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R Interface to Python Tokyo.R #80 2019.07.27 kilometer00

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Who!? 名前: 三村 @kilometer 職業: ポスドク (こうがくはくし) 専⾨: ⾏動神経科学(霊⻑類) 脳イメージング 医療システム⼯学 R歴: ~ 10年ぐらい 流⾏: カメ

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2018.07.15 Tokyo.R #71 Landscape with R – the Japanese R community 2018.10.20 Tokyo.R #73 BeginneR Session – Visualization & Plot 2019.01.19 Tokyo.R #75 BeginneR Session – Data pipeline 2019.03.02 Tokyo.R #76 BeginneR Session – Data pipeline 2019.04.13 Tokyo.R #77 BeginneR Session – Data analysis 2019.05.25 Tokyo.R #78 BeginneR Session – Data analysis 2019.06.29 Tokyo.R #79 BeginneR Session – 確率の基礎

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Before After BeginneR Session BeginneR BeginneR

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BeginneR Advanced Hoxo_m If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. -- Sir Isaac Newton, 1676

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R Interface to Python

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を、始めたいんだけど。 私もそろそろ ぱそこん できるんでしょ?教えてよ。 ぱそこん いいけど、 で何がしたいの? ぱそこん って何でもできるんでしょ? でも、どうしたらいいか分かんないんだ。 ⼀昔前

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を、始めたいんだけど。 私もそろそろ じんこう ちのー できるんでしょ?教えてよ。 いいけど、 で何がしたいの? って何でもできるんでしょ? でも、どうしたらいいか分かんないんだ。 最近 じんこう ちのー じんこう ちのー

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を、始めたいんだけど。 私もそろそろ できるんでしょ?教えてよ。 いいけど、 で何がしたいの? って何でもできるんでしょ? でも、どうしたらいいか分かんないんだ。

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を、始めたいんだけど。 私もそろそろ できるんでしょ?教えてよ。 いいけど、 で何がしたいの? って何でもできるんでしょ? でも、どうしたらいいか分かんないんだ。

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Input Output Do NOT start from here

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Input Output Do NOT start from here Whatever …

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Input Output Do NOT start from here Whatever … 1 2 3

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Input Output

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Integrated Development Environment RStudio

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Integrated Development Environment RStudio

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Projects RStudio

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File > New Project… > New Directory > New Project hogehoge

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hogehoge ~/Documents/R hogehoge.Rproj .Rproj.user Project Root Directory Double click!! .RData .Rhistory Auto saved project information Open project New!!

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~/Documents/R project1 project2 project3 project4

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var = 1 Variable assignment var <- 1 1 -> var var = 1

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Variable naming 1var = 1 _var = 1 list = 1 var.1 = 1 .var = 1 _var <- 1 1var <- 1 var.1 <- 1 list <- 1 .var <- 1

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Variable naming 1var = 1 _var = 1 list = 1 var.1 = 1 .var = 1 (reserved) _var <- 1 1var <- 1 var.1 <- 1 list <- 1 .var <- 1 (reserved)

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Variable type var = "1" String Float var = 1.0 Integer var = 1 var <- "1" Character Double var <- 1 var <- 1.0 Integer var <- 1L

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Variable type var <- "1" String Float var <- 1.0 Integer var <- 1 var <- "1" Character Double var <- 1 var <- 1.0 Integer var <- 1L

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Packages packages you

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Packages library(dplyr) filter(dat, ...) import numpy numpy.array([1:3])

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Packages library(dplyr) filter(dat, ...) dplyr::filter(dat, ...) import numpy numpy.array([1:3]) import numpy as np np.array([1:3])

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Packages library(dplyr) filter(dat, ...) dplyr::filter(dat, ...) import numpy numpy.array([1:3]) from numpy import array array([1:3]) import numpy as np np.array([1:3])

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Loop for(i in 1:10){ i = i + 1 } for i in range(10): i = i + 1 for i in range(10): i = i + 1 for i in range(10): i += 1 for(i in 1:10) i = i + 1 INDENT ERROR One-liner case

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Function definition f <- function(x, y = 1){ z = x + y return(z) } def f(x, y = 1): z = x + y return z f <- function(x, y = 1){ z = x + y # return(z) } Autoreturn the final expression (z) CHECK YOUR INDENT

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reticulate package URL:

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• Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session. • Translation between R and Python objects (for example, between R and Pandas data frames, or between R matrices and NumPy arrays). reticulate package URL:

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Environment setup for Python (in macOS Mojave 10.14.3)

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Sandbox A Sandbox B

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Sandbox A Sandbox B Isolated & Independent

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Isolated & Independent virtual environment for secure and reproducibility "Sandboxed" Python

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RStudio Projects

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"Sandboxed" Python Isolated & Independent virtual environment for security & reproducibility [python] version = "3.7" [packages] cycler==0.10.0 kiwisolver==1.1.0 matplotlib==3.1.1 numpy==1.16.4 opencv-python== pandas==0.25.0 pyparsing==2.4.0 PypeR==1.1.2 ... [python] version = "2.7" [packages] numpy==1.16.4 ...

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Pipenv → "Sandboxed" Python manager $ brew install pipenv Install Pipenv (in MacOS) Install Python

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Pipenv → "Sandboxed" Python manager $ cd $ pipenv --python 3.7 Create virtualenv .venv Pipfile ← package info ← interpreter, env info

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Pipenv → "Sandboxed" Python manager (prj) $ exit Deactivate virtualenv $ pipenv --rm Delete virtualenv $ pipenv shell Activate virtualenv

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Pipenv → "Sandboxed" Python manager (prj) $ pipenv install ~= Install packages $ pipenv shell Activate virtualenv (prj) $ pipenv uninstall Uninstall packages

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For {reticulate}, you need NumPy package in your virtualenv.

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Pipenv → "Sandboxed" Python manager $ cd $ pipenv shell (prj) $ pipenv install numpy # activate # install (prj) $ pipenv run pip freeze # check (prj) $ python >>> import numpy # check Install NumPy

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Pipenv → "Sandboxed" Python manager $ cd $ pipenv shell (prj) $ pipenv --venv /.venv # activate # check Address of the virtualenv

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back to

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library(reticulate) pyenv <- "/.venv/bin/python" use_python(python = pyenv, required = TRUE) Use Python in R Install reticulate from CRAN Attach Python virtualenv install.packages(reticulate)

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Use Python in R Check your Python py_config() ## python: /.venv/bin/python ## libpython: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework... ## pythonhome: /Library/Frameworks/Python.fram... ## virtualenv: /.venv/bin/ ## version: 3.7.4 (v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019... ## numpy: /.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/... ## numpy_version: 1.16.4 ## ## NOTE: Python version was forced by use_python...

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Use Python in R Import Python pkg in R os <- import("os") Use Python pkg in R os$listdir() ## [1] ".Rhistory" ".DS_Store" ## [2] ".gitignore" ".RData" ## ...

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Use Python in R Import Python source file source_python("") import pandas as pd def pd_load_csv(path): df = pd.read_csv(path) return df def pd_head(df, n = 3): return df.head(n) File > New File > Python script

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Use Python in R Import Python source source_python("") dat <- pd_load_csv("hoge.csv") pd_head(dat) iris %>% pd_head

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source_python("") f_pd <- function(path) pd_load_csv(path) f_base <- function(path) read.csv(path) f_readr <- function(path) readr::read_csv(path) f_fread <- function(path) data.table::fread(path) Benchmark test

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source_python("") f_pd <- function(path) pd_load_csv(path) f_base <- function(path) read.csv(path) f_readr <- function(path) readr::read_csv(path) f_fread <- function(path) data.table::fread(path) microbenchmark::microbenchmark( pd_load_csv = f_pd(path), read.csv = f_base(path), read_csv = f_readr(path), fread = f_fread(path)) -> mbm ggplot2::autoplot(mbm) Benchmark test

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Benchmark test

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Use Python in R Import Python source source_python("") iris %>% pd_head(5) ## y_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) ## でエラー: ## TypeError: cannot do slice indexing on with ## these indexers [5.0] of

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Variable type var = "1" String Float var = 1.0 Integer var = 1 var <- "1" Character Double var <- 1 var <- 1.0 Integer var <- 1L

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Use Python in R Import Python source source_python("") iris %>% pd_head(5) iris %>% pd_head(5L) # type ERROR # set as integer

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• Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session. • Translation between R and Python objects (for example, between R and Pandas data frames, or between R matrices and NumPy arrays). reticulate package URL:

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• Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session. • Translation between R and Python objects (for example, between R and Pandas data frames, or between R matrices and NumPy arrays). reticulate package URL:

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Use Python in Rmd File > New File > R markdown Create .Rmd file Import Python virturalenv in R chunk ```{r} library(reticulate) pyenv <- "/.venv/bin/python" use_python(python = pyenv, required = TRUE) ```

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Use Python in Rmd ```{python} import pandas as pd path = "/sample.csv" df = pd.read_csv(path) df.head(3) ``` Use Python in python chunk

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Use Python in Rmd Use Python in python chunk ```{python} import pandas as pd path = "/sample.csv" df = pd.read_csv(path) df.head(3) ``` preview

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Use Python in Rmd Shear pyobj between pychunks ```{python} import pandas as pd path = "/sample.csv" df = pd.read_csv(path) ``` ```{python} df.head(3) ```

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Use Python in Rmd Import R object to python chunk ```{python} import pandas as pd df = r.iris df.head(3) ```

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Use Python in Rmd Import R object to python chunk ```{python} import pandas as pd df = r.iris ``` Import python object to R chunk ```{r} py <- import_main() py$df ```

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```{python} import pandas as pd from time import time path = "/sample.csv" result = [] for i in range(100): start = time() df = pd.read_csv(path) time_i = time() - start result = result.append(time_i) Benchmark test in python chunk

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```{r} py <- import_main() py$result %>% data.frame(expr = "py_pd", time = .) %>% rbind(data.frame(mbm) %>% mutate(time = time/10^9)) %>% ggplot(aes(expr, log10(time)))+ gem_violin()+ coord_flip() ``` Benchmark visualization in R chunk

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Benchmark visualization in R chunk

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• Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session. reticulate package

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• Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session. reticulate package

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Run Python on Rstudio library(reticulate) pyenv <- "/.venv/bin/python" use_python(python = pyenv, required = TRUE) 1. Attach Python virtualenv in R File > New File > Python script 2. Create .py file 3. write in .py file a = 1

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(escape key)

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• Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session. reticulate package

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Projects RStudio

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"Sandboxed" Python Isolated & Independent virtual environment for security & reproducibility [python] version = "3.7" [packages] cycler==0.10.0 kiwisolver==1.1.0 matplotlib==3.1.1 numpy==1.16.4 opencv-python== pandas==0.25.0 pyparsing==2.4.0 PypeR==1.1.2 ... [python] version = "2.7" [packages] numpy==1.16.4 ...

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Pipenv → "Sandboxed" Python manager $ cd $ pipenv --python 3.7 Create virtualenv .venv Pipfile ← package info ← interpreter, env info

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library(reticulate) pyenv <- "/.venv/bin/python" use_python(python = pyenv, required = TRUE) Use Python in R Install reticulate from CRAN Attach Python virtualenv install.packages(reticulate)

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Use Python in R Import Python source pd <- import("pandas") source_python("") Shear pyobj between pychunks in Rmd ```{python} import pandas as pd path = "/sample.csv" df = pd.read_csv(path)

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Run Python in Rstudio library(reticulate) pyenv <- "/.venv/bin/python" use_python(python = pyenv, required = TRUE) 1. Attach Python virtualenv in R File > New File > Python script 2. Create .py file 3. write in .py file a = 1

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• Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session. reticulate package

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Input Output Do NOT start from here Whatever … 1 2 3

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Enjoy!!! KTM

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Bar dradra KTM

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