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A parser based syntax highlighter RubyKaigi 2018 May 31st

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self.inspect ● Masataka Pocke Kuwabara ● Software Engineer for Cookpad Inc. ● Technical Advisor for SideCi, Inc. ● A Vimmer

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Previous talks

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No content

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I told about a syntax highlighter in VimConf 2017

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In the VimConf ● I told “Iro.vim”. ○ “Iro” means “color” in English ● ● It is a Vim plugin for Syntax Highlighting. ● It is written in Ruby mainly.

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Regional Rubykaigi in Okinawa #2

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Regional Rubykaigi in Okinawa #2 ● I told the same theme in the conference. ○ VimConf: For Vim users. ○ Okinawa RubyKaigi: For Ruby users.

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Today: RubyKaigi 2018 ● I’m talking the same content (Iro) as Okinawa, but it is deeper.

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Today’s Agenda ● Existing syntax highlighters implementation. ● Problems of Existing syntax highlighter. ● Introduce Iro. ● Advantage of Iro. ● Implementation of Iro. ● The future of Iro.

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Existing Syntax Highlighters Implementation

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Regular Explession ● Many syntax highlighters are implemented with regular expressions. ○ Vim, Emacs, Atom, etcetc...

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Explore Highlighter definitions for Ruby ● Look Atom's highlighter definitions for Ruby code. ● Atom uses “cson” for highlighter definition. ○ “cson” is “CoffeeScript-Object-Notation”

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atom/language-ruby: method definition ●

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Problems of Existing syntax highlighters

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Syntax highlighters have two problems ● Hard to read code of highlighters. ● They does not highlight correctly.

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Problem: Hard to Read

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Regular Expression is difficult. ● Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. Jamie Zawinski

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Do you understand the definitions easily? ● aster/syntax/ruby.vim ● master/grammars/ruby.cson

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Problem: not correct

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Existing highlighters mistakes highlight sometimes ● If highlighting is broken, we cannot understand meaning of the code easily.

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Example: broken highlighting ● It is hard to understand.

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Other examples ● Complex here document ○ e.g. Here document in a string interpolation in a here document ● Tricky code ○ e.g. ????::?:, % %s%% %%%% or def end(def:def def;end)end ○ You can find them from my CFP. ■

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Why do they mistake highlighting? ● They re-implement parser. ○ So the implementations have difference between highlighter and language parser. ● Regexp is not enough to parse programing languages. ○ Regexp: for Regular Language ○ Many Programing Languages: Context Free Language ○ But many editor's implementations extend regexp, so probably it's enough.

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Introduce Iro

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Introduce Iro ● Iro is a gem that is Ripper based syntax highlighter. ● ● $ gem install iro ● Live demo:

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What's Ripper? ● A Ruby standard library. ○ So you can use Ripper without gem install. ● A Parser of Ruby. ● It shares parse.y with Ruby interpretor. ○ So Ripper understands Ruby syntax correctly.

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Difference of Iro and Iro.vim ● Iro is a gem. ○ Ruby code -> Iro -> highlighting information ● Iro.vim is a Vim plugin. ○ Iro.vim passes Ruby code to Iro, and gets the information from Iro. ○ Iro.vim has Python and YAML support also.

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Iro.vim When code is changed Highlight Iro Parse the code Ruby source code Highlight positions

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Advantages of Iro

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Advantages of Iro ● Easy to read Iro's code. ● Iro can highlight correctly. ● Highlighting local variables. ● One implementation for many editors.

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Easy to read Iro’s code

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Iro is written in Ruby ● Iro uses Ripper instead of regexp. ● So I do not need re-implement parser with regular expression. ● Detachment of Parser from Syntax Highlighter.

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Iro can highlight correctly

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Iro can highlight correctly. ● Iro uses Ripper. ● Ripper is the CRuby parser. ● So Iro can highlight code same as CRuby.

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Highlighting local variables

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Iro highlights local variables ● Iro can highlight local variables. ○ Vim, Atom and VSCode don’t have this feature, but RubyMine can highlight them. Iro Existing Highlighter

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One implementation for many editors

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One implementation for many editors ● Each existing syntax highlighter has a different regexp evaluator. ● So each highlighter should define different syntax definition.

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One implementation for many editors ● Iro is a gem, and Iro is a protocol. ● So you can implement a highlighter for your editor with the gem! ● But currently Vim implementation only exists.

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Iro.vim and Iro Iro.vim When code is changed Highlight Iro Parse the code Ruby source code Highlight positions

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Iro emacs and Iro Iro Emacs When code is changed Highlight Iro Parse the code Ruby source code Highlight positions

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Iro VSCode and Iro Iro VSCode When code is changed Highlight Iro Parse the code Ruby source code Highlight positions

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Iro.vim and Iro VSCode When code is changed Highlight Parse the code Python source code Highlight positions

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Implementation of Iro

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Highlighting hello.rb by Iro def hello(name) puts "hello, #{name}" end

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Understanding Ripper behaviour ● Let know Ripper behaviour with Ripper.lex and Ripper.sexp methods. ○ Ripper.lex: Tokenize with meta information ○ Ripper.sexp: Parser to S-Expression ● And Event driven API.

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Ripper.lex $ ruby -rripper -e 'pp Ripper.lex("hello.rb"))' [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def", EXPR_FNAME], [[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", EXPR_FNAME], [[1, 4], :on_ident, "hello", EXPR_ENDFN], [[1, 9], :on_lparen, "(", EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL], [[1, 10], :on_ident, "name", EXPR_ARG], [[1, 14], :on_rparen, ")", EXPR_ENDFN], [[1, 15], :on_ignored_nl, "\n", EXPR_BEG], [[2, 0], :on_sp, " ", EXPR_BEG], [[2, 2], :on_ident, "puts", EXPR_CMDARG], [[2, 6], :on_sp, " ", EXPR_CMDARG], [[2, 7], :on_tstring_beg, "\"", EXPR_CMDARG], [[2, 8], :on_tstring_content, "hello, ", EXPR_CMDARG],

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Ripper.lex output [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def", EXPR_FNAME], [[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", EXPR_FNAME], [[1, 4], :on_ident, "hello", EXPR_ENDFN], … ● It is an array of ○ Position ○ Scanner event name ■ pp Ripper::SCANNER_EVENTS ○ source code ○ lex state (since Ruby 2.5)

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What does Iro uses? ● Iro uses the position and source code for highlighting position. ● Iro uses the event name for highlighting group. Example: [[1, 0], :on_kw, "def", EXPR_FNAME] :on_kw -> Iro highlight it as Keyword. [1, 0] and "def" -> Iro highlight line 1, column 0, size 3.

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Ripper.sexp $ ruby -rripper -e 'pp Ripper.sexp("test.rb"))' [:program, [[:def, [:@ident, "hello", [1, 4]], [:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "name", [1, 10]]], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]], [:bodystmt, [[:command, [:@ident, "puts", [2, 2]], [:args_add_block, [[:string_literal, [:string_content, [:@tstring_content, "hello, ", [2, 8]],

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Ripper.sexp ● It is a S-expression. ● [:TYPE, child_sexp1, child_sexp2, ...] ● child_sexp is a S-expression or a lex output.

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Event driven Ripper API

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Iro does not use #sexp and #lex ● I described them, but Iro does not use them. ● Iro uses event driven API instead.

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Event Driven Ripper API ● Ripper provides event driven API. ● Ripper calls on_TYPE method when it visits TYPE. ○ e.g. Ripper call on_kw method when it reads kw token.

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Example: scanner event require 'ripper' class MyRipper < Ripper def on_kw(tok) puts "type: kw, source: #{tok}, position: #{lineno}, #{column}" end end MyRipper.parse(

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Output $ ruby myripper.rb hello.rb type: kw, source: def, position: 1, 0 type: kw, source: end, position: 3, 0

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Example: parser event require 'ripper' class MyRipper < Ripper::SexpBuilderPP def on_def(name, params, body) p name p params p body end end MyRipper.parse(

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Output $ ruby test.rb hello.rb [:@ident, "hello", [1, 4]] [:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "name", [1, 10]]], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]] [:bodystmt, [[:command, [:@ident, "puts", [2, 2]], [:args_add_block, [[:string_literal, [:string_content, [:@tstring_content, "hello, ", ...

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Implementation of Iro

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See pocke/iro/lib/iro/ruby/parser.rb ruby/parser.rb

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The future of Iro

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Inline highlighting ● Highlight code in code ○ For example: # Here is Ruby code <<~SQL # Here is SQL SELECT * FROM users; SQL

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More languages support ● Currently Iro.vim supports Ruby, YAML and Python. ○ “Iro.vim” has python and YAML support, so I’d like to extract the implementation to a gem or something. ● I’d like to add support Slim, Markdown. ○ Because Slim is a difficult language. ○ Markdown has inline code block.

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More editors support ● Currently Iro supports Vim and HTML only. ● I believe we can use Iro in other editors. ○ e.g. Emacs, Atom or something.

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How about performance? ● I can use Iro.vim comfortable. ○ ⭕ 3,000 lines ○ ❌ 30,000 lines ● But I haven't compare performance with other implementations. ○ Because I'm not sure how to compare highlighter's performance.

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Does Iro work on broken Ruby file? ● Code has syntax errors while editing. ● So syntax highlighters should be able to highlight broken code. ● Iro can highlight in almost cases.

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Example ● It has a syntax error, but Iro highlight it.

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Conclusion ● Iro is a Ripper based syntax highlighter. ○ It can highlight correctly. ● You can try using Iro now! ○ For Vimmer: ○ Web demo: Thank you for listening!

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Events at our Booth 【Day 2】 12:00~13:00 Q&A with @pocke 15:20~15:50 Global Office Hours 【Day 3】 12:00~13:00 Q&A with @wyhaines 15:20~15:50 Ruby interpreter development live by @ko1 & @mame Cookpad X RubyKaigi 2018: Day 2 Party ⏰ June 1st, 19:30 - 21:30 (opens 19:00) Free (Registration required) Show up to this booth at 18:40 if you want to head with us!