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Bryan Van de Ven @bigreddot Oct 2018 A Dash of Bokeh

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No JavaScript Bokeh ? Interactive visualization, widgets, and tools For the browser, with or without a server Versatile and high-level graphics Streaming, dynamic, large data What

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No JavaScript No JavaScript Bokeh ? Interactive visualization, widgets, and tools For the browser, with or without a server Versatile and high-level graphics Streaming, dynamic, large data What

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Simple (to write) Apps for Data Science What

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Concentrate on your work Why

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Concentrate on your work Mostly or completely written in Python, little HTML or CSS coding Why

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Concentrate on your work Mostly or completely written in Python, little HTML or CSS coding Simple python scripts, no special classes of frameworks Why

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Concentrate on your work Mostly or completely written in Python, little HTML or CSS coding Simple python scripts, no special classes of frameworks Useful for exploratory analysis or sharing and publishing Why

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Concentrate on your work Mostly or completely written in Python, little HTML or CSS coding Simple python scripts, no special classes of frameworks Useful for exploratory analysis or sharing and publishing Automatically mirrors and synchronizes Python and browser state Why

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Concentrate on your work Mostly or completely written in Python, little HTML or CSS coding Connect the full PyData stack to interactive web apps Simple python scripts, no special classes of frameworks Useful for exploratory analysis or sharing and publishing Automatically mirrors and synchronizes Python and browser state Why

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Users Gonna Use Who

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KeplerGO/lightkurve Who

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KeplerGO/lightkurve Who

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Bokeh Today

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Circa June 2014 Who

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Circa Yesterday 2018 Who

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Makes the Dream Work Damian Luke Bryan Philipp Mateusz Havoc Jean-Luc Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Julia Who

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Makes the Dream Work New faces too: !!! Damian Luke Bryan Philipp Mateusz Havoc Jean-Luc Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Julia Who

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Makes the Dream Work Special Recent Thanks: Karel Van de Plassche, Eugene Pakhomov, Anthony Doucuoliagos. New faces too: !!! Damian Luke Bryan Philipp Mateusz Havoc Jean-Luc Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Julia Who

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Makes the Dream Work Special Recent Thanks: Karel Van de Plassche, Eugene Pakhomov, Anthony Doucuoliagos. New faces too: !!! Damian Luke Bryan Philipp Mateusz Havoc Jean-Luc Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Julia Who

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one point oh !!!

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes !!!

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes Several fixes and improvements to DataTable !!!

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes Several fixes and improvements to DataTable !!! CustomAction for user-defined Toolbar buttons

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes Several fixes and improvements to DataTable Plain JSON export/embed functions !!! CustomAction for user-defined Toolbar buttons

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes Several fixes and improvements to DataTable Plain JSON export/embed functions !!! CustomAction for user-defined Toolbar buttons Callback to allow AjaxDataSource to adapt JSON responses

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes Several fixes and improvements to DataTable Plain JSON export/embed functions Scatter glyph for parameterizable marker type !!! CustomAction for user-defined Toolbar buttons Callback to allow AjaxDataSource to adapt JSON responses

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes Reuse webdrivers for faster PNG/SVG export by default Several fixes and improvements to DataTable Plain JSON export/embed functions Scatter glyph for parameterizable marker type !!! CustomAction for user-defined Toolbar buttons Callback to allow AjaxDataSource to adapt JSON responses

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one point oh Support for MultiPolygons with holes Reuse webdrivers for faster PNG/SVG export by default Several fixes and improvements to DataTable Plain JSON export/embed functions Scatter glyph for parameterizable marker type !!! CustomAction for user-defined Toolbar buttons Callback to allow AjaxDataSource to adapt JSON responses Faster import times

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Basic Principles

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Building Blocks How

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Building Blocks How

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Building Blocks How

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Not just for Python Plays well with R ecosystem: HTMLwidget, RMarkdown…

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Map Visual Properties To Data Columns How Pick what graphical primitives to use, provide the data, and specify how to map visual properties to data fields. Bokeh will take care of the rest.

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Streaming Data Two data source methods: .stream to append data incrementally to column ends .patch for random access updates anywhere How

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Styling How Simple YAML or JSON format Useful for a consistent look across plots Any Bokeh property can be targeted

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Some User Contributed Styles How Caliber Minimal Dark Monokai Dark

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Built-in Layouts How Bokeh offers "rows and columns" layouts

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Built-in Layouts How

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Built-in Layouts How

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Built-in Layouts How Bokeh objects can be responsive

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Built-in Layouts How Bokeh objects can be responsive Some problems and known issues

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Built-in Layouts How Bokeh objects can be responsive Improved, simpler layout system for 1.1 Some problems and known issues

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Custom Templates How Import embed function Load BokehJS resources Embed Bokeh objects Boilerplate script

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Custom Templates How

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Dask UI Uses CSS Grid How

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Custom Extensions Python class interface JavaScript implementation Normal usage How

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Custom Extensions Add capability for… How

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Custom Extensions Add capability for… Wrapping different widgets How

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Custom Extensions Add capability for… Wrapping different widgets Adapting 3D JavaScript libraries How

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Custom Extensions Add capability for… Wrapping different widgets Adapting 3D JavaScript libraries Adding LaTeX labels How

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Custom Extensions Add capability for… Wrapping different widgets Adapting 3D JavaScript libraries Adding LaTeX labels Community doesn’t have to wait! How

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Bokeh Server Applications How Bokeh Server automatically keeps Python and JavaScript in sync

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Bokeh Server Applications How Python callbacks can execute on property changes (and JS will react too)

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Bokeh Server Applications How Document level callbacks can perform server-driven updates

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An Example

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Goal Example of streaming API Connects to PyData tools Custom layout for nice look Demonstrates:

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Goal Example of streaming API Connects to PyData tools Custom layout for nice look Demonstrates:

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The Python Bits

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The Template Bits

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Live Demo

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Final Thoughts

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Resources • GitHub: • Documentation: • Example Apps: • Tutorials: • Mailing List:!forum/bokeh • Gitter Chat: Do

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Call to Action Do

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Call to Action Install Bokeh and provide feedback • BSD license for everything (JS, Python, server) • Do

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Call to Action Install Bokeh and provide feedback • BSD license for everything (JS, Python, server) • Donate to Bokeh via NumFOCUS • Do

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Call to Action Install Bokeh and provide feedback • BSD license for everything (JS, Python, server) • Engage companies for custom work • Code integration, analytical and visualization expertise • Contact us to be put in touch Donate to Bokeh via NumFOCUS • Do

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