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TMUX Rocks! ( Terminal MUltipleXer ) Kent Chen

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Kent Chen (chenkaie) @chenkaie on GitHub @chenkaie on SlideShare @chenkaie on LinkedIn @chenkaie on Twitter @+KentChenAtGoogle on Google+

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終端复用器 基本功 不談 Not a basic intro course of terminal multiplexer

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GNU Screen vs. tmux Ref: screen, tmux

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分享小弟 「跳槽」經驗 An experience sharing after “Jump ship” (驚)

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Screen 用得好好的? GNU Screen works god damn well?

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為什麼要換 tmux Why switch to tmux?

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 聽我娓娓道來 Now listen carefully

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GNU screen 七宗罪 The SE7EN deadly sins

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No content

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! 罪宗一 The 1st deadly sin

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Memory eating MONSTER Sort by MEM%

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100 windows in Screen 370 MB resident Ref:

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Ref: 100 windows in tmux 5 MB resident

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! 罪宗二 The 2nd deadly sin

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Split with 3 window happily

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來去猩巴克 當個 假文青真碼農
 Think about coding at Starbucks

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體驗文青生活 妹也走光 寫扣吧 $ screen -x Reattach to previous session

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WTF… ? ?

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Restore a session with splitted screen Ref: windows-split-after-detaching-reattaching-gnu-screen

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! 罪宗三 The 3rd deadly sin

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Not under active development A dead project… since 2008

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! 罪宗四 The 4th deadly sin

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掰不下去了 Cannot think of more deadly sin

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其實還不錯 請繼續支持 自由軟體 Screen is still pretty excellent Donate Free Software, thanks!

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究竟 tmux 有何過人之處 Why tmux rocks?

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極具彈性的 Session > Window > Pane 視窗管理 Flexible Session / Window / Pane window management

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Screenshot Pane 1 Pane 2 Pane 3 Window Left status bar Right status bar Session Name Session

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$ tmux info Window 1 … Window 2 Window N Pane Pane Pane Pane …… Client 1 Client 2 Client N Session

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Window 1 … Window 2 Window N Pane Pane Pane Pane Client Session 2 $ tmux choose-session Window 1 Pane Session 1 Window 1 Pane Session 3

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client / server model Ref:

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還有什麼 特異功能 Any tricks & tips?

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! 第靈招 Tip & Trick 0

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No transfer effort from Screen 無痛轉換 i.e. 靈的轉移(驚) My modification: Ref: Soul Transfer by: $ alias screen=tmux

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! 第一招 Tip & Trick 1

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Multiple paste buffers $ tmux list-buffers # ! $ tmux paste-buffer ]

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! 第二招 Tip & Trick 2

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Powerful mouse mode support Resize Pane Select Pane[1] Select Window 1. screen can do “select pane” only

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! 第三招 Tip & Trick 3

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Vertical splitting w/o patching You can patch GNU Screen to do it It’s pretty useful under 16:9 widescreen

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! 第四招 Tip & Trick 4

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Multiple root-privileged system administrators can share the same session to manage the server. remote SSH w/o leaking your “password” Remote debugging Pair Programming Shared Sessions

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Pair Programming wemux: Multi-User Tmux Made Easy Mode: mirror / pair / rogue

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No Magic Ref:

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! 第五招 Tip & Trick 5

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Search in windows $ tmux find-window f

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! 第六招 Tip & Trick 6

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Powerline support • Personal bias … XD • UTF-8 status line support

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! 第七招 Tip & Trick 7

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Synchronize panes : :set synchronize-panes on

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! 第八招 Tip & Trick 8

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Highly Scriptable $ tmux list-commands $ tmux list-keys Ref:

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! 第九招 Tip & Trick 9

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handy Ref: Snapshot :

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! 第十招 Tip & Trick 10

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PuTTy Fn key issue Terminal > Keyboard > Function Keys and Keypad: “Xterm R6”

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! 第十一招 Tip & Trick 11

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Scrollback issue * How can I make tmux use my terminal's scrollback buffer? ! Normally, tmux enables the terminal's "alternate screen". Most terminals (such as xterm) do not save scrollback for the alternate screen. You might prefer tmux to use the normal screen, so it uses your terminal's scrollback buffer. This way, you can access the scrollback buffer as usual, for example using the mouse wheel - although there is no guarantee output inside tmux will always (or ever) be added to the scrollback. ! You can make tmux use the normal screen by telling it that your terminal does not have an alternate screen. Put the following in ~/.tmux.conf: ! set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@' Ref: tmux FAQ

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! 第十二招 Tip & Trick 12

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#  Add  in  .tmux.conf   ! #  Lightning  fast  pane  movement  w/o  prefix  key  by     bind  -­‐n  M-­‐`  select-­‐pane  -­‐t:.+   ! #  Lightning  fast  pane  resize  w/o  mouse  mode  by     bind  -­‐n  M-­‐up        resize-­‐pane  -­‐U  1   bind  -­‐n  M-­‐down    resize-­‐pane  -­‐D  1   bind  -­‐n  M-­‐left    resize-­‐pane  -­‐L  1   bind  -­‐n  M-­‐right  resize-­‐pane  -­‐R  1   Lightening fast key binding “-n”

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! 第十三招 Tip & Trick 13

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#  Add  in  .tmux.conf   ! #  Lightning  fast  entering  copy-­‐mode  by     #  Extremely  useful  when  split-­‐pane  are  heavily  used.   bind  -­‐n  M-­‐c  copy-­‐mode   bind  -­‐n  M-­‐PPage  copy-­‐mode  -­‐u   bind  -­‐n  S-­‐PPage  copy-­‐mode  -­‐u   ! #  Lightning  fast  window  select  by    /     bind  -­‐n  M-­‐H  prev   bind  -­‐n  M-­‐L  next   Lightening fast key binding (cont.) Entering copy-mode Search keyword in scrollback buffer

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Reference Tmux @ Arch Linux wiki Screen vs. tmux Faceoff Fixing Vim's Background Color Erase for 256-color tmux How to Copy and Paste with tmux on Mac OS X tmux-on-mac-os-x

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Reference cont. wemux: Multi-User Tmux Made Easy tmux-powerline tmux FAQ My .tmux.conf