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Relation between Test Coverage and Timed Automata Model Structure Lukáš Krejčí, Jan Sobotka and Jiří Novák [email protected] TMPA 2019

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Outline Background Automotive integration testing Model–Based Testing with Timed Automata models Problem description Case study Experiment Results Conclusion

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Background Integration testing and Model-Based Testing

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Integration Testing  Evaluation of interactions in a cluster of ECUs  Distributed functions  Bus communication  Done independently by the car manufacturer  ECUs usually come from different suppliers  With real hardware using HiL testing method  Complete car electronics or relevant part of electronic system  Test cases (sequences) implemented manually by test engineers  Our team is trying to deploy test generation using Model-Based Testing principles  Developed test cases maintained during car life cycle

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MBT Concept Overview

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HiL Testing Platform

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HiL Testing Platform

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Case Study Automatic trunk doors control and keyless locking systems

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Modeling Language  System and its environment are modeled as a network of Timed Automata

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System Under Test  Opening and closing of the automatic trunk doors using the buttons  Locking and unlocking the car using the remote control in keys, the key position detection and door handle

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Problem Outline Different approaches of modeling

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Problem Outline  Observer model is created according to System Specification  There are multiple approaches to modeling of both SUT and the environment  Fully permissive  Equivalent of random stimuli  Useful for discovering of corner cases  Fully restrictive  Reduces the possible traces  Allows more accurate models  Question is how different resulting model structure influences coverage of observer model

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Simple Environment Model  Easy to create  Each input button is modeled as separate automaton

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Complex Environment Model  Based on behavior of a real driver  Generates more realistic test cases

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Simple Observer Model  Each subsystem is modeled as individual automaton  More accurate and permissive description of an SUT

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Simple Observer Model  Each subsystem is modeled as individual automaton  More accurate and permissive description of an SUT

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Complex Observer Model  Models the full system  More restrictive description of the entire SUT

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Experiment Comparison of modeling approaches using structural criteria

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Experiment Overview  Compare all model variants by structural coverage criteria  Coverage of nodes  Coverage of edges  Coverage of edge pairs  Test runs were driven by different strategies  Random  Systematic  Heuristic  Find the most suitable modeling approach

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Taster Tool  Tool developed by our team MBT for online testing with Timed Automata models

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Results Experiment results and comparison of modeling approaches

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Nodes Coverage

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Edges Coverage

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Edge Pairs Coverage

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Conclusions and Future Work Result of comparison and future research

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Conclusions  Combination of simple environment model and simple observer model provided most consisted results  Worse performance of complex environment model is expected  Complex observer model provides good results as well, expect for edge-based criteria and heuristic strategy  Results suggest that coverage of observer model depends on structure of the environment model  It is more beneficial to create simpler, divided models, which are significantly easier to create and maintain

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Future Work  Extension of the case study with additional subsystems  Propulsion  Intrusion detection  Evaluation test cases generation strategies  Extension of existing strategies in Taster tool  Utilization of machine learning

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