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Spring 5 Themes & Trends Stéphane Nicoll - @snicoll

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Last 4.x feature release: 4.3 2 • Released on June 2016 • Extended support life until 2019 • on JDK 6, 7, 8 • on Tomcat 6, 7, 8.0, 8.5 • on WebSphere 7, 8.0, 8.5 and 9 • Programming model refinements brought forward to JDK 6+ • DI & MVC refinements • Composed annotations

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A new framework generation for 2017+ 3 • 5.0 GA available • Spring Boot 2.0 M5 next week! • Major baseline upgrade • JDK 8+ and JavaEE 7 (Servlet 3.1+, Bean Validation 1.1, JMS 2.0+, JPA 2.1+) • Support of JUnit 5 (next to JUnit 4.12) • Comprehensive integration with JavaEE 8 API level • Servlet 4.0, Bean Validation 2.0, JPA 2.2, JSON Binding API 1.0 • e.g. Tomcat 9.0, Hibernate Validator 6.0, Apache Johnzon 1.1

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@snicoll 4 JDK 9

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@snicoll 5 HTTP/2

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@snicoll 6 Reactive Spring

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7 ∞

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8 Going Reactive: More for scalability and stability than for speed

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Blocking + Thread pools 9 HTTP request HTTP response ⏳ ⚙ ⏳ ✍ ⏳ Thread

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Non-blocking and event-loop 10 IO Selector Thread Worker Threads ⚙ ⚙ ✍ ✍ ⚙ ⚙ ✍ ✍ ⚙ ⚙ ✍

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11 From blocking to event-based Neutral to latency

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Imperative style 12 public interface PersonRepository {
 Person findById(String id);
 List findAll();
 void save(Person person);
 } try {
 Person p = personRepository.findById(id);
 // ...
 catch (IOException ex) {
 // ...
 } Blocking

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Functional style 13 personRepository.findById(id)
 .subscribe(); public interface PersonRepository {
 Mono findById(String id);
 Flux findAll();
 Mono save(Person person);
 } Neutral to latency (event based)

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Reactive Streams 14 Publisher Subscriber subscribe request(n) Backpressure Error|Complete onNext(data) onNext(data) onNext(data)

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Reactive Streams API 15 public interface Publisher { void subscribe(Subscriber super T> s); } public interface Subscriber { void onSubscribe(Subscription s); void onNext(T t); void onError(Throwable t); void onComplete(); } public interface Subscription { void request(long n); void cancel(); } public interface Processor extends Subscriber, Publisher { }

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Functional style 16 personRepository.findById(id)
 .subscribe(); public interface PersonRepository {
 Mono findById(String id);
 Mono save(Person person);
 } Neutral to latency (event based) Flux

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17 is a Publisher for 0..n elements Flux

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18 Mono is a Publisher for 0..1 element

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@snicoll Demo

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Reactive Web Controller 21 @GetMapping("/users/{id}")
 Mono getById(@PathVariable String id) {
 return this.userRepository.findOne(id);
 Flux all() {
 return this.userRepository.findAll();
 Mono save(@RequestBody Mono user) {

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New Web Client API 22 WebClient client = WebClient.create(); Mono githubUser = client .get() .uri("{username}", username) .retrieve() .bodyToMono(GithubUser.class); Mono twitterUser = client .get() .uri("{username}", username) .retrieve() .bodyToMono(TwitterUser.class); return githubUser.and(twitterUser, (github, twitter)-> new AppUser(github, twitter));

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23 @Controller, @RequestMapping Spring MVC Servlet API Servlet Container Spring WebFlux.fn Servlet 3.1, Netty, Undertow Spring WebFlux HTTP / Reactive Streams

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@snicoll 24 Functional APIs

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Functional bean registration API (work in progress) 25 • Alternative mechanism to configure the ApplicationContext • Full control over beans registration public static void main(String[] args) { GenericApplicationContext ctx = new GenericApplicationContext(); ctx.registerBean(A.class); ctx.registerBean(B.class, () -> new B(ctx.getBean(A.class))); ctx.refresh(); }

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Functional-style web routing 26 RouterFunction> route =
 route(GET("/users"), )
 .and(route(GET("/users/{id}"), )
 .and(route(POST("/users"), ))); request -> {
 Flux people = repository.findAll();
 return ServerResponse.ok().body(people, User.class);
 } request -> {
 String personId = request.pathVariable("id");
 Mono person = repository.findById(personId);
 return ServerResponse.ok().body(person, User.class);
 } request -> {
 Mono user = request.bodyToMono(User.class);
 return ServerResponse.ok().build(repository.saveAll(user).then());

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Functional-style web routing 27 RouterFunction> route =
 route(GET(“/users"), )
 .and(route(GET(“/users/{id}”), )
 .and(route(POST(“/users”), ))); this::findAll this::findById this::save

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@snicoll 28 Kotlin Support

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Type inference 29 @RestController class UserController(val repo: UserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): Mono { } @GetMapping("/user") fun findAll() : Flux { } } return repo.findOne(id) return repo.findAll()

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Type inference 30 @RestController class UserController(val repo: UserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String) = @GetMapping("/user") fun findAll() : Flux = } repo.findOne(id) repo.findAll()

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Extensions 31 fun findAll(request: ServerRequest): Mono { } inline fun ServerResponse.BodyBuilder .body(publisher: Publisher) = body(publisher, ServerResponseExtensions provided by spring-webflux return ok().body(repo.findAll(),

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Extensions 32 fun findAll(request: ServerRequest) = inline fun ServerResponse.BodyBuilder .body(publisher: Publisher) = body(publisher, ServerResponseExtensions provided by spring-webflux ok().body(repo.findAll())

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Leverage Kotlin nullable information 33 @GetMapping("/foo") fun foo(@RequestParam( ) bar: String?) = … http://localhost:8080/foo required = false

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Leverage Kotlin nullable information 34 @GetMapping("/foo") fun foo(@RequestParam bar: String?) = … http://localhost:8080/foo

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Custom DSL 35 nest( ), route( . andRoute( ). andNest( ), . . ); path("/blog").and(accept(TEXT_HTML) GET("/"), blogHandler::findAllView) GET("/{slug}"), blogHandler::findOneView) path("/api/blog").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON) route(GET("/"), blogHandler::findAll) andRoute(GET("/{id}"), blogHandler::findOne) andRoute(POST("/"), blogHandler::create)

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Custom DSL 36 router { ( ).nest { } ( ).nest { } } "/blog" and accept(TEXT_HTML) GET("/", blogHandler::findAllView) GET("/{slug}", blogHandler::findOneView) "/api/blog" and accept(APPLICATION_JSON) GET("/", blogHandler::findAll) GET("/{id}", blogHandler::findOne) POST("/", blogHandler::create)

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And many more… 37

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@snicoll Demo

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Try it today: 39

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40 Thank You! @snicoll