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Markov Chain Simulations Basic Monte Carlo Methods Rohit Goswami [email protected] Presented to the Turku Data Science Group June 12, 2020

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Bayes Again • We only care about expectation values i.e. effective integration (|) [()] = ∫ ()(|), where (|) = (|)() ∫ (|)() Aki’s slides for ch11, and Speagle [3] Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 2 13

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Quadratures Definite Integrals mesh points ( ) = 0 < 1 ⋯ < = evaluation points ( ∈ [−1 , ]) lim→∞ [1≤≤ ( − −1 )] = 0 then = lim→∞ ∑ =1 ( )( − −1 ) practically = ∫ () ≈ ∑ =0 ( ) Epperson [1] and Speagle [3] Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 3 13

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Grid Caveats Consistency lim →∞ ∑ =1 ( )(|)Δ ∑ =1 (|)Δ = (|) [()] Convergence lim →∞ ∑ =1 ( )(|)Δ ∑ =1 (|)Δ = Dimensionality For ≥ 2 grid points in each dimension and points ≈ ∏ =1 = Speagle [3] Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 4 13

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Proposal Densities and Monte Carlo • By definition, at the limit of infinite points, the function is continuous Is actually the ideal w.r.t Metropolis-Hastings • Expectations can be estimated with samples from () Monte Carlo approach Grids to Integrals (|) [()] = [()(|)/()] [(|)/()] Epperson [1] and Speagle [3] Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 5 13

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Markov Chains • Discrete random variables, characterized by one-step transition probabilities • Future depends on the the current state (theoretically) Current state contains information for future (stochastic) behaviour • At any given state and instant, the future and past are independent { ≤ |−1 = −1 , ⋯ 1 = 1 } = { ≤ |−1 = −1 } See J. Virtamo’s slides on Queuing theory (S-38.143) Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 6 13

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Markov Chain Monte Carlo • Sample density () ≡ () at over is ∫ ∈ () ≈ ∫ ∈ () ≈ −1 ∑ =1 ifelse[ ∈ , = 1, = 0] • MCMC simulates values of such that () follows () eventually (|) [()] ≈ −1 ∑ =1 • Converges slowly (normally) • Estimates the expectation Positives • Is consistent (almost always) with ∞ samples Speagle [3] Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 7 13

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Gibbs Sampling • Special form of the Metropolis Hastings • Slow if parameters are dependent in the posterior Algorithm • Sample from ( |−1 − , ) −1 − = ( 1 , … , −1 −1 +1 , … , −1 ) Gelman [2] and Aki’s ch11 slides Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 8 13

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Metropolis Hastings • Propose → ′ +1 from (′ 1+ | ) • Compute (+1 | ) = min[1, (+1 |),( |′ +1 ) ( )(′ +1 | ) ] ifelse(+1 ≤ (′ +1 | ) → +1 = ′ +1 → +1 = Positives • Allows for asymmetric jumps • Converges to a unique stationary distribution Assumptions • Ideal proposal distribution is the posterior • Shape assumed to be a Gaussian or a distribution Scale • Smaller scales, high acceptance → slow chain • Larger scales, low acceptance → slow chain Gelman [2] and Speagle [3] and Aki’s ch11 slides Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 9 13

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Visual Convergence Pitfalls • Seemingly stable, but not converged • Common distribution, but not stationary • Assess between sequence and within sequence information for convergence!! Gelman [2] Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 10 13

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Practical Considerations Thinning • Reduce storage load by skipping simulation draws Warm-up • Remove early draws (a.k.a burn-in) • Adapts algorithm parameters in Stan Stopping Criteria ̂ = √ ̂ + ≈ 1 • Tends to one for N → ∞ Gelman [2] and Aki’s ch11 slides Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 11 13

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References I James F Epperson. “An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis”. In: (), p. 615. Andrew Gelman. Bayesian Data Analysis. Third edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2014. 661 pp. isbn: 978-1-4398-4095-5. Joshua S. Speagle. “A Conceptual Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods”. In: (Mar. 7, 2020). arXiv: 1909.12313 [astro-ph, physics:physics, stat]. url: (visited on 06/11/2020). Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 12 13

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End Thank you Rohit Goswami (Presented to the Turku Data Science Group) Markov Chain Simulations June 12, 2020 13 13