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Diamond of Variances Vu Nhat Minh / @orakaro try! Swift Tokyo 2018

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Mercari / Souzoh iOS / Swift Engineer / @orakaro

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What is Variance ? Subtyping relationship between type constructor Which relation of A and B make F a subtype of F ?

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Swift Covariance: Array class Saiyan{} class SuperSaiyan: Saiyan{} let goku: Saiyan = SuperSaiyan() let saiyanArmy: [Saiyan] = [SuperSaiyan]() A: B [A] : [B]

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Swift Covariance: Optional class Saiyan{} class SuperSaiyan: Saiyan{} let gohan: SuperSaiyan? = SuperSaiyan() let sonOfGoku: Saiyan? = gohan A: B A? : B?

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Swift Contravariance: Function Parameter class Saiyan{} class SuperSaiyan: Saiyan{} typealias Transform = (T) -> GreatApe let transformation: Transform = { _ in GreatApe() } let superTransformation: Transform = transformation A: B F : F

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Contravariance Covariance Invariance Phantom Variance A: B then F : F A: B then F : F A: B but no relation between F and F No relation between A and B but F : F

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Swift Invariance protocol Saiyan{} protocol SuperSaiyan: Saiyan{} class ZFighter {} let goku: ZFighter = ZFighter() let gokuSuperSaiyan: ZFighter = goku ❌ // cannot convert value of type 'ZFighter' to specified type 'ZFighter' Any custom defined type in Swift is Invariance Custom type

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Contravariance Covariance Invariance Phantom Variance A: B then F : F A: B then F : F A: B but no relation between F and F No relation between A and B but F : F

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Phantom Variance protocol Saiyan {} protocol Namekian {} typealias ZFighter<> = Void let fighter: ZFighter = ZFighter() A and B have no relation F : F

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Contravariance Covariance Invariance Phantom Variance A: B then F : F A: B then F : F A: B but no relation between F and F No relation between A and B but F : F

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Type of Variance • Covariance : Array and Optional • Contravariance : Function/Closure parameter • Invariance : Every Custom Type • Phantom Variance : Type parameter which is not used inside

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Twitter / Github: @orakaro Thank you