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TRY! 2012.09.16 @ Python Conference Japan 2012 SUBLIME TEXT ;)

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Shinobu Kawano - I Work for Ariel Networks, Inc - Co-organizer of Japan Sencha User Group - @kawanoshinobu

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Ariel Networks loves Pythonista <3

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Do you know Sublime Text?

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AGENDA - Introduction - DEMO

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December, 2005

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In Australia

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The man had been kicking around the idea of a 3D accelerated text editor

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He spent a weekend building a prototype ,,,

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it sucked.

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However, it gradually morphed into what Sublime Text is today.

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His name is Jon Skinner, author of Sublime Text.

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November, 2007

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He quit job as software engineer at Google, to build a text editor

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3 principles

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The focus should be on the Text, unobtrusive, minimal chrome.

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The Don’t obscure the text with dialogs.

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Use the pixels you’ve got.

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January, 2008

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Sublime Text 1.0 is OUT!

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“The first impression that Sublime Text gives is that t’s beautiful” “…you won’t find anything more Zen than this text editor.” etc..

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He also created - Support Forum - Documentation - Wiki

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June, 2012

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Sublime Text 2.0 Released !

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Very Very Fast

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Looks Awesome

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Cross Platform

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Goto Anything

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Textmate Bundles Friendly

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Easy Package Controll and So Many Plugins

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- SublimeLinter - AllAutoComplete - SideBarEnhancements - SublimeBlockCursor - DocBlockr - Theme - Soda My plugins. That’s all.

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More.. - Multiple Selections - Instant Project Switch - Mini Map - Split Editing - Command Palette - Customize Anything

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My favorite future is - Vintage Mode (Vi Emulation) - Distraction Free Mode and..

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Python based plugin API

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Why Python was chosen?

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Python - Very pleasant language - Huge selection of libraries - User base that’s at least as large

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Choosing an extension ... - Adoption matters - Unicode matters - Libraries matter - Ease matters

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- Early versions of Sublime Text used Scheme as an extension language

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- Early versions of Sublime Text used Scheme as an extension language - It is far from mainstream ...

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- Very small code footprint - Excellent runtime speed

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- Very small code footprint - Excellent runtime speed - Paucity of libraries ... - Weak Unicode support ... - Small-medium user base ...

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- Underrated, elegant language - People acquainted with its syntax

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- Underrated, elegant language - People acquainted with its syntax - Not used as a general purpose language ...

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He come to Python and Ruby

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- Pleasant syntax and semantics - Good selection of libraries - Larger user base

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However, , Python has a Secret Weapon

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That’s pretty Awesome!

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Later, he found out,,

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Ruby has a similar library called Ruby/DL 2.

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The text editor you'll fall in love - Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose - You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance

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I'm happy if you feel Sublime Text is FUN!

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Special Thanks to Sublime Blog http:/ / Sublime Text 2 documentation http:/ / Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation http:/ /

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Woops! One more thing..

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Sublime Text is Proprietary Software USD $59

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Enjoy ;) http:/ /