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Tips for  Watch @griffin-stewie

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Fenrir Inc. @griffin-stewie

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Use debugger both devices • Attach to Process • “By Process ID or Name” • Use “Executable Name” as Name

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handling WatchKitExtensionRequest

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Handling WatchKitRequest • Use Background Task • Even if you call callback immediately • call `endBackgroundTask:` with after delay 2 sec

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Provisioning Profile • 3 targets • iPhone app • Watch extension • Watch app

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App Group ID • 3 targets • iPhone app • Watch extension • Watch app

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Bundle Identifier • 3 targets • iPhone app • Watch extension • Watch app

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Bundle ID Provisioning Profile App ID App Group iPhone app own = A A A Needs Watch Extension own = B
 Watch app’s ID = C B B Needs Watch app own = C
 iPhone app’s ID = A C C Needs

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No content

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Make sure All IDs • WKAppBundleIdentifier • WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier • Bundle Identifiers on each target

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Code sign Errors

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Make sure • Provisioning Profile on each target • Do not use Xcode 6.2 for setting • You cannot edit Watch app’s Build Settings • Use Xcode 6.3 or Xcode 6.1.1 to edit

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I can't wait to wear …

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 Watch