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Applications of Computational Topology to AI Alexander Gamkrelidze I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Tbilisi, 7. 11. 2019

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Contents •  Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? •  Major Changes in General Approach •  Some Applications to AI •  From Simplicial Complexes to Polytopal Complexes •  Categorical Study of Polytopal Complexes •  Conclusions

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Topology: Science based on connectivity

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Topology: Science based on connectivity

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Topology: Science based on connectivity Persistence of Homology. Afra Zomorodian (after Salvador Dali)

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Restoring missing data (i.e. in point clouds)

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Big Data analysis

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Applications to CS: The Borsuk-Ulam theorem For any continous mapping f : Sn à Rn, there exists x so that f(x) = f(-x)

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Applications to CS: The Borsuk-Ulam theorem

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Applications to CS: The Borsuk-Ulam theorem -  Chromatic number of Kneser graphs

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Applications to CS: The Borsuk-Ulam theorem -  A plane with coloured points can be divided into disjoint convex hulls with points of all colours -  Dividing a system into equivalent disjoint subsystems

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Applications to CS:

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Applications to CS:

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Why Studying Topology in Computer Science? Applications to CS: Dividing into disjoint subsystems

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Major Changes in General Approach Since ancient times: Studying a system with structure (addition, multiplication, Lie bracket etc.) = Experimenting with elements Deeper look inside gives the information

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Major Changes in General Approach New observation: Studying a system A = Studying Homomorphisms from A to a known system B Studying Homomorphisms out of A gives a deep insight

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Major Changes in General Approach New observation: Studying a system A = Studying Homomorphisms from a known system B to A Studying Homomorphisms into A gives a deep insight

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Major Changes in General Approach Major Changes A B Hom(A,B) A B Hom(B,A) Building dualities

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Major Changes in General Approach

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Major Changes in General Approach Computing Homologiy classes

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Major Changes in General Approach Computing the generators of homologiy groups R. V. Gamkrelidze, Computation of the Chern cycles of algebraic manifolds Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 90 (1953), 719–722.

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Major Changes in General Approach Basic idea: Marston Morse Scanning an object

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Major Changes in General Approach Persistent Homology H. Edelsbrunner (ECM, 2008) ! !

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Major Changes in General Approach Persistent Homology H. Edelsbrunner (ECM, 2008)

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Applications to AI -  Denoising -  Expert analysis (i.e. divergency) -  Face recognition -  (Neural) network analysis -  Big data Connecting data points in the space: Simplicial complexes

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From Simplicial Complexes to Polytopal Complexes Simplicial Complex

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From Simplicial Complexes to Polytopal Complexes n-dimensional simplex

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From Simplicial Complexes to Polytopal Complexes n-dimensional polytope

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From Simplicial Complexes to Polytopal Complexes Simplicial and polytopal complexes

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From Simplicial Complexes to Polytopal Complexes Non-Euclidian polytopal complexes

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Categorical Study of Polytopal Complexes Structure of polytopal complexes Polytopal Complexes Kozlov Complexes Lovasz Complexes Simplicial Complexes

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Categorical Study of Polytopal Complexes A B Hom(A,B) Hom(A,B) is a polytopal complex M. Bakuradze, A. Gamkrelidze, and J. Gubeladze Affine hom-complexes 2016

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Conclusions -  Topology plays an important role in CS (AI) -  Actual trend: Describe objects with SCs and apply the persistent homology ideas; -  Problem: Some objects can not be described effectively by SCs; -  Question: Can we efficiently process objects described by PCs?

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Thanks !