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Beanstalk Data - MongoDB In Production Chris Siefken, CTO Beanstalk Data

August 16, 2012

Beanstalk Data - MongoDB In Production Chris Siefken, CTO Beanstalk Data

Beanstalk Data is a pioneer in creating an integrated marketing automation process utilizing essential marketing data tools including Contact Management, E-mail, Direct Mail, Personalized URLs, Tracking and Scheduling to get better results for your business. Only Beanstalk offers this level of expertise leveraging leading-edge technology to increase the return on marketing investment.


August 16, 2012


  1. Our Set Up. 4 Sharded Servers Mongo as Slave Collection

    design Access with .Net Access with PHP
  2. Examples of some stuff. Data Collection Design Map Reduce Results

    Queries A few examples. Map Reduce Functions Using PHP to map reduce with Cron jobs
  3. Sample Collection The exciting part about Mongo DB for us:

    Custom Fields or Semi structured data.