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Ruby on Rails vs Phoenix Framework 2015/06/02 #shinjukuex #10

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self-introduction ! • Takayuki Matsubara @ma2ge/@ma2gedev • Application Engineer @ M3, Inc. • Rails/Java/JavaScript application • Ruby: breadcrumble, chrono_logger, bundle-star • Elixir: ltsvex, netrcex, qiita_ex • whisky

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Phoenix contributors

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ME in Blue !

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Ruby on Rails vs Phoenix Framework

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Why this theme?

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! Is an Elixir/Phoenix app appropriate for only middleware or backend service?

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• Scaffold mix phoenix.gen.html • eex template: erb like template • growing document • WebSocket • Performance • created apps in M3 Hackathon

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! May Phoenix becomes instead of Rails

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❓ How to improve my Rails app performance

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Use Phoenix

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Agenda • introduction • comparison in development • performance

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Programmer Happiness sustainable productivity

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Speed Fun development environment

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Rails ⭐ 26325 1 Phoenix ⭐ 2614 1 1 at 2015/05/31

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Rails version: 4.2.1 1 Phoenix version: 0.13.1 1 1 at 2015/05/31

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Compare Phoenix features with Rails supported • WebSocket • Rails 5 plan to include this, but needs Redis

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Compare Phoenix features with Rails unsupported • Assets pipeline • for JavaScript • SQLite adapter •

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Phoenix ≒ Rails + Speed thought

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Comparison in development

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• File Structure • Scaffold • Router • Controller • View • Model • Mailer • Assets

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No content

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Scaffold • Rails $ rails g scaffold todo content:text done:boolean • Phoenix $ mix phoenix.gen.html Todo todos content:text done:boolean

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Router # config/routes.rb resources :todos # web/router.ex resources "/todos", TodoController

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Named routes: Rails $ rake routes Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action todos GET /todos(.:format) todos#index POST /todos(.:format) todos#create new_todo GET /todos/new(.:format) todos#new edit_todo GET /todos/:id/edit(.:format) todos#edit todo GET /todos/:id(.:format) todos#show PATCH /todos/:id(.:format) todos#update PUT /todos/:id(.:format) todos#update DELETE /todos/:id(.:format) todos#destroy

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Named routes: Phoenix $ mix phoenix.routes page_path GET / PhoenixApp.PageController.index/2 todo_path GET /todos PhoenixApp.TodoController.index/2 todo_path GET /todos/:id/edit PhoenixApp.TodoController.edit/2 todo_path GET /todos/new todo_path GET /todos/:id todo_path POST /todos PhoenixApp.TodoController.create/2 todo_path PATCH /todos/:id PhoenixApp.TodoController.update/2 PUT /todos/:id PhoenixApp.TodoController.update/2 todo_path DELETE /todos/:id PhoenixApp.TodoController.delete/2

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Controller: index action # app/controllers/todos_controller.rb def index @todos = Todo.all end # web/controllers/todo_controller.ex def index(conn, _params) do todos = Repo.all(Todo) render(conn, "index.html", todos: todos) end

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Controller: create action in Rails # app/controllers/todos_controller.rb def create @todo = if redirect_to @todo, notice: 'Todo was successfully created.' else render :new end end

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Controller: create action in Phoenix # web/controllers/todo_controller.ex def create(conn, %{"todo" => todo_params}) do changeset = Todo.changeset(%Todo{}, todo_params) if changeset.valid? do Repo.insert(changeset) conn |> put_flash(:info, "Todo created successfully.") |> redirect(to: todo_path(conn, :index)) else render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset) end end

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View/Template: collection in Rails <%# app/views/todos/index.html.erb %> <% @todos.each do |todo| %> <%= todo.content %> <%= link_to 'Show', todo %> <% end %>

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View/Template: collection in Phoenix <%# web/templates/todo/index.html.eex %> <%= for todo <- @todos do %> <%= todo.content %> <%= link "Show", to: todo_path(@conn, :show, todo), class: "btn btn-default btn-xs" %> <% end %>

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View/Template: partial render <%# *.erb %> <%= render 'form' %> <%# *.eex %> <%= render "form.html", changeset: @changeset, action: todo_path(@conn, :create) %>

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View/Template: form in Rails <%# *.erb %> <%= form_for(@todo) do |f| %> <% @todo.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %> <%= message %> <% end %> <%= f.label :content %> <%= f.text_area :content %> <%= f.check_box :done %> <%= f.submit %> <% end %>

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View/Template: form in Phoenix <%# *.eex %> <%= form_for @changeset, @action, fn f -> %> <%= for {attr, message} <- f.errors do %> <%= humanize(attr) %> <%= message %> <% end %> Content <%= textarea f, :content, class: "form-control" %> <%= checkbox f, :done, class: "form-control" %> <%= submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-primary" %> <% end %>

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Model in Rails # app/models/todo.rb class Todo < ActiveRecord::Base # validations # queries end

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Model in Phoenix # web/models/todo.ex defmodule PhoenixApp.Todo do use PhoenixApp.Web, :model schema "todos" do field :content, :string field :done, :boolean, default: false timestamps end @required_fields ~w(content done) @optional_fields ~w() def changeset(model, params \\ :empty) do model |> cast(params, @required_fields, @optional_fields) end end

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in scaffolded controller # Rails @todos = Todo.all # Phoenix todos = Repo.all(Todo)

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in realworld controller # Rails @todos = Todo.recent(page) # Phoenix todos = Todo.recent(page)

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Query def self.recent(page) order(created_at: :desc) .offset((page.to_i - 1) * SIZE) .limit(SIZE) end def recent(page) do from(p in Todo, order_by: [desc: p.inserted_at], offset: ^((String.to_integer(page) - 1) * @size), limit: ^@size) |> Repo.all end

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Mailer • Rails • ActionMailer • Phoenix • not provided • use other libraries such as gen_smtp

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Assets • Rails • Asset Pipeline • Phoenix •, gulp, etc...

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Test • Rails • RSpec, Minitest, etc... • Phoenix • ExUnit

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Ecosystem • Ruby/Rails -> Rubygems • many gems • Elixir/Phoenix -> Hex • few • potential to increse • Hex is easy to use •

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Phoenix ≒ Rails development

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NOTICE ! • Not same template file • On my macbook air • Rough measurement • Using WebRick server for Rails app

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code # app/controllers/todos_controller.rb def index @todos = Todo.all end # web/controllers/todo_controller.ex def index(conn, _params) do todos = Repo.all(Todo) render(conn, "index.html", todos: todos) end

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Performance: development $ ab -n 50 localhost:3000/todos # Rails Requests per second: 21.85 [#/sec] (mean) # Phoenix Requests per second: 37.08 [#/sec] (mean)

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Performance: production $ ab -n 50 localhost:3000/todos # Rails Requests per second: 149.14 [#/sec] (mean) # Phoenix Requests per second: 450.58 [#/sec] (mean)

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3X faster !

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Performance: production $ ab -n 500 -c 100 localhost:4000/todos # Rails same as single request mode, because WebRick server # Phoenix Requests per second: 1291.92 [#/sec] (mean)

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Phoenix > Rails performance

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Phoenix is Rails like development with Speed

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Conclusion/IMO • Elixir/Phoenix is not only for middleware but also web application • Phoenix has potential to switch current Rails application • Performance • Targeting developer happiness

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We're hiring!

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Resources: Rails and Phoenix • Ruby on Rails • • • Phoenix Framework • •

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Resources: Libraries • Awesome Elixir • • PlugRailsCookieSessionStore • Rails compatible Plug session store • plug_rails_cookie_session_store

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Resources: Mail Library in Elixir • gen_smtp • • mailman • •

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Resources: Ecto • Ecto • • Composable Queries with Ecto • • Ecto vs Active Record • record/

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Resources: Hex • Publishing a package • • Hex Ͱ Elixir ͷϥΠϒϥϦΛϦϦʔε͢Δํ๏ •

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Resources: Performance • Elixir vs Ruby Showdown - Phoenix vs Rails • ruby-showdown-phoenix-vs-rails/ • Benchmarking Phoenix vs Rails vs Sinatra vs Express vs Martini... •