraries that might not be there in a recent enough version # on each target system # Package the AppDir as an AppImage ... ./appimagetool.AppImage leafpad.AppDir ./Leafpad­x86_64.AppImage # Test on each target system ­ really! (I use Live ISOs)

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CONTINUOUS APPIMAGE WORKFLOW 2 Push commit to GitHub 1 Prepare build sys- tem, e.g., CentOS 6 with Qt5,… 3 Build and package as an AppImage 4 Upload to, e.g., Bintray, GitHub Releases 5 Post download link on Project homepage