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Dr. Christian Geuer-Pollmann @chgeuer Lessons learned: Hosting large-scale backends like the “Eurovision Song Contest” on Microsoft Azure

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Architecture Overview Operations Security Load Testing Performance Connectivity Agenda

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Kampf der Orchester (SRF) Eurovision Song Contest 2015 (EBU / ORF) Quizduell im Ersten (Das Erste / NDR) Spiel für Dein Land (Das Erste / SRF / ORF)

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im Ersten

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Technology Partner

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Nächster Sendetermin Sa, 12. 12. 2015 | 20:15 Uhr

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• Support 2+ mio concurrent connections • Sub-second in-app notifications • Voting and fast aggregation • Web Sockets for bi-directional communications • Build on Azure "Cloud Services" ("PaaS v1") ASP .NET, SignalR Solution Overview

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General Architecture

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• KISS!!! • Cloud Services - Affinity, Network, CPU, Memory only. • Reduce moving pieces. If you can eliminate 3rd party services, do so. • Asynchronous to potentially blocking / failing components. • Retry operations towards data store shouldn't block critical path. Paranoia – Trust no one

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No external dependencies

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Multi-paradigm fallbacks • Realtime updates via WebSockets, • Fallback to CDN. Paranoia – Don‘t trust your own solution

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• Quorum in PaaS v1 Cloud Services is "difficult“; On paper, Compute v1 has 2 FDs only • New Compute v2 (ARM, Service Fabric) provides 3FD Unfortunately v2 not avail end CY14 Quorum and Fault Domains

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• Don't let all web roles hammer the backend. Reduce traffic to central DB • Aggregate in role • Constant load on backend • Shared-Access Signatures for Profile Pictures Reduce Load on Backend

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• Establishing TCP connections is expensive  strain on TCP/IP stack • Closed TCP connections are expensive (TIMED_WAIT2) • UX: Minimize realtime delay and latency • WebSockets have no poll interval • Authenticating each request HTTP Polling versus WebSockets

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Don‘t use plain http polling Votes per POST Status per GET

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Automate everything!

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Automate everything!

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Network Tweaking • HTTP • http.sys max connections • Concurrent requests per CPU • Request queue limit • TCP • TIME_WAIT2 • max. TCP retransmissions • Windows OS

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Network Tweaking – Receive Side Scaling • “Receive side scaling (RSS) is a network driver technology that enables the efficient distribution of network receive processing across multiple CPUs in multiprocessor systems.” [1] • master/Quizzer.Web/SetupScripts/ 1#L190-L216 [1]

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• Egress data volume for client is high. Questions and Answers can have image attachments. • Individually encrypted questions, zipped JSON in CDN • Change distribution time, path and costs • Goal: Separate bulk data and realtime traffic • 500k people * 100kB == 50GB. • 500k people * question ID + key only == 1MB. Traffic Volume Optimization

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• There‘s no sizing info, as patterns vary heavily • Load Test is the (only) answer! SignalR (and other) Performance Guidance

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• There is never enough time for testing. • High # of concurrent users • Long-lived connections • Each public IP can establish a theorerical maximum of 64k connections to http://target:80/ • Custom protocol on top of SignalR Developed an own load test framework (“bot net” ) Load Testing Challenges

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Spin 60 individual nodes (unique src IPs)

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Security Rule #1 – Know your threat model • Quizduell Gewinnspiel • QD “Hall of Fame” • QD Double-voting • ESC votes per SMS

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Caution: Don‘t generalize that specific decision! • Used TLS for registration and login only • TLS is burden on CPU, we did custom authN (HMAC only). • Different APIs might have different security requirements & protocols (possible due to closed system nature) Performance vs. Security

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Security Reviews you didn‘t ask for… Your client implementation is never private

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3 Tage vor „Go Live“ 

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Live API provides status, and links to bulk data in CDN A manifest // { "AgbChange": "2015-10-23T18:55:00", "DsChange": "2015-10-23T18:55:00", "TbChange": "2015-10-23T18:55:00", "Live": false, "IdxVersion": 2, "RankingBlobUrl": "", "RankingTimestamp": 1446231308743, "Capped": false, "PlayAlong": false, "Apps": [ { "OS": "iOS", "Version": "1.6", "Force": false }, { "OS": "Android", "Version": "1.2.7", "Force": false }, { "OS": "Windows", "Version": "", "Force": false }, { "OS": "WindowsTablet", "Version": "", "Force": false } ], "Duells": [ "", "", "", "" ] }

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Thanks for the voluntary analysis „Für alle weiteren Zugriffe auf die Web-API müssen wir jedoch ein sog. User-Token mitliefern, damit der Server uns überhaupt antwortet. Dieses User-Token erhalten wir erst nach Authentifizierung über Googles OAuth 2-Dienst mit unserem Google-Konto.“

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„Nach Herunterladen [...] entdecken wir [...] einen Katalog aller Fragen, allerdings sind die Fragen verschlüsselt. [...] Der Schlüssel wird mit Beginn jeder Fragerunde [...] an die Spieler ausgeliefert. Bis dahin bleiben die Fragen unter Verschluss, denn das eingesetzte symmetrische AES-Verschlüsselungsverfahren ist unknackbar. [...] Cheaten ist also nicht drin, es sei denn man wertet die Kenntnis über die zweite und dritte Frage schon zu Beginn einer Runde, während andere erst die erste Frage sehen, als einen solchen Betrug.“ Thanks for the voluntary analysis (2)

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„Durch die geschickten Vorab-Downloads der Fragen und Team-Fotos müssen während eines Live-Duells nur noch kryptographische Schlüssel und einige Metadaten ausgetauscht werden. Dies ist sicher eine deutliche Reduktion des übertragenen Datenvolumens. Weiterhin kommen sog. Websockets zum Einsatz, welche gegenüber der alten App viele Performance-Vorteile bei der Live- Synchronisation des Spielgeschehens bieten.“ Thanks for the voluntary analysis (3)

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Pre-heating up your app Heating up Production

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How we handled auto-scaling We did not auto-scale!

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• Instrument your infrastructure. Know what the load is on your nodes. • Using Microsoft standard logging (Performance Counters) helps. • Monitor everything (VMs, CDN) • Realtime-logging for startup tasks: chgeuer/UnorthodoxAzureLogging Logging and Instrumentation

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Schedule 

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Dr. Christian Geuer-Pollmann @chgeuer