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Using Go to call Java libraries Jumpei Takiyasu M3, Inc.

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Me Jumpei Takiyasu M3, Inc. Github/Twitter: @juntaki

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This talk What is Go? How to use Java library from Go The Go gopher was designed by Renee French. (

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What is Go?

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Go ● Simple language spec. ● Official development tools ● Statically typed ● Compile to native code ● Concurrency etc.. Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

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Simple Low learning cost to start. package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("hello world") }

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Tools / go-fmt End of coding style war ● Tab vs Space ● Curly brackets { do something $ gofmt ./… # or use editor plugin

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Tools / go get Easy to publish and use library/tools No central repository $ go get $ gogtags -v

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go-doc Generates documentation from comments and tests

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Go is fun! Let’s use Go

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How to use Java libraries from Go

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Motivation My team is using Kotlin - Why? Statically typed ʕ ◔ϖ◔ʔ < OK “Kotlin” sounds cute (for Japanese) ʕ ◔ϖ◔ʔ < cute Kotlin can be used with our Java libraries ʕ - ϖ - ʔ < mmm...

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Go can call Java libraries now

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jnigo Java binding to Go, using JNI Go C Java cgo JNI

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javago Generate go wrapper code for Java library with jnigo $ javago --classfile java.lang.Math $ ls java java.lang.Math.go

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Garbage collection, Memory management Java and C things are wrapped by Go object. GoObject C (JNI) Java GetObject / malloc GetObject Object reference Pointer to Object ref. NewGlobalRef Go GC runtime.Finalizer DeleteGlobalRef free Java GC

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Method overloading func Mathmax(args ...interface{}) (jnigo.JObject, error) { convertedArgs, err := jvm.ConvertAll(args) if err != nil { return nil, err } sigArgs := "" for _, arg := range convertedArgs { sigArgs += arg.Signature() } sigMap := map[string]string{"JJ":"(JJ)J", "FF":"(FF)F", "DD":"(DD)D", "II":"(II)I"} return jvm.CallStaticFunction("java/lang/Math", "max", sigMap[sigArgs], convertedArgs) } Simulated by reflection. Switch function signature by argument signatures

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Conclusion Go is fun!