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Think Outside The Block @ChrisVanPatten

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The other ways you can extend Gutenberg

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Gutenberg is all about Blocks

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Composable units that allow you to build page content (and soon page layouts) blocks (noun)

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Blocks are the building blocks, but you don't have to build blocks to customise the block editor

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Developers are used to the Classic Experience

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Metaboxes TinyMCE

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Metaboxes TinyMCE Hooks and filters

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Metaboxes TinyMCE Hooks and filters

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Gutenberg offers curated customisation

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Not everything from the past is possible today, but a lot is… and more!

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Block Styles Editor Settings Formats Sidebars Slots & Fills Automations

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CSS-based presets for block visual appearance block styles (noun)

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One style can be active at a time

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Users can select a default

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Can be registered when you create a block, or added by third parties

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Can also be removed by third parties

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register_block_style( 'core/quote', [ 'name' => 'cool-design', 'label' => __( 'Cool Design' ), 'inline_style' => '' . ' {' . 'background: red;' . 'border: 3px solid blue;' . 'padding: 1rem;' . '}', ] );

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unregister_block_style( 'core/quote', 'fancy-quote' );

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Custom toggles and settings shared across blocks and editors editor settings (noun)

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add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-colors' );

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$colors = [ [ 'name' => 'Brand Red', 'slug' => 'brand-red', 'color' => '#B86251', ], ]; add_theme_support( 'editor-color-palette', $colors );

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add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-font-sizes' );

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$sizes = [ [ 'name' => 'Super Large', 'slug' => 'super-large', 'size' => 80, ], ]; add_theme_support( 'editor-font-sizes', $sizes );

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Inline HTML "modifiers" for selections of text formats (noun)

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import { applyFormat } from '@wordpress/rich-text'; import { RichTextToolbarButton } from '@wordpress/editor'; const MyFormat = ( { isActive, onChange, value } ) => ( onChange( applyFormat( value, { type: 'wcphx/fancy-text' } ) ) } title="Fancy Text" /> );

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import { registerFormatType } from '@wordpress/rich-text'; import MyFormat from './my-format'; registerFormatType( 'wcphx/fancy-text', { className: 'wcphx-fancy-text', edit: MyFormat, tagName: 'span', title: 'Fancy Text', }, );

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Special link formats (e.g. for affiliate links) Superscript and subscript Footnotes

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Wide open (narrow) free space sidebars (noun)

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import { PluginSidebar, PluginSidebarMoreMenuItem } from '@wordpress/edit-post'; import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins'; const name = 'wcphx-sidebar'; const title = 'WordCamp Phoenix'; const icon = 'smiley';

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const Sidebar = () => ( <> { title }

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Hello Phoenix! > );

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registerPlugin( 'wcphx-sidebar', { render: Sidebar, }, );

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Defined extension areas within the editor slots and fills (noun)

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PluginPrePublishPanel & PluginPostPublishPanel

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Actions executed programmatically automations (noun)

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Inserting blocks Opening sidebars Moving blocks Applying formats Saving and Publishing

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import { createBlock } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import { dispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { PluginDocumentSettingPanel } from '@wordpress/edit-post'; import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins';

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const DemoPanel = () => ( ... );

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{ const { editPost, insertBlocks, } = dispatch( 'core/editor' ); const block = createBlock( 'wcphx/demo' ); editPost( { title: 'WordCamp Phoenix!' } ); insertBlocks( block ); } } > Insert New Demo Block

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registerPlugin( 'wcphx-demo-automation-panel', { render: DemoPanel, }, );

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Powerful extension options

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New ideas and new capabilities

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What can you come up with?

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