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BLUE1647, IoT, & ChicagoRuby

BLUE1647, IoT, & ChicagoRuby

BLUE1647 is an amazing maker space on the South Side of Chicago. Once per month, ChicagoRuby hosts an event at the space. This month featured the Internet of Things (IoT). What does IoT mean for Ruby developers? How can someone with a web development background begin exploring IoT? And why would a web developer care? This is an updated version of the presentation delivered at ChicagoRuby on 12/1/2015.

Curious about the Internet of Things? Check out http://WindyCityThings.com.

Ray Hightower

January 21, 2016

More Decks by Ray Hightower

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 8 inline int isprime(unsigned long number) 9 { 10 unsigned

    long i; 11 unsigned long s = sqrt(number); 12 for(i=3;i<=s;i+=2) 13 { 14 if(number % i == 0) 15 return 0; 16 } 17 return 1; 18 } /* Copyright (c) Adapteva, contributed by M. Thompson with modifications by T. Malthouse. */
  2. 27 #include <e-hal.h> 28 29 // Default max number of

    prime tests per core 30 // Used if a limit it not provided in argv[1] 31 #define DEFAULT_MAX_TESTS 500000 32 33 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 34 { 35 unsigned row, col, coreid, i, j; 36 e_platform_t platform; 37 e_epiphany_t dev; 38 /* Copyright (c) Adapteva, contributed by M. Thompson with modifications by T. Malthouse.*/
  3. Summary: Finding Primes 0" 50" 100" 150" 200" 250" Parallel

    Parallella Serial Mac Serial Parallella 18.6 sec 14.4 sec 237.1 sec
  4. + +

  5. If it has been learned, it is learnable. 

    Taylor, Editor
 Essence Magazine