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Working Remotely Rocks! (via SSH) Kent Chen

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Kent Chen (chenkaie) @chenkaie on GitHub @chenkaie on SlideShare @chenkaie on LinkedIn @chenkaie on Twitter @+KentChenAtGoogle on Google+

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你是否曾經 幻想 過以下畫面 Have you ever dreamed of a scene as the following…

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© Flickr/veader Working at Starbucks

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© Flickr/willsteward Working at Coffee Shop

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© Flickr/kinetic Working at the Beach

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© Flickr/kinetic Working at the Beach

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© 37signals Works Remotely Working at Your Sweet House

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Working at White House

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© Flickr/sharris Working at Ur Favour Place

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很不幸 並非談那類的 遠距辦工 Unfortunately, NOT talking that type of “Working Remotely”

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We Work Remotely

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不願面對的 真相 An Inconvenient TRUTH

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© Flickr/kent-chen Working at Airport - EVA Air Lounge

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© Flickr/kent-chen Working at Airport - EVA Air Lounge 俗稱: 放我一馬吧編程

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當然偶有 小確幸 的一面 Small happiness sometimes.

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小弟的一些 親身經驗 Personal remote development experience

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© Flickr/kent-chen Working at Tainan Coffee Shop

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© Flickr/kent-chen Working at Tainan Coffee Shop 俗稱: 咖啡因編程

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© Flickr/kent-chen Working with Bears & Wines

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© Flickr/kent-chen Working with Bears & Wines 俗稱: 微醺編程

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遠距辦公 の工作狂? An Working Remotely Workaholic?

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並非 完全 如此 Not exactly, some reasons…

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臨時 私事處理 Some urgent personal affairs

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疲勞轟炸の會議 精神不繼 Exhausted whole day long meeting

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客戶 工作時間配合 Meet customers’ work time

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哥現在就是 不想寫程式 I just don’t want to coding NOW

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自我能力 精進 Self Enhancement

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在家寫程式 我就是覺得 超爽der~~ I feel so productive when coding at home

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那個來來來...?! Whatever…

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身為一個 嵌入式系統 軟韌體工程師 Being an Embedded System Engineer

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我想身上帶塊 開發版 也是合情合理的 You need an EVM board / Development Board on hand

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所以... 我得搞一塊 開發版回家 So… I have to bring an EVM board home for dev

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並且搞定完整的 開發環境 And setup a whole development environment including S/W & H/W

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只是為了解 某個鳥 bug For fixing some a minor issue

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或是接續 追到一半 的問題 Or for tracing an on-going unfixed issue

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那未免也太 搞肛 了吧 That’s a bit too bothersome and time-consuming

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容我介紹一下 可行作法 A feasible approach sharing

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若能無縫接軌 回內網的 開發除錯環境 What if we can resume last develop/debugging session in the office

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那就搞定 一半了 That’s ALMOST done

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內網通常無法由 外部主機連進去 Intranet server generally cannot login from a client through internet

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我指「通常」 Orz I mean “Generally”…

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若是被駭了 植入後門 (另當別論) If been Hacked, plant a backdoor That’s another matter

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常見方法 VPN 虛擬私人網路 VPN is a common feasible solution if available

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或者是簡易好用的 TeamViewer TeamViewer is also feasible

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你受得了龜速 TeamViewer TeamViewer suffers high latency =

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你受得了龜速 TeamViewer TeamViewer suffers high latency =

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天下武功 無堅不破 唯快不破 FAST - short network latency is a MUST for basic development env.

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對程師設計師而言 「快」 使用者體驗:贊 FAST: Great UX for programmer

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建立反向 SSH Tunnel 可以幹許多 有趣的壞事 Well-known Reverse SSH Tunnel

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Basic Requirement ! • 24-Hours online SSH server: • DD-WRT Router / VPC (Amazon EC2) / NAS / 
 A development board / … • With Public Access IP: • Fixed IP (Trivial) • Dynamic IP (DDNS) • SSH Client: • Mac OS X / Linux Distributions (Prefer Unix- based) • Windows (putty, plink) • Not too poor upload/download network bandwidth

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至於打通手法 Goolge it, BJ4 Lots of tutorial, no explanation “Remote Port Forwarding” on 22 Ref:

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我只能說: 建議搭配服用 “Autossh / expect” & “SSH Public Key Authentication” 效果加乘 Employ with “autossh / expect” to get persistent connection

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需要 Customer Support 請撥底下分機 0800-092-000 If you need help, please call me

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透過該 暗黑魔法 打通後 Once successfully setup a Reverse SSH Tunnel

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Working remotely through Reverse SSH Tunnel

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Working remotely through Reverse SSH Tunnel Joker: You see dead people. Hey you, get the job done. Or…

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強烈建議轉職為 CLI 職人 Command-Line Interface Strongly suggested to be addicted to CLI operation on all you development jobs

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Me an embedded system developer daily using CLI utilities ! • Editor: vim • VCS/SCM: git / svn • Diff/Merge: vimdiff / DirDiff (vim) • Terminal Multiplexer: tmux • File search: find / godir() • pattern matching: grep / aj / gid (ID Utils) Ref: Vim Rocks! TMUX Rocks!

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CLI 職人(魔人) 遠距開發 益處多多 An amazing lot of advantages if you dev remotely with pure CLI

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! 優點一 Pros 1

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頻寬需求低 反應速度快 Lower bandwidth demand Instant keystroke response

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! 優點二 Pros 2

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「終端复用器 tmux」 + 「命令列魔人 CLI」 With the assistance of terminal multiplexer: tmux & CLI

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任意地點、任意終端 一致性 不間斷完整開發環境 Consistent & Persistent development environment from any location any client

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! 優點三 Pros 3

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容易建置、部署 一致性開發環境 Consistency dev environment easily setup on different machines even different platforms Ref:

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有時候會需要存取 內網服務 Sometimes you have demands to access other intranet service

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那就建立 SOCKS v4/v5 Proxy Server Use “ssh -D” to setup SOCKS Server Ref:

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Redmine Wiki Bugzilla WebMail Private IP Host Private IP Device Don’t worry, all are easily accessible

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Chrome 請搭配 “Proxy SwitchySharp” Firefox 請搭配 “FoxyProxy” 讓你無痛又無縫切換 Proxy Use browser plugin/extension to seamlessly switch between different proxy

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Chrome + SwitchySharp (Auto Switch Mode: Domain)

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Chrome + SwitchySharp (Auto Switch Mode: IP Address)

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有人提問: 啊…那個純CLI下 Streaming 怎麼連勒 How to connect rtsp streaming under CLI mode

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RTSP streaming connection via CLI: avconv avconv (ffmpeg): $ avconv -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://root@" -vcodec copy ~/tmp/test.mp4

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RTSP streaming connection via CLI: avplay avplay (ffplay): $ avplay -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://root@"

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又有人說: 嵌入式系統開發 沒 Console 可用 說得過嗎(翻桌) Embedded System development w/o Console?!

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$ cat /proc/kmsg (a poor solution)

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路人甲說: 沒有 IW2 可用 怎麼找 IP Camera 勒 How to search a IP Cam without IW2

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請愛用強大的 ”IW2 Air” Awesome “IW2 Air” just works

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最後有人忍不住說: 哥就是要視窗操作啦 Desktop / X-Window I just want to use GUI desktop environment

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好懷念菸酒生時期透過 Windows遠端桌面 連回LAB的低延遲速度感 Low latency remote control experience on “Microsoft Remote Desktop”

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往事只能回味 真的回不去了嗎? “Microsoft Remote Desktop” No longer available under NAT?

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先讓我們搞懂 (RDP) Remote Desktop Protocol Ref:

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如法炮製試試 Port: 3389 What if we do “Remote Port Forwarding” on port 3389?

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Test: You can test by below command to check if successfully forwarded? $ telnet ! Setup: Fill in the corresponding forwarded “Domain:Port” as right figure.

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And… :)

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原理就是這麼簡單 若有其它需求請 如法炮製 Follow above example to Forward Any Port you want

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Reference Remote Development Why We (Still) Believe in Working Remotely working-remotely/ 37signals Works Remotely Coffitivity - Increase Your Creativity!

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Reference 反向建⽴立 SSH Tunnel、免 VPN 連回公司 Mosh (mobile shell) Vim Rocks! TMUX Rocks! subversion-scripts (Throw away TortoiseSVN)