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Slide 1 text 技術系同人誌の祭典

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Background: do you know... Comic Market

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Background: do you know... 同人誌即売会

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Background: do you know... 同人誌

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Background: do you know... They are not only about comics (and cosplay) 批評系同人誌 旅行記 同人音楽

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Background: do you know... So... there are 技術系同人誌 too(!)

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TechBooster Our group C89 - Published 6 new indie books - 2000 copies sold in 1 day - Ebooks available too

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TechBooster The leader (mhidaka) also organizes some events

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技術書典 So... this time, it is "tech book fes" (market only for 技術系同人誌)

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技術書典 50+ groups

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How we author and publish our own books Re:VIEW - similar to markdown - more printing oriented - various output formats - (Should be) Chinese-ready

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How we author and publish our own books Re:VIEW - Atom plugin - syntax check - previews - structural overview

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How we author and publish our own books Using Github repo - co-authoring Repository for "re:view first step guide"

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How we author and publish our own books Using Github repo - review each other - using github issues

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How we author and publish our own books Using Github repo - pull requests for edits

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How we author and publish our own books Build system (rake, grunt, ...) running CI server too

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Resources to observe what techbookfes is about to checkout Re:VIEW to learn about Re:VIEW Everyone can become a book author