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Is FOMO holding you back?

April 09, 2017

Is FOMO holding you back?

You can't grow your business by trying 100's of different things. It's important to focus on key strategies to grow your business while delegating the rest. See how our approach of adopting a deliberate strategy have affected Wildbit's growth over the last year.


April 09, 2017

More Decks by Wildbit

Other Decks in Business


  1. FEAR 
 Is FOMO holding you

    back? Natalie Nagele CEO of Wildbit @natalienagele
  2. A new workflow to write, review, and ship web applications.

    A fast & reliable transactional-only email platform for web applications A complete workflow to write, review & deploy code. Instantly build and ship code anywhere in one consistent process for your entire team. Com ing soon
  3. 0% 28% 55% 83% 110% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

    2017 Postmark Annual Revenue Growth Rate Projected Growth Rate
  4. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  5. 1. Focusing ourselves as leaders and founders 2. Defining our

    company’s mission 3. Focusing our product’s mission The framework
  6. What are you good at? What do you love to

    do? What does the business need you to do?
  7. • How many people do I want to work with?

    • Do I want to stay close to my team, or would I rather have awesome management that handles that? • How much control do I want over the business? Over the product? • How important are working hours vs. personal hours? Do I want to spend more time at home or at the office? • Do I want to run a business for a long time? Or do I want to build it and flip it? • What’s my $number? (Everyone has a number.) What type of Business do you want to run?
  8. How long does it take for emails to reach the

    inbox? How many emails reach the inbox? Data updated every 5 minutes Full transparency about service interruptions
  9. 0% 28% 55% 83% 110% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

    2017 Postmark Annual Revenue Growth Rate Projected Growth Rate
  10. After bouncing around to several different mail platforms, officially a

    @postmarkapp convert. Easy set up, super fast, no domain throttling. @CameronHScott “ I am amazed at how good @postmarkapp is. With so many players in the market is nice to see one that works as advertised. Thank you! @addictedcoder “ Shout out to @postmarkapp for being really proactive in support and super chill. @JohnBarton “ Really impressed with the features and service by @postmarkapp, if you are looking for a Mandrill replacement, give it a shot! @jenssegers “