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bReaK aLL thE RuleZ @angustweets Sunday, October 7, 12

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Sunday, October 7, 12

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I work at Twitter We love JavaScript We embrace All The Parts We do everything in Strict Mode Sunday, October 7, 12

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“Please don’t do this” Every tech forum. Ever. “The subset I carved out is vastly superior to the language as a whole” Douglas Crockford - The Good Parts Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are there Rules? Sunday, October 7, 12

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Rules help us to do it right But who decides what is right? Sunday, October 7, 12

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Right as it applies to Soup Sunday, October 7, 12

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What is authentic minestrone soup? Oh!! Google Images will know.. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Sunday, October 7, 12

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>>>>>:-| Sunday, October 7, 12

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Correctness is Subjective Sunday, October 7, 12

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Each of us is unique. Each of us considers something harmful. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Sunday, October 7, 12

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Harmful is Subjective Sunday, October 7, 12

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Germaine de Staël (1766 - 1817) “Rules are only barriers to prevent children from falling” Sunday, October 7, 12

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*Andrew Dupont In Singapore everything runs smoothly but at the expense of personal freedom. Java is Singapore.* How Singapore do you want JavaScript to be? Sunday, October 7, 12

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Wikipedia Policy (2001) “If a rule prevents you from improving or maintaining Wikipedia, ignore it.” Sunday, October 7, 12

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How to Break the Rules... Sunday, October 7, 12

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The with statement Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are you not meant to use it? 1) accidental clobbering and implicit global creation. Sunday, October 7, 12

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var dragger = { increment: 1, direction: 'vertical', activationDrag: 2, onRelease: cleanUp } with(dragger) { interval = 2; direction = 'any'; } window.interval; //2 Sunday, October 7, 12

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Obligatory Ironic Footnote ES 5 strict mode's implicit global error would have protected against the most egregious aspect of with... Instead ES 5 strict mode removed with. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are you not meant to use it? 2) cost of closure scope resolution. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are you not meant to use it? 3) cost of late compilation Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 1) it powers your developer tools Sunday, October 7, 12

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//Chrome Developer Tools IS._evaluateOn = function(evalFunction, obj, expression) { IS._ensureCommandLineAPIInstalled(); expression = "with (window._inspectorCommandLineAPI) {\ with (window) { " + expression + " } }"; return, expression); } Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 2) it replicates block scope. Sunday, October 7, 12

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//YES, THIS OLD CHESTNUT var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(e) {alert(i);} } }; Sunday, October 7, 12

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//you could wrap it in a function scope var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(i) { return function(e) {alert(i);}; }(i); } }; Sunday, October 7, 12

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//or use 'with' to mimic block scope var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { with ({i:i}) { nodes[i].onclick = function(e) {alert(i);} } } }; Sunday, October 7, 12

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The eval statement Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are you not meant to use it? 1) code injection loophole Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are you not meant to use it? 2) prevents closure optimization Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are you not meant to use it? 3) cost of late compilation Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 1) when there is no JSON.parse Sunday, October 7, 12

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“Using JavaScript’s eval is unsafe. Use a real JSON parser like the JSON parser from instead.” Someone on Stack Overflow “One shouldn't use eval to parse JSON! Use Douglas Crockford’s json2.js script from!” Someone else on Stack Overflow Sunday, October 7, 12

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// From if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/ .test(text.replace(/*regEx*/, '@') .replace(/*regEx*/, ']') .replace(/*regEx*/, ''))) { j = eval('(' + text + ')'); } Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 2) It’s how your console rolls Sunday, October 7, 12

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Do this in a Webkit Console or JSBin Sunday, October 7, 12

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“eval and with are trivialized, misused, and outright condemned by most JavaScript programmers, but when used appropriately they allow for the creation of some fantastic pieces of code that wouldn’t be possible otherwise” John Resig Sunday, October 7, 12

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The Function constructor Sunday, October 7, 12

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new Function() is not just eval in disguise Sunday, October 7, 12

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It evaluates code in a direct lexical child of the global scope Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 1) Evaluated code will always run in a predictable scope. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 2) Only globals are exposed to the evaluated code. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 3) Removes closure optimization concerns. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Where is it used? 1) jQuery’s parseJSON Sunday, October 7, 12

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// jQuery parseJSON // Logic borrowed from if (rvalidchars.test(data.replace(rvalidescape,"@") .replace( rvalidtokens,"]") .replace( rvalidbraces,""))) { return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )(); } Sunday, October 7, 12

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Where is it used? 2) Underscore.js string interpolation Sunday, October 7, 12

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//from _.template // If a variable is not specified, // place data values in local scope. if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n'; //.. var render = new Function( settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source); Sunday, October 7, 12

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The == operator Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why are you not meant to use it? 1) coerces operands to the same type 2) oh, that’s it actually Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 1) coerces operands to the same type Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 2) undefined == null Sunday, October 7, 12

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//this... if ((x === null) || (x === undefined)) // logically identical to this if (x == null) Sunday, October 7, 12

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Why is it useful? 3) when it’s bloody obvious Sunday, October 7, 12

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typeof thing == "function"; myArray.length == 2; myString.indexOf('x') == 0; Sunday, October 7, 12

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Obligatory Ironic Footnote #2 if(x) coercion is used with much less reticence than == coercion but is generally no better understood Text if ("potato") { "potato" == true; //false } Sunday, October 7, 12

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The Array constructor Sunday, October 7, 12

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new Array() is evil right? Sunday, October 7, 12

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But wait, this is gorgeous... Sunday, October 7, 12

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//From prototype.js extension of //String.prototype function times(count) { return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this); } 'me'.times(10); //"memememememememememe" Sunday, October 7, 12

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If you enjoyed breaking these rules you might consider breaking these ones too... Sunday, October 7, 12

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Do not Extend Native Prototypes (es 5 shims are sensible) Always use hasOwnProperty on for/in (unnecessary for unextended object hashes) Put all var statements at the top (unintuitive with for loops) Don’t declare a function after you use it (useful for de-prioritizing implementation details) Don’t use comma as an operator (use multiple expressions when syntax expects one) Always pass the 10 argument to parseInt (unnecessary unless string begins with ‘0’ or ‘x’) Sunday, October 7, 12

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It’s OK to break a Rule if... Sunday, October 7, 12

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You understand why the rule exists and... Sunday, October 7, 12

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You can mitigate (or safely ignore) the concerns of the rulemakers and... Sunday, October 7, 12

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Breaking the rule would add value. Sunday, October 7, 12

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Kristine Kathryn Rusch “Become an expert at the rules. Then break them with creativity and style” Sunday, October 7, 12

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tl;dr Be Good. And if you can’t be good, Be Careful. Sunday, October 7, 12

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qwEstionZ? @angustweets Sunday, October 7, 12