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WHAT’S NEW RAILS 4 IN 30’ Monday, October 29, 12

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Monday, October 29, 12

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Monday, October 29, 12

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■ Migration ■ Ruby 1.9.3 ■ Strong Parameters ■ Declarative ETags ■ Cache Digests ■ Turbolinks ■ ActiveSupport::Queue ■ Async Mailers ■ Routing Concerns ■ ActionController::Live ■ Security ■ Other features AGENDA Monday, October 29, 12

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MIGRATION Monday, October 29, 12

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3.0.X ➡ 3.1.X ➡ 3.2.X Monday, October 29, 12

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IN EACH STEP ... Monday, October 29, 12

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TESTS COVERAGE QA Monday, October 29, 12

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DEPRECATIONS Monday, October 29, 12

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■ Active Resource ■ AR Observers ■ AR Session Store ■ AMo Mass Assignment Sanitizer ■ Hash Based Finders ■ find_all_* / find_last_* ■ Action Caching ■ Page Caching AVAILABLE AS GEMS Monday, October 29, 12

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USE RAILS GUIDES Monday, October 29, 12

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Monday, October 29, 12

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Monday, October 29, 12

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■ YARV ■ Fastest VM ■ Bytecode interpreter ■ Lazy Sweep GC (tuneable) ■ Native Threads ■ Better strategy for GIL / GVL ■ Encodings RUBY 1.9.3 Monday, October 29, 12

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FEATURES Monday, October 29, 12

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STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version:  20121010233758)  do    create_table  "users",  force:  true  do  |t|        t.string      "username"        t.string      "password"        t.boolean    "admin"        t.datetime  "created_at"        t.datetime  "updated_at"    end end #  ... user  =  params[:user] MASS ASSIGNMENT Monday, October 29, 12

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ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version:  20121010233758)  do    create_table  "users",  force:  true  do  |t|        t.string      "username"        t.string      "password"        t.boolean    "admin"        t.datetime  "created_at"        t.datetime  "updated_at"    end end #  ... user  =  params[:user] MASS ASSIGNMENT Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base;  end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  params[:user]        redirect_to  @user    end end #  raises  ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error MASS ASSIGNMENT Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base;  end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  params[:user]        redirect_to  @user    end end #  raises  ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError MASS ASSIGNMENT Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base    attr_accessible  :username,                                    :password end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  params[:user]        redirect_to  @user    end end MASS ASSIGNMENT Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base    attr_accessible  :username,                                    :password end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  params[:user]        redirect_to  @user    end end MASS ASSIGNMENT Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base;  end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  params.require(:user).                                                                permit(:username,  :password)        redirect_to  @user    end end STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base;  end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  params.require(:user).                                                                permit(:username,  :password)        redirect_to  @user    end end STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base;  end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  user_params        redirect_to  @user    end    private    def  user_params        params.require(:user).permit(:username,  :password)    end end STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 #  app/models/user.rb class  User  <  ActiveRecord::Base;  end #  app/controllers/users_controller.rb class  UsersController  <  ApplicationController    def  create        @user  =  User.create!  user_params        redirect_to  @user    end    private    def  user_params        params.require(:user).permit(:username,  :password)    end end STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 curl  http://localhost:3000/users  -­‐d   "user[username]=spastorino&user[admin]=true& authenticity_token=mm89V7LxLMRJoMJcnP6SIxnxg19RzcO56hdqbDZNmVo ="  -­‐-­‐cookie  cookie STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 curl  http://localhost:3000/users  -­‐d   "user[username]=spastorino&user[admin]=true& authenticity_token=mm89V7LxLMRJoMJcnP6SIxnxg19RzcO56hdqbDZNmVo ="  -­‐-­‐cookie  cookie STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 user  =  User.find_by_username('spastorino') user.admin? =>  false STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 user  =  User.find_by_username('spastorino') user.admin? =>  false user.update_attributes(username:  'santiago',  admin:  true) =>  true STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 user  =  User.find_by_username('spastorino') user.admin? =>  false user.update_attributes(username:  'santiago',  admin:  true) =>  true user.admin? =>  true STRONG PARAMETERS Monday, October 29, 12

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DECLARATIVE ETAGS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 class  TodolistsController  <  ApplicationController    def  show        @todolist  =  Todolist.find(params[:id])        fresh_when  etag:  @todolist    end end DECLARATIVE ETAGS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 class  TodolistsController  <  ApplicationController    etag  {  current_user.try  :admin  }    def  show        @todolist  =  Todolist.find(params[:id])        fresh_when  etag:  @todolist    end end DECLARATIVE ETAGS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 4.0 class  TodolistsController  <  ApplicationController    etag  {  current_user.try  :admin  }    etag  {  @project.try  :cache_key  }    def  show        @todolist  =  Todolist.find(params[:id])        fresh_when  etag:  @todolist    end end DECLARATIVE ETAGS Monday, October 29, 12

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CACHE DIGESTS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

All  my  todo  lists:

   <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v3",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>:

   <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v1",  todo  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>

<%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

All  my  todo  lists:

   <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v3",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>:

   <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v1",  todo  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>

<%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

All  my  todo  lists:

   <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v3",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>:

   <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v1",  todo  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>

<%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

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Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

All  my  todo  lists:

   <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v3",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>:

   <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v1",  todo  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>

<%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

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RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

All  my  todo  lists:

   <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v3",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

<%=  %>:

   <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v1",  todo  ]  do  %>    
  • <%=  %>
  • <%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 46

    Slide 46 text

    RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

    All  my  todo  lists:

       <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v3",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

    <%=  %>:

       <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v2",  todo  ]  do  %>    
  • <%=  %>
  • <%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 47

    Slide 47 text

    RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

    All  my  todo  lists:

       <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v3",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

    <%=  %>:

       <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v2",  todo  ]  do  %>    
  • <%=  %>
  • <%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 48

    Slide 48 text

    RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

    All  my  todo  lists:

       <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v4",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

    <%=  %>:

      <%=  render  todolist.todos  %>
    <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v2",  todo  ]  do  %>    
  • <%=  %>
  • <%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 49

    Slide 49 text

    RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v5",  project  ]  do  %>    

    All  my  todo  lists:

       <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v4",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

    <%=  %>:

      <%=  render  todolist.todos  %>
    <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v2",  todo  ]  do  %>    
  • <%=  %>
  • <%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 50

    Slide 50 text

    RA ILS 3.2 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v6",  project  ]  do  %>    

    All  my  todo  lists:

       <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v4",  todolist  ]  do  %>    

    <%=  %>:

      <%=  render  todolist.todos  %>
    <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  [  "v2",  todo  ]  do  %>    
  • <%=  %>
  • <%  end  %> CACHING VIEWS Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 51

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    RA ILS 4.0 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  project  do  %>    

    All  my  todo  lists:

       <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  todolist  do  %>    

    <%=  %>:

       <%=  render  todolist.todos  %> <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  todo  do  %>  

    <%=  %>

    <%  end  %> CACHE DIGESTS Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 52

    Slide 52 text

    RA ILS 4.0 #  projects/show.html.erb <%  cache  project  do  %>    

    All  my  todo  lists:

       <%=  render  project.todolists  %> <%  end  %> #  todolists/_todolist.html.erb <%  cache  todolist  do  %>    

    <%=  %>:

      <%=  render  todolist.todos  %>
    <%  end  %> #  todos/_todo.html.erb <%  cache  todo  do  %>    
  • <%=  %>
  • <%  end  %> CACHE DIGESTS Monday, October 29, 12

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    CRITICISMS Monday, October 29, 12

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    Slide 55

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    TURBOLINKS Monday, October 29, 12

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    DOESN’T DOWNLOAD JS & CSS Monday, October 29, 12

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    Slide 59

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    DOESN’T RE-COMPILE Monday, October 29, 12

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    DOESN’T RE-COMPILE ONLY V8 Monday, October 29, 12

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    Monday, October 29, 12

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    DOESN’T RE- EVALUATE Monday, October 29, 12

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    CONSIDERATIONS Monday, October 29, 12

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    HTTPS://GITHUB.COM/RAILS/TURBOLINKS Monday, October 29, 12

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    ACTIVESUPPORT::QUEUE Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 4.0 Rails.queue.push job  =  Rails.queue.pop AS::QUEUE Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 4.0 #  config/application.rb #  Default  Synchronous config.queue  = #  Default  Threaded config.queue  = #  Resque  Queue config.queue  = #  Sidekiq  Queue config.queue  = AS::QUEUE Monday, October 29, 12

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    ASYNC MAILERS Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 3.2 class  UsersController  <  ActionController::Base    def  create        @user  =  params[:user]        if            UserMailer.welcome_email(@user).deliver        end        respond_with  @user    end end MAILERS Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 4.0 class  UsersController  <  ActionController::Base    def  create        @user  =  params[:user]        if            UserMailer.welcome_email(@user).deliver        end        respond_with  @user    end end ASYNC MAILERS Monday, October 29, 12

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    ROUTING CONCERNS Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 3.2 #  config/routes.rb Myapp::Application.routes.draw  do    resources  :messages  do        resources  :comments    end    resources  :forwards  do        resources  :comments    end    resources  :uploads  do        resources  :comments    end    resources  :documents  do        resources  :comments    end    resources  :todos  do        resources  :comments    end ROUTING CONCERNS Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 4.0 #  config/routes.rb Myapp::Application.routes.draw  do    concern  :commentable  do        resources  :comments    end    resources  :messages,    concerns:  :commentable    resources  :forwards,    concerns:  :commentable    resources  :uploads,      concerns:  :commentable    resources  :documents,  concerns:  :commentable    resources  :todos,          concerns:  :commentable end ROUTING CONCERNS Monday, October 29, 12

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    ACTIONCONTROLLER::LIVE Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 4.0 class  MyController  <  ActionController::Base end AC::LIVE Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 4.0 class  MyController  <  ActionController::Base    include  ActionController::Live end AC::LIVE Monday, October 29, 12

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    RA ILS 4.0 class  MyController  <  ActionController::Base    include  ActionController::Live    def  index        100.times  {    "hi\n"        }    end end AC::LIVE Monday, October 29, 12

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    HTTP://TENDERLOVEMAKING.COM/2012/07/30/ IS-IT-LIVE.HTML Monday, October 29, 12

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    SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

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    ■ match doesn’t catch all SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

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    ■ match doesn’t catch all ■ ej. match ‘/follow’ SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

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    ■ match doesn’t catch all ■ ej. match ‘/follow’ ■ escape_html_entities_in_json = true SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

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    ■ match doesn’t catch all ■ ej. match ‘/follow’ ■ escape_html_entities_in_json = true ■ var posts = #{ @posts.to_json } SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

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    ■ match doesn’t catch all ■ ej. match ‘/follow’ ■ escape_html_entities_in_json = true ■ var posts = #{ @posts.to_json } ■ X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

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    ■ match doesn’t catch all ■ ej. match ‘/follow’ ■ escape_html_entities_in_json = true ■ var posts = #{ @posts.to_json } ■ X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN ■ X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

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    ■ match doesn’t catch all ■ ej. match ‘/follow’ ■ escape_html_entities_in_json = true ■ var posts = #{ @posts.to_json } ■ X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN ■ X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block ■ X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff SECURITY Monday, October 29, 12

    Slide 87

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    ■ threadsafe! by default ■ ActiveRecord::Model ■ ActiveModel::Model ■ ActiveRecord::Relation ■ Schema cache dump ■ Dalli ■ PATCH verb ■ Friendly errors ■ Default test directories have changed OTHER FEATURES Monday, October 29, 12

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    WE ❤ OSS Monday, October 29, 12

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    WHEN IS RAILS 4 GOING TO BE RELEASED? Monday, October 29, 12

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    @SPASTORINO Monday, October 29, 12

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    THANK YOU! Monday, October 29, 12

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    QUESTIONS? Monday, October 29, 12