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Lightweight AngularJS Minko Gechev

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About me Freelancer, passionate about the web! { "name": "Minko Gechev", "job": "Software Engineer", "responsibilities": ["development", "oo design", "trainings", “consultancy”], "interests": ["javascript", "webrtc", "algorithms", "data structures", "design patterns", "karate"] }

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Table of Contents • Introduction to AngularJS • Light AngularJS • DOM compiler • Provider • Scope • Services • Directives

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Purpose of the presentation • Learn how AngularJS works by building a simplified version of it • Understand design decisions behind the implementation of AngularJS

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Introduction to AngularJS

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AngularJS AngularJS is a JavaScript framework developed by Google. It intends to provide a solid base for the development of CRUD Single-Page Applications (SPA). • two-way data binding • dependency injection • separation of concerns • testability • abstraction

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Partials The partials are HTML strings. They may contain AngularJS expressions inside the elements or their attributes. One of the distinctions between AngularJS and the others frameworks is the fact that AngularJS' templates are not in an intermediate format which needs to be turned into HTML.

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Controllers The AngularJS controllers are JavaScript functions which help handling the user interactions with the web application (for example mouse events, keyboard events, etc.) by attaching methods to the scope. All required external components, for the controllers are provided through the Dependency Injection mechanism of AngularJS.

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function MyController($scope) { $scope.buttonText = 'Click me to change foo!'; $ = 42; $scope.changeFoo = function () { $ += 1; alert('Foo changed'); }; }

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Scope In AngularJS the scope is a JavaScript object which is exposed to the partials. The scope could contains different properties - primitives, objects or methods. All methods attached to the scope could be invoked by evaluation of AngularJS expression inside the partials associated with the given scope, or direct call of the method by any component which keeps reference to the scope.

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Parent method Child method
function BaseCtrl($scope) { $ = function () { alert('Base foo'); }; } function ChildCtrl($scope) { $ = function () { alert('Child bar'); }; }

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Directives In AngularJS the directives are the place where all DOM manipulations should be placed.

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myModule.directive('alertButton', function () { return { template: '<button ng-transclude></button>', scope: { content: '@' }, replace: true, restrict: 'E', transclude: true, link: function (scope, el) { () { alert(scope.content); }); } }; }); Click me

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Filters The filters in AngularJS are responsible for encapsulating logic required for formatting data. Usually filters are used inside the partials but they are also accessible in the controllers, directives, services and other filters through Dependency Injection.

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myModule.filter('uppercase', function () { return function (str) { return (str || '').toUpperCase(); }; });
{{ name | uppercase }}
function MyCtrl($scope, uppercaseFilter) { $ = uppercaseFilter('foo'); //FOO }

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Services Every piece of logic which doesn't belong to the components described above should be placed inside a service. Usually services encapsulate the domain specific logic, persistence logic, XHR, WebSockets, etc.

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myModule.factory('Developer', function () { return function Developer() { = 'Foo'; this.motherLanguage = 'JavaScript'; this.code = function () {}; = function () { while (true) { this.code(); } }; }; }); function MyCtrl(Developer) { var developer = new Developer();; }

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Light AngularJS implementation

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Restrictions • Our light AngularJS provides basic support of only: • Controllers • Directives • Services • Scope

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And is on only ~200 SLOC

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DOMCompiler Provider Scope

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Provider Responsibilities: • Register components (directives, services, controllers) • Resolves dependencies of the components • Initialize the components

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Provider interface • get(name,  locals) - returns given service   • invoke(fn,  locals) - initialize given service   • directive(name,  fn) - registers a directive   • controller(name,  fn) - registers a controller   • service(name,  fn) - registers a service   • annotate(fn) - returns an array of the dependencies of given service

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DOMCompiler Responsibilities: • Compiles the DOM • Traverse the whole DOM tree • Finds registered directives • Invokes the logic associated with them • Manages the current scope

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DOMCompiler interface • bootstrap() - bootstraps the app   • callDirectives(el,  scope) - invokes directive associated to given element   • compile(el,  scope) - compiles the subtree with root given element

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Scope • Watches expressions • Evaluates all watched expressions on each $digest loop • Invokes the associated logic on change of the expression result, compared to the previous call of $digest

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Scope interface • $watch(exp,  fn) - associates given function to an expression   • $eval(exp) - evaluates given expression   • $new() - creates new scope, child of the current   • $destroy() - destroys given scope   • $digest() - performs dirty checking

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Lets start one by one

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Register Components //... directive: function (name, fn) { this._register(name + Provider.DIRECTIVES_SUFFIX, fn); }, controller: function (name, fn) { this._register(name + Provider.CONTROLLERS_SUFFIX, function () { return fn; }); }, service: function (name, fn) { this._register(name, fn); }, _register: function (name, factory) { this._providers[name] = factory; } //...

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Sample calls Provider.directive('ng-bind', function () { return { link: function (scope) { //... } }; }); Provider.directive('ng-repeat', function () { return { scope: true, link: function (scope) { //... } }; });

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Creating components…

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But before that…a little theory…

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Graph theory

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Says: “Formalize all the things!!” FTW!

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Graph is… Ordered pair of two sets: G = { V, E }, E ⊆ VxV

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Or simply… A B E D C

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Why the f#%& we need math here?

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DOM Tree html head body p div

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Dependency graph $resource $q $http $httpBackend $browser

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A typical problems in graph theory • Check whether given vertex has specific property • Visit a subset of the the vertices of given graph • …

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How to find all elements with associated directive in given DOM tree?

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DOM Tree === Acyclic undirected graph

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Traverse the DOM tree Two basic algorithms: • Breath-First Search (BFS) • Finds the shortest path between nods • Depth-First Search (DFS) • Finds any path

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We can represent graphs by… • A matrix A, where A[i][j] will be equals to 1 if and only if there is a path between i and j, otherwise it’ll be equals to 0.

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Example… 0 3 4 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

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DFS JavaScript implementation function dfs(graph, current, visited) { 'use strict'; visited = visited || []; if (visited[current]) { return; } visited[current] = true; for (var k = 0; k < graph.length; k += 1) { if (graph[current][k] && !visited[k]) { dfs(graph, k, visited); } } }

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Lets go back to our implementation

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Provider…get a service

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directive: function (name, fn) { … }, controller: function (name, fn) { … }, service: function (name, fn) { … }, _register: function (name, factory) { … }, get: function (name, locals) { if (this._cache[name]) { return this._cache[name]; } var provider = this._providers[name]; if (!provider || typeof provider !== 'function') { return null; } return (this._cache[name] = this.invoke(provider, locals)); }, _cache: {}

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annotate: function (fn) { var res = fn.toString() .replace(/((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg, '') .match(/\((.*?)\)/); if (res && res[1]) { return res[1].split(',').map(function (d) { return d.trim(); }); } return []; }, invoke: function (fn, locals) { locals = locals || {}; var deps = this.annotate(fn).map(function (s) { return locals[s] || this.get(s, locals); // Indirect recursion }, this); return fn.apply(null, deps); }

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Before minification this.annotate(function ($http, $q, $browser) { //... }); // [“$http”, “$q”, “$browser”]

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After minification… this.annotate(function (a, b, c) { //... }); // [“a”, “b”, “c”]

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one more problem…

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a cycle…

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//... compile: function (el, scope) { scope = this.callDirectives(el, scope); [] || [], function (d) { this.compile(d, scope); // Recursive call }.bind(this)); } //...

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//... callDirectives: function (el, $scope) { var isCreated = false; [] || [], function (attr) { var directive = Provider.get( + Provider.DIRECTIVES_SUFFIX); return directive && { expr: attr.value, provision: directive }; }) // takes all expressions with value evaluated to true // i.e. if such directive exists the literal will // be returned .filter(Boolean) .forEach(function (d) { if (d.provision.scope && !isCreated) { isCreated = true; $scope = $scope.$new(); }, $scope, d.expr); }); return $scope; } //...

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$rootScope $scope0 $scope1 $scope3 $scope4 $scope2

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function Scope(parent, id) { 'use strict'; this.$$watchers = []; this.$$children = []; this.$parent = parent; this.$id = id || 0; }

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Scope.prototype.$new = function () { 'use strict'; Scope.counter += 1; var obj = new Scope(this, Scope.counter); Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, this); this.$$children.push(obj); return obj; }; Scope.prototype.$destroy = function () { 'use strict'; var pc = this.$parent.$$children; pc.splice(pc.indexOf(this), 1); };

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Dirty Checking

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Scope.prototype.$watch = function (exp, fn) { 'use strict'; this.$$watchers.push({ exp: exp, fn: fn, last: Utils.clone(this.$eval(exp)) }); };

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Scope.prototype.$digest = function () { 'use strict'; var dirty, watcher, current, i; do { dirty = false; for (i = 0; i < this.$$watchers.length; i += 1) { watcher = this.$$watchers[i]; current = this.$eval(watcher.exp); if (!Utils.equals(watcher.last, current)) { watcher.last = Utils.clone(current); dirty = true; watcher.fn(current); } } } while (dirty); for (i = 0; i < this.$$children.length; i += 1) { this.$$children[i].$digest(); // Recursive call } };

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and a few directives…

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Provider.directive('ngl-click', function () { 'use strict'; return { scope: false, link: function (el, scope, exp) { el.onclick = function () { scope.$eval(exp); scope.$digest(); }; } }; });

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one-way binding…

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Provider.directive('ngl-bind', function () { 'use strict'; return { scope: false, link: function (el, scope, exp) { el.innerHTML = scope.$eval(exp); scope.$watch(exp, function (val) { el.innerHTML = val; }); } }; });

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two-way binding

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Provider.directive('ngl-model', function () { 'use strict'; return { link: function (el, scope, exp) { el.onkeyup = function () { scope[exp] = el.value; scope.$digest(); }; scope.$watch(exp, function (val) { el.value = val; }); } }; });

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lets take a look at the following snippet…

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setTimeout & setInterval function Ctrl($scope) { $scope.counter = 0; setTimeout(function () { $scope.counter += 1; }, 1000); }

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how AngularJS knows count has been changed?

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…it doesn’t

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setTimeout & setInterval function Ctrl($scope) { $scope.counter = 0; setTimeout(function () { $scope.counter += 1; $scope.$digest(); //Note that in AngularJS you should use $apply }, 1000); }

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$timeout Provider.service('timeout', function ($rootScope) { 'use strict’; return function (fn, timeout) { setTimeout(function () { fn(); $rootScope.$digest(); }, timeout); }; });

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how about 2k-3k bindings?

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then dirty checking is not reliable…

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Object.observe Already in Chrome

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Thank you!

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Resources • Source code of AngularJS • AngularJS tutorial • AngularJS Dev Guide • Source code from the slides • AngularJS in Patterns • AngularJS style guide