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How people build software ! " Encouraging healthy communities on GitHub GitHubӤͽ؋ق΀πϬϲϘϓΰΨ֢Ρ΁΅ Danielle Leong Application Engineer Community & Safety, GitHub

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How people build software ! ! Danielle Leong Software Engineer Community & Safety team GitHub: @dmleong Twitter: @tsunamino 2

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How people build software ! ! 6th generation Chinese American ӾࢵᔮمӮίϮϷθՈ Blood type B- 3

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How people build software ! I help make online communities safer 4 ηЀ϶αЀπϬϲϘϓΰΨΞΠਞق΁ͯΡಋۗͧΨͭͼ͚Δ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! Communities are groups of people, united in a common purpose, governed by a set of rules. 5 πϬϲϘϓΰ;΅̵و᭗΄ፓጱ΄͵Η΁ᵞΔΠ̵ Ӟਧ΄ϸЄϸ΁चͻ͚ͼᤈ㵕ͯΡՈ̸΄νϸЄϤ΄ͩ;ͽ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! Any time you have user-to-user interactions, there can be harassment. 6 Ո;Ո͢͡͡ΥΠݳ͜;ͣ΅͚ͺͽΘ̵ Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ(২͢Οͱ)᩸ͩ͢Π஑Δͯ

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How people build software ! Online harassment is destructive behavior that undermines productivity 7 ηЀ϶αЀ΄Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΅̵ኞ叩௔Ψ䠔΀͜ํਸ਼΀ᤈ傶ͽ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! ! Types of online harassment ηЀ϶αЀϜ϶φϮЀϕ΄圵气 8 • Posting personal info (doxing) • Sexual or pornographic content • Impersonation • SWATing (fake bomb threats) • Death and rape threats • Identity theft • So many more :( •㮆Ոఘ䁭΄ಭᑤ •௔ጱ΀πЀϓЀϑ •΀ΠͯΔͭ •䘂搡΀ࡵ΁ΞΡ͚͵ͰΟ •䵷ՈΚϹαϤ΄寠ᬼ •㮆Ոఘ䁭΄䠵ݐ;ֵአ •ͳ΄՜

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How people build software ! Microaggressions 9 ᛔ憝΀ͣ૧㳨

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How people build software ! 25% of Japanese women face sexual harassment at work 10 ෭๜Ոঀ௔΄25Ѿ͢实䁰ͽψμϜ϶Ψݑͧͼ͚Δͯ

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How people build software ! 48.7% of Japanese women face maternity harassment at work 11 ෭๜Ոঀ௔΄48.7ϞЄψЀϕ΅̵ 实䁰ͽ঍ৄӾɾڊ叩஍΄Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ(ϫόϜ϶)Ψݑͧͼ͚Δͯ

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How people build software ! Women are more likely to have their pull requests merged if they hide their gender 12 California Polytechnic State University North Carolina State University ঀ௔͢௔㳨Ψ檱ͭͼPull RequestΨͯΡ;̵ ௔㳨Ψ檱ͫ΀͡͹͵䁰ݳΞΠΘ ϫЄυͫ΢Κ͚ͯ㰆ݻ͘͢ΠΔ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! Age, gender, and sexual orientation are overwhelming factors in online harassment 13 ଙ熌̵௔㳨̵௔ጱ೰ݻ(௡䙄䌏᨝)΅ ηЀ϶αЀ΄Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΄य़ͣ΀ᥝࢩ;΀͹ͼ͚Δ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! 25% of women 18-24 experience severe online sexual harassment 14 Pew Research Center 18ʙ24䵈΄ঀ௔΄25%͢ Ⴎڰ΀ηЀ϶αЀ΄ψμϜ϶Ψ奺浞ͭͼΔ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! Women receive twice as many death and rape threats than men 15 The Guardian ঀ௔΅̵ካ௔΄ҋ׭ग़ͥ 䵷ՈΚϹαϤ;͚͹͵寠ᬼΨݑͧͼ͚Δͯ

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How people build software ! Who is doing the harassment? 16 Ϝ϶φϮЀϕΨͭͼ͚Ρ΄΅抑ͽͭΝ͜͡Ҙ

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How people build software ! “400 pound hackers”? 17

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How people build software ! “These are mostly normal people who do things that seem fun at the time that have huge implications.” 18 Whitney Phillips Mercer University This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: Mapping the Relationship Between Online Trolling and Mainstream Culture. ̿͵͚ͼ͚΅̵ͳ΄䦒䮭͚ͭ;௏ͩ͜;Ψͭͼ͚ΡͶͧ΄ ฦ᭗΄Ոͽ̵ͯ͢ͳ΢͢Ⴎڰ΀㺔氂Ψ୚ͣ᩸ͩͯͩ;͘͢ΠΔ̶ͯ̀

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How people build software ! Harassers believe their victims deserve it. 19 Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΄ےਸ਼ᘏ΅̵刟ᇗᘏ̵͢ ͳ΄Ϝ϶φϮЀϕΨݑͧͼ୮ᆐͶ;מͮͼ͚Δ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! “I never felt bad. I found [your work] so vile that I thought you didn’t deserve sympathy.” 20 Troll, TIME Magazine ̿ᐺ΅ᛔړ͢䘂͚;ఽͮ͵ͩ;΅ӞଶΘ΀̶͚ ͘΀͵΄ͭ͵ͩ;͢;ͼΘΈͿ͚͡Ο̵ݶఘ΁㮔ͭ΀͚;௏͹͵̀

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How people build software ! Targets of harassment are chosen because they are visible 21 Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΄όЄοϐϕ΅̵ፓᒈͺ͡Ο晝Ά΢Δ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! Women "holding prominent, visible positions in the open source community [are] targets of harassment". 22 Jérôme Petazzoni ηЄϤЀϊЄφπϬϲϘϓΰ΄Ӿͽํݷͽፓᒈͺᒈ䁰΁͚Ρঀ௔΅̵ Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΄䌏᨝ͽ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! ! Notable examples of harassment Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΄ 23 •Organizing doxing using repositories and issues •Young open source developer targeted with porn and homophobic slurs •Racist repository names •Spamming people with ASCII genitalia •ϷϪυϕϷ;IssueΨֵ͹ͼ㮆 Ոఘ䁭Ψบͯ •Ϫϸϛ;ݶ௔䙄Ӿ㰁΄䰤ጱ΁ ͫ΢͵ᝑ͚ηЄϤЀϊЄφ樄 咲ᘏ •Ո圵૧㳨ጱ΀ϷϪυϕϷݷ •Ո̸΁ASCII΄௔࢏ΨᭆΠͺ ͧΡφϞϭ

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How people build software ! ! Common every day harassment Ӟᛱጱ΀Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ 24 •Spamming issues and repositories with comments •People not merging pull requests because the author is a minority •People getting spammed with threats that were immediately deleted •Sock puppet accounts that dog pile on a person’s pull request •Issue;ϷϪυϕϷ΁䌏ͯΡπϮ Ѐϕ΄φϞϭ •៪ᘏ͢੝හၝ΄䦒΁̵ஂΟ΄ Pull RequestΨMergeͭ΀͚ •ͯͦ΁ڷᴻͫ΢Ρ寠শ΄φϞϭ ϮЄϸΨݑͧݐΡ •ग़᯿ίθγЀϕͽ㮆Ո΄Pull RequestΨ͵ͥͫΩᭆΡ

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How people build software ! GitHub’s response was too slow 25 GitHub΄䌏䖕΅昼ͯͤΔͭ͵

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How people build software ! Internal debate + no set definition of harassment + lack of moderation tooling = paralysis 26 ٖ᮱ͽ΄捍抷 + 䨀ซ΀Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΄ਧ嬝 + 晒ڔ΀ϑЄϸ΄ཹই = ௏ᘍ؊ྊ

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How people build software ! Paralysis hurt our users 27 ௏ᘍ؊ྊ΅̵ᐺ͵ͷ΄ϳЄσΨ㰁ͺͧΔ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! People were silenced and pushed off the platform 28 Ո̸΅̵ᶉ͡΁GitHubΨ݄ΠΔͭ͵̶

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How people build software ! Americans love free speech ! 29 ίϮϷθՈ΅᥺抷΄ᛔኧΨ䙄ͭͼ͚Δͯ

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How people build software ! Harassment isn’t free speech because it silences others 30 Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΅̵՜ᘏΨဂ焥ͫͱΡ΄ͽ̵ ᥺抷΄ᛔኧ;΅᥺͞ΔͱΩ

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How people build software ! Online harassment is destructive behavior that undermines productivity 31 ηЀ϶αЀ΄Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ΅̵ኞ叩௔Ψ䠔΀͜ํਸ਼΀ᤈ傶ͽ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! Build tools that encourage good behavior, not policy to punish bad behavior 32 䘂͚ᤈ͚Ψ嫵ͯΡ͵Η΄ϸЄϸͽ΅΀̵ͥ ᜉ͚ᤈ͚Ψ׏昲ͯΡϑЄϸΨ֢Σ͜

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How people build software ! We are a core engineering team whose purpose aligns with the company’s values of positive social impact 33 ᐺ͵ͷ΅̵ϪυϓΰϣαЀϞμϕҁᜉ͚୽段҂;͚͜ GitHub΄մ䮣㭅㮔΁ဠ͹͵ፓጱΨ೮ͺ̵εЀυϘίϷЀν΄ώЄϭͽͯ

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How people build software ! Community & Safety is not a nice-to- have, it is mandatory 34 Community & SafetyώЄϭ΅̵͘͹͵Οᜉ̵͚ͽ΅΀ͥ մ䮣;ͭͼ΄揣㵗ͽ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! 35

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How people build software ! Build systems that empower inclusive and healthy communities and encourage good online citizenship. Discourage behavior that is destructive or threatens personal safety. 36 樄නጱͽ؋ق΀πϬϲϘϓΰ΁䰱ᴴΨӨ̵͞ 㭅㮔΄͘ΡηЀ϶αЀӤ΄૱࿆䰱Ψۗ౮ͯΡτφϓϭΨ֢Σ̶͜ ํਸ਼ͽ㮆Ո΄ਞق௔Ψ寠ͯ͡ᤈ͚ΨᴥྊͭΞ̶͜

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How people build software ! Give community managers the tools they need to succeed 37 πϬϲϘϓΰ΄晁㻑ᘏ΁̵ηЄϤЀϊЄφϤϺυδμϕΨ ΞΠ㲖ჶ΁晁㻑ͯΡ͵Η΄ϑЄϸΨ൉׀ͭΞ̶͜

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How people build software ! Build explicit consent into every user-to-user interaction 38 ϳЄσݶॊ΄ΚΠ;Π΁̵ ΅͹ͣΠͭ͵ಥ扯΄՛奲ΕΨ䌙فͭΞ̶͜

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How people build software ! Some features we’ve made on GitHub 39 ᐺ͵ͷ͢GitHubͽ֢͹͵䱛ᚆ΁ͺ͚ͼ

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How people build software ! ! 40

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How people build software ! Site-wide Community Guidelines that define harassment 42 Ϝ϶φϮЀϕ;΅֜͡Ψਧ嬝ͯΡ ́Site-wide Community Guidelines͂

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How people build software ! Repository reputation system 43 ϷϪυϕϷ戺㭅τφϓϭ

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How people build software ! Community & Safety consults on feature reviews to catch potential abuse loopholes 44 ᐺ͵ͷCommunity & SafetyώЄϭ΅̵ᄟࣁጱ΀ӧྋ΄䝏ͧ᭲ Ψ憎ͺͧΡ͵Η΁̵䱛ᚆϹϠϲЄ΁ݐΠ奲Ωͽ͚Δͯ

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How people build software ! Features in progress 45 樄咲Ӿ΄䱛ᚆ

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How people build software ! Tools to measure and encourage Code of Conduct adoption rates 46 ᤈ㵕憒塅΄ฦ݊ሲΨ介Π̵׏昲ͯΡ͵Η΄ϑЄϸ

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How people build software ! Crisis management tools for community managers 47 πϬϲϘϓΰ晁㻑ᘏ΄͵Η΄ܧ䱛ᓕቘϑЄϸ

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How people build software ! Communities on GitHub are safe and inclusive, composed of diverse users acting as model online citizens. 48 GitHubӤ΄πϬϲϘϓΰ΅̵ਞقͽ樄නጱͽ͘Π̵ ཛྷ塅ጱ΀ηЀ϶αЀ૱࿆;ͭͼഄΡᛩ͜ग़䯭΀Ո̸ͽ䯤౮ͫ΢ͼ͚Ρ̶

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How people build software ! Model online citizens respect one another as people and contribute meaningful work. 49 ཛྷ塅ጱ΀ηЀ϶αЀ૱࿆΅͠԰͚ΨՈ;ͭͼਜ਼᯿̵ͭ ํ఺嬝΀ၚ㵕΁揙ሠͭΔ̶ͯ

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How people build software ! Build enthusiastic and informed consent for every interaction 50 ͘ΟΜΡΚΠݐΠ΁͚͠ͼ̵ 公ஞͽ嘦͡΀ఘ䁭΁चͻ͚͵ݶ఺͢஑Ο΢ΡΞ͜΁ͭΞ͜

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How people build software ! Reward good behavior 51 ᜉ͚ᤈ͚΁΅ͪ᥊ᗦΨ

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How people build software ! Curiosity and learning is encouraged and safe 52 অ॰ஞΨ೮͹͵Π਍ΩͶΠͯΡͩ;΅̵ᜉ͚ͩ;͡ͺਞقͽͯ

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How people build software ! Community managers have the tools to de-escalate situations and foster inclusive culture 53 πϬϲϘϓΰ΄晁㻑ᘏ΁ݻͧͼ̵䘂͚ᇫ丆Ψ娓޾̵ͭ 樄නጱ΀෈۸ΨᙙΖϑЄϸΨአ఺ͭͼ͚Δͯ

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How people build software ! "Communities that purport to be for everyone have an obligation to cultivate a community of inclusive values...a space where participants aren't silenced by fear 54 Sarah Jeong The Internet of Garbage ̿ΕΩ΀΄͵Η΁͘Ρ;ਯ᥺ͭͼ͚ΡπϬϲϘϓΰ΅ͯΏͼ̵ 樄නጱ΀㭅㮔Ψ೮ͺπϬϲϘϓΰ΁ᙙͼΡ嬝㵗͘͢Ρ̶ ͺΔΠ݇ےᘏ͢௣ோ΁Ξ͹ͼ焥Οͫ΢͵Π̵ ை澕ΠͺͧΟ΢͵Πͭ΀͚䁰ಅͽ͘Ρ̶̀

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How people build software ! ! Resources 55 • becoming-established-norm-study • • becoming-established-norm-study • • •The Internet of Garbage by Sarah Jeong • • harassment-at-work • sexually-harassed-study/#.V_1qA5MrKRs

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How people build software ! " ͘Π͢;͚ͪͬ͜Δͭ͵Ѻ