Semantic Resolution
• Your app knows the domain - use business
rules to resolve
• Amazon Dynamo’s shopping cart
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Semantic Resolution
• Your app knows the domain - use business
rules to resolve
• Amazon Dynamo’s shopping cart
Slide 15
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Semantic Resolution
• Your app knows the domain - use business
rules to resolve
• Amazon Dynamo’s shopping cart
“Ad hoc approaches
have proven brittle
and error-prone”
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✔Meaningful values
✔Automatic resolution
✔Transparent to user
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This is a lot of math.
Side effects may include dry mouth, itchy
rash, and a desire to go back for a PhD.
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Monotonic Functions
• Change in strictly a
single direction
• Consecutive values
may be equal
• Monotonic: Linear,
• Non-monotonic:
Quadratic, Sinusoidal
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Slide 19 text
Monotonic Functions
• Change in strictly a
single direction
• Consecutive values
may be equal
• Monotonic: Linear,
• Non-monotonic:
Quadratic, Sinusoidal
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Monotonic Logic
•Existing facts are never refuted
•New facts can be added
•“Knowledge only grows”
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Monotonic Logic
•Existing facts are never refuted
•New facts can be added
•“Knowledge only grows”
“monotonicity of entailment”
Bounded Join Semi-Lattice
⊥ ∈ S (minimal element)
ʪS, ⊔, ⊥ʫ
S is a set
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Bounded Join Semi-Lattice
ʪS, ⊔, ⊥ʫ
⊔ is a least-upper bound function
∀x, y ∈ S, ∃z ∈ S: x ⊔ y = z
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Bounded Join Semi-Lattice
∀x, y ∈ S: x ≤S y 㱻 x ⊔ y = y “partial order”
ʪS, ⊔, ⊥ʫ
⊔ is a least-upper bound function
∀x, y ∈ S, ∃z ∈ S: x ⊔ y = z
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Bounded Join Semi-Lattice
∀x, y ∈ S: x ≤S y 㱻 x ⊔ y = y “partial order”
∀x ∈ S: x ⊔ ⊥ = x “identity”
ʪS, ⊔, ⊥ʫ
⊔ is a least-upper bound function
∀x, y ∈ S, ∃z ∈ S: x ⊔ y = z
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“Set” Lattice
S = all finite sets
⊔ = set-union
⊥ = {}
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“Set” Lattice
{a} {b} {c} {d} {e}
{b,c} {c,d} {d,e}
{a,b,c} {c,d,e}
S = all finite sets
⊔ = set-union
⊥ = {}
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Vector Clock
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• Vector clock is a lattice...
Vector Clock
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Slide 33 text
• Vector clock is a lattice...
Vector Clock
S = all vectors of (Actor, Count) pairs
⊔ = All Actors, each with their max Count
⊥ = [] (empty vector)
Slide 34
Slide 34 text
• Vector clock is a lattice...
• ...but the associated Riak value is non-
Vector Clock
S = all vectors of (Actor, Count) pairs
⊔ = All Actors, each with their max Count
⊥ = [] (empty vector)
Slide 35
Slide 35 text
• Vector clock is a lattice...
• ...but the associated Riak value is non-
• ...and the vclock is not meaningful to the client.
Vector Clock
S = all vectors of (Actor, Count) pairs
⊔ = All Actors, each with their max Count
⊥ = [] (empty vector)