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Groovy/Spock for Android app testing Masayuki IZUMI - @izumin5210 potatotips #22

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 > Masayuki IZUMI a.k.a. @izumin5210 > Rekimoto Lab. at the University of Tokyo > Wantedly, Inc. > Rubyist / Androider / {Java,Type}Scripter

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Ruby JavaScript Android Design

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Parameterized test with JUnit

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public class GreeterTest { @Test public void sayHello() throws Exception { Greeter greeter = new Greeter(); assertEquals("Hello", greeter.say()); } }

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public class GreeterTest { private Greeter greeter; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { greeter = new Greeter(); } @Test public void sayMorning() throws Exception { assertEquals("Good morning", greeter.say("morning")); } @Test public void sayHello() throws Exception { assertEquals("Hello", greeter.say("afternoon")); } }

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public class GreeterTest { private Greeter greeter; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { greeter = new Greeter(); } @Test public void sayMorning() throws Exception { assertEquals("Good morning", greeter.say("morning")); } @Test public void sayHello() throws Exception { assertEquals("Hello", greeter.say("afternoon")); } @Test public void sayNight() throws Exception { assertEquals("Good night", greeter.say("night")); } }

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public class GreeterTest { @Test public void say() throws Exception { Greeter greeter = new Greeter(); String[][] pairs = { {"morning", "Good morning"}, {"afternoon", "Hello"}, {"night", "Good night"} }; for (String[] pair : pairs) { assertEquals(pair[1], greeter.say(pair[0])); } } }

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@RunWith(Theories.class) public class GreeterTest { public static class Fixture { /* ... */ } @DataPoints public static Fixture[] getParameters() { return new Fixture[] { new Fixture("morning", "Good morning"), /* ... */ }; } @Theory public void say(Fixture fixture) throws Exception { Greeter greeter = new Greeter(); assertEquals(fixture.getExpected(), greeter.say(fixture.getArg())); } }

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Parameterized test with JUnit  Too complecated and verbose  Stop execution when assertion failed - run -> fail -> fix -> run -> fail -> fix -> run -> fail ...

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Spock “The Enterprise-ready testing and specification framework.”

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Spock  Testing framework written in Groovy  Inspired from JUnit, RSpec, Mockito, ...  Very fluent specification DSL (like RSpec?)  Descriptive assertion message (Power Assert!!!)

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Installation buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' classpath 'org.codehaus.groovy:gradle-groovy-android-plugin:0.3.6' } }

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Installation buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' classpath 'org.codehaus.groovy:gradle-groovy-android-plugin:0.3.6' } }

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Installation buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' classpath 'org.codehaus.groovy:gradle-groovy-android-plugin:0.3.6' } } gradle-groovy-android-plugin 0.3.6 has not supported android gradle plugin 1.3 higher... 

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Installation dependencies { // ... testCompile "org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4" }

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GreeterSpec with Spock class GreeterSpec extends Specification { def "#say()"() { expect: expected == new Greeter().say(period) where: period | expected "morning" | "Good morning" "afternoon" | "Hello" "night" | "Good night" } }

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GreeterSpec with Spock class GreeterSpec extends Specification { def "#say()"() { expect: expected == new Greeter().say(period) where: period | expected "morning" | "Good morning" "afternoon" | "Hello" "night" | "Good night" } }

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GreeterSpec with Spock class GreeterSpec extends Specification { def "#say()"() { expect: expected == new Greeter().say(period) where: period | expected "morning" | "Good morning" "afternoon" | "Hello" "night" | "Good night" } }

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Assertion message

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Assertion message

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JUnit v.s. Spock

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Groovy/Spock for Android app testing Masayuki IZUMI - @izumin5210 potatotips #22