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“What are you wearing?” People Prototypes Privacy Carol Willing Fab Lab San Diego SD MMF Wearables June 16, 2014

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Welcome People Prototypes Privacy Please let me introduce some people from my past

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People Differing interests One size doesn’t fit all Human

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Prototyping Remember the people while developing the prototype

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People centered design –  Touch •  Gentle •  Soft – Sound •  Music •  Familiar voices – Vision •  falling •  disorienting

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Select your hardware for proof of concept first – Sensors – Brain – Communications Prototyping time has rapidly accelerated. It’s not unusual for a prototype to be created in several weeks. Longer to mass production.

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Sensors for movement and activity •  MEMS Accelerometers – position in1, 2, or 3 directions –  Analog Devices ADXL362 •  Gyro – rotation –  Invensense ITG-3xxxx •  Magnetometer –  Honeywell HMC5833L (3-axis digital compass IC) •  Pressure and Altitude – Measure small movements –  Freescale MPL31152 Source: O’Reilly Solid Conference 2014 – Moe Tanabian, Samsung

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Sensor Fusion •  Makes prototyping easier by bundling sensors in one IC or board •  Monitor movement as the individual sensors Example: Invensense MPU-9150, Sparkfun $35 Hillcrest Labs Freespace FSM-9 (state of the art) Source: O’Reilly Solid Conference 2014 – Moe Tanabian, Samsung

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Choose software for ease of development – Modify easily – Modular, reusable code blocks – Arduino IDE – C – Python

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Choice: Firmware or Operating System •  Do your need 3rd party developers? •  Do you need multiprocessing? •  If no, firmware should be fine (Arduino) •  If yes, OS like Android, Linux, QNX, TinyOS Source: O’Reilly Solid Conference 2014 – Moe Tanabian, Samsung

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Consider cases for use over a distance Going beyond just a single user in their immediate environment – Web or monitoring – Communicate with others in area – Android Wear

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After proof of concept, iterate as needed •  Hardware – Cost – Power – Real estate •  Software – Best practices – API – Web applications

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Privacy Consideration Provide options

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Be mindful when developing •  Camera – visual indicator on or off •  Data –  Ability to turn on or off data collection – user control, opt out – Level of trust •  “Big brother” employee interaction and activity monitoring •  Legal – HIPAA

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What are you wearing? •  Questions •  Ideas for brainstorming Thank you