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Erik Jhordan Rey GDE Android @ErikJhordan_Rey Android Apps in modular structure paradigms

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Scalable and Maintainable Software

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Android App Architecture Challenges

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Android App Architecture Smells ● Over abstraction ● No Boundary Classes ● Different code styles at the same base code ● Base Classes (BaseActivity, BaseUseCase, BasePresenter, BaseViewModel, etc.) ● LiveData or Android classes in all Layers ● Expose MutableLiveData ● ViewModels without CoroutineDispatcher or Scheduler as argument ● Handle Errors (try / catch everywhere) ● Wrong dependency injection implementations ● Unreliable test or not tests ● Technical Decisions Making

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Technical Decisions Making

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Kotlin or Java?

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RX or Coroutines?

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Dagger or Koin?

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MVP or MVVM or MVI or MV?

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Should I use Android Jetpack Libraries?

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Single Module or Multi Module

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Manifesto for Agile Software Development

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Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

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Modern Android Development

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A Good Architecture is important

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Modern Android Architecture Stack ● Android Jetpack Libraries ● Popular Library (RX, OkHttp, Retrofit, Glide, etc.) ● SOLID ● Clean Code ● MVVM / MVP / MV? ● Clean Architecture Note: The majority of current android projects use any of those principles

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Architecture is something that supports its own evolution, and is deeply intertwined with programming.

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What good architecture looks like?

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How teams can create it?

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How best to cultivate architectural thinking in our development organizations?

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Architecture is a tricky subject for the customers and users of software products - as it isn't something they immediately perceive. But a poor architecture is a major contributor to the growth of cruft

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DDD + Architecture Principles

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Domain Driven Design

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Domain Driven Design Domain-Driven Design is an approach to software development that centers the development on programming a domain model that has a rich understanding of the processes and rules of a domain. ● Bounded Context ● Ubiquitous Language

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Architecture Principles

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Architecture Principles ● Separation of Concerns ● Composability ● Testability ● Modularity

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Modularization in Android Apps

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Modularization Smells

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Modularization Smells ● Premature modularization ● Excessive modularization ● Wrong modules distribution ● No definition of responsibilities and limits on modules ● Not reusable setup configuration ● Flaky communication between modules

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Modular Thinking

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Modular Thinking ● Clear separation of concerns ● Reusability ● Evolutionary design ● Refactoring ● Improve build times ● Adopt new technologies ● External code integration abstraction

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App Module

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app App Module apply plugin: '' In single module projects, this base module will contain all of your applications responsibilities.

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Shared Module

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core Shared Module apply plugin: '' apply plugin: 'kotlin' These modules to separate out related areas and promote isolate code re-use of your project. Feature Analytics Abstract Module Core Module Feature Module

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Dynamic Feature Module

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Feature Dynamic Feature Module apply plugin: '' In single module projects, this base module will contain all of your applications responsibilities. app

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Modular Structure Paradigms

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Modularization by Feature

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App Modularization by Feature Checkout User Data Domain UI Data Domain UI android library android library application cyclic dependencies

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Modularization by Feature ● Single repository VCS with multi-module android project ● Modules organized around business functionality (checkout, users) ● Cyclic feature modules ● Hard to communication between feature modules ● Hard to share resources or reuse code if shared modules approach is not used

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Modularization by Layer

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App Modularization by Layer Domain Data User Checkout User Checkout User Checkout android library kotlin library application

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Modularization by Layer ● Single repository VCS with multi-module android project ● Modules organized around layer functionality (data/domain/UI) ● Possibility to keep purely kotlin module without android framework classes ● Coupling Modules (strong dependencies) ● Excessive abstraction usages, add complexity code navigation. ● Exposed to create a bunch of git conflicts - Complicates collaboration ● Build time performance can be affected ● Hard to share resources or reuse code if shared modules approach is not used

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Modularization by Feature / Layer

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App Modularization by Feature / Layer User Checkout Core Data Domain Data Domain Extensions Common UI Android SDK DI application android library kotlin library android library

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Modularization by Feature / Layer ● Single repository VCS with multi-module android project ● Modules organized around layer and feature functionality (mix) ● Reuse code using shared modules as Core Module ● Possibility to keep purely kotlin module without android framework classes ● Centralized UI logic in app module ● Slow compile time switching between variants ● Reduce decoupling from libraries (not dagger in all modules)

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Modularization by Library

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App Modularization by Library application User Checkout Core Styling android libraries (aar) UI Data Domain UI resources Extensions Common

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Modularization by Library ● Multiple repository VCS with single-module android project ● Useful to reuse code on different projects at same company ● Useful for large and distributed teams (10 devs or more) ● Complicated navigation between libraries and projects on AS ● Hard to upgrade, implies a new library release (automate) ● Development time can be affected adding new functionality to the library ● Hard to maintain multiple libraries / projects at the same time ● Hard to maintain consistency in version across all modules

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Modularization by Dynamic Features

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App Modularization by Dynamic Features application User About Core Styling Shopping dynamic feature Storage Data Domain UI UI resources

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Dynamic Features ● Single repository VCS with multi-module android project ● Modules organized around features functionality (about, users, shopping) ● Complicated to decide if use on demand module true/false ● Limited compatibility with aab ● Slow compile time switching between variants ● Navigation ● Premature Optimization

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Do we need into modular architecture?

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Recommendations ● Focused on Domain Business logic ● Use the tools, libraries, programming languages with your team knows and feel comfortable, even better if your project get benefited ● Prevent over-engineering, "Done is better than perfect" ● Despite your values and disciplines and practices, the health of the organization will be an upper bound on the health of your code. ● Communication patterns, weak concepts, ambiguity, conflicts, conflict avoidance, all that is going to affect your code.

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Further reading

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Further Reading ● ● ● ● ● ● ● micro-service-architecture-5b484b6b-2a9d-4031-a6d9-fccb913cf334 ● ●

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Erik Jhordan Rey GDE Android @ErikJhordan_Rey Thank You!